| use Mojo::Base -strict; |
| use Test::More; |
| use Mojo::ByteStream 'b'; |
| use Test::Mojo::WithRoles 'Session'; |
| use Mojo::File qw/path tempfile/; |
| use Data::Dumper; |
| |
| ##################### |
| # Start Fake server # |
| ##################### |
| my $mount_point = '/realapi/'; |
| $ENV{KALAMAR_API} = $mount_point; |
| |
| my $t = Test::Mojo::WithRoles->new('Kalamar' => { |
| Kalamar => { |
| plugins => ['Auth'] |
| }, |
| 'Kalamar-Auth' => { |
| client_id => 2, |
| client_secret => 'k414m4r-s3cr3t', |
| oauth2 => 1, |
| experimental_client_registration => 1 |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| # Mount fake backend |
| # Get the fixture path |
| my $fixtures_path = path(Mojo::File->new(__FILE__)->dirname, '..', 'server'); |
| my $fake_backend = $t->app->plugin( |
| Mount => { |
| $mount_point => |
| $fixtures_path->child('mock.pl') |
| } |
| ); |
| # Configure fake backend |
| my $fake_backend_app = $fake_backend->pattern->defaults->{app}; |
| |
| # Set general app logger for simplicity |
| $fake_backend_app->log($t->app->log); |
| |
| my $access_token = $fake_backend_app->get_token('access_token'); |
| my $refresh_token = $fake_backend_app->get_token('refresh_token'); |
| my $access_token_2 = $fake_backend_app->get_token('access_token_2'); |
| my $refresh_token_2 = $fake_backend_app->get_token('refresh_token_2'); |
| |
| # Some routes to modify the session |
| # This expires the session |
| $t->app->routes->get('/x/expire')->to( |
| cb => sub { |
| my $c = shift; |
| $c->session(auth_exp => 0); |
| return $c->render(text => 'okay') |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| # This expires the session and removes the refresh token |
| $t->app->routes->get('/x/expire-no-refresh')->to( |
| cb => sub { |
| my $c = shift; |
| $c->session(auth_exp => 0); |
| delete $c->session->{auth_r}; |
| return $c->render(text => 'okay') |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| # This sets an invalid token |
| $t->app->routes->get('/x/invalid')->to( |
| cb => sub { |
| my $c = shift; |
| $c->session(auth_exp => time + 1000); |
| $c->session(auth_r => $refresh_token_2); |
| $c->session(auth => 'Bearer inv4lid'); |
| return $c->render(text => 'okay') |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| |
| # This sets an invalid token |
| $t->app->routes->get('/x/invalid-no-refresh')->to( |
| cb => sub { |
| my $c = shift; |
| $c->session(auth_exp => time + 1000); |
| delete $c->session->{auth_r}; |
| $c->session(auth => 'Bearer inv4lid'); |
| return $c->render(text => 'okay') |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| # This sets an invalid refresh token |
| $t->app->routes->get('/x/expired-with-wrong-refresh')->to( |
| cb => sub { |
| my $c = shift; |
| $c->session(auth_exp => 0); |
| $c->session(auth => 'Bearer inv4lid'); |
| $c->session(auth_r => 'inv4lid'); |
| return $c->render(text => 'okay') |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| my $q = qr!(?:\"|")!; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/realapi/v1.0') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->content_is('Fake server available'); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=Baum') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_like('h1 span', qr/KorAP: Find .Baum./i) |
| ->text_like('#total-results', qr/\d+$/) |
| ->content_like(qr/${q}authorized${q}:null/) |
| ->element_exists_not('div.button.top a') |
| ->element_exists_not('aside.active') |
| ->element_exists('aside.off') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('form[action=/user/login] input[name=handle_or_email]') |
| ->element_exists('aside') |
| ->element_exists('aside.invisible') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth') |
| ->status_is(401) |
| ->text_is('p.no-results', 'Not authenticated') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/marketplace') |
| ->status_is(401) |
| ->text_is('p.no-results', 'Not authenticated') |
| ; |
| |
| # Test for bug with long password |
| $t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { |
| handle_or_email => 'test', |
| pwd => 'kjskjhndkjndqknaskjnakjdnkjdankajdnkjdsankjdsakjdfkjahzroiuqzriudjoijdmlamdlkmdsalkmdl' }) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/'); |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { handle_or_email => 'test', pwd => 'fail' }) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/'); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-error') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Bad CSRF token') |
| ->element_exists('input[name=handle_or_email][value=test]') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.button.top a') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { handle_or_email => 'test', pwd => 'pass' }) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/'); |
| |
| my $csrf = $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-error') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Bad CSRF token') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.button.top a') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name=csrf_token]')->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { |
| handle_or_email => 'test', |
| pwd => 'ldaperr', |
| csrf_token => $csrf |
| }) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->content_is('') |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/'); |
| |
| $csrf = $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-error') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', '2022: LDAP Authentication failed due to unknown user or password!') |
| ->element_exists('input[name=handle_or_email][value=test]') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.button.top a') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-success') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name=csrf_token]')->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { |
| handle_or_email => 'test', |
| pwd => 'unknown', |
| csrf_token => $csrf |
| }) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->content_is('') |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/'); |
| |
| $csrf = $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-error') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', '2022: LDAP Authentication failed due to unknown user or password!') |
| ->element_exists('input[name=handle_or_email][value=test]') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.button.top a') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name=csrf_token]')->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { |
| handle_or_email => 'test', |
| pwd => 'pass', |
| csrf_token => $csrf |
| }) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->content_is('') |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/'); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error') |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-success') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-success', 'Login successful') |
| ->element_exists_not('aside.off') |
| ->element_exists_not('aside.active') |
| ->element_exists('aside.settings') |
| ; |
| |
| # Now the user is logged in and should be able to |
| # search with authorization |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=Baum') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->session_has('/auth') |
| ->session_is('/auth', 'Bearer ' . $access_token) |
| ->session_is('/auth_r', $refresh_token) |
| ->session_is('/user', 'test') |
| ->text_like('h1 span', qr/KorAP: Find .Baum./i) |
| ->text_like('#total-results', qr/\d+$/) |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error') |
| ->content_like(qr/${q}authorized${q}:${q}yes${q}/) |
| ->element_exists('nav.dropdown') |
| ->element_exists('a.dropdown-item.logout[title~="test"]') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=Paum') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_like('h1 span', qr/KorAP: Find .Paum./i) |
| ->text_is('#total-results', '') |
| ->content_like(qr/${q}authorized${q}:${q}yes${q}/) |
| ->element_exists_not('p.hint') |
| ; |
| |
| # Query with error |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=error') |
| ->status_is(400) |
| ->text_is('#notifications .notify-error','500: Internal Server Error') |
| ; |
| |
| # Logout |
| $t->get_ok('/user/logout') |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->session_hasnt('/auth') |
| ->session_hasnt('/auth_r') |
| ->session_hasnt('/user') |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/'); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error') |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-success') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-success', 'Logout successful') |
| ->element_exists("input[name=handle_or_email]") |
| ->element_exists("input[name=handle_or_email][value=test]") |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=Baum') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_like('h1 span', qr/KorAP: Find .Baum./i) |
| ->text_like('#total-results', qr/\d+$/) |
| ->content_like(qr/${q}authorized${q}:null/) |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=Paum') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_like('h1 span', qr/KorAP: Find .Paum./i) |
| ->text_is('#total-results', '') |
| ->content_like(qr/${q}authorized${q}:null/) |
| ->text_is('p.hint', 'Maybe you need to log in first?') |
| ; |
| |
| |
| # Get redirect |
| my $fwd = $t->get_ok('/?q=Baum&ql=poliqarp') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name=fwd]')->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| is($fwd, '/?q=Baum&ql=poliqarp', 'Redirect is valid'); |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { |
| handle_or_email => 'test', |
| pwd => 'pass', |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| fwd => 'http://bad.example.com/test' |
| }) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/'); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-error') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-success') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Redirect failure') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { |
| handle_or_email => 'test', |
| pwd => 'pass', |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| fwd => $fwd |
| }) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/?q=Baum&ql=poliqarp'); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=Baum&ql=poliqarp') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error') |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-success') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-success', 'Login successful') |
| ->session_has('/auth') |
| ->session_is('/auth', 'Bearer ' . $access_token) |
| ->session_is('/auth_r', $refresh_token) |
| ->header_isnt('X-Kalamar-Cache', 'true') |
| ; |
| |
| # Expire the session |
| # (makes the token be marked as expired - though it isn't serverside) |
| $t->get_ok('/x/expire') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->content_is('okay') |
| ; |
| |
| ## It may be a problem, but the cache is still valid |
| $t->get_ok('/?q=Baum') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_like('h1 span', qr/KorAP: Find .Baum./i) |
| ->text_like('#total-results', qr/\d+$/) |
| ->content_like(qr/${q}authorized${q}:${q}yes${q}/) |
| ->header_is('X-Kalamar-Cache', 'true') |
| ; |
| |
| # Query without partial cache (unfortunately) (but no total results) |
| my $err = $t->get_ok('/?q=baum&cutoff=true') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->session_is('/auth', 'Bearer ' . $access_token_2) |
| ->session_is('/auth_r', $refresh_token_2) |
| ->text_is('title', 'KorAP: Find »baum« with Poliqarp') |
| ->element_exists('meta[name="DC.title"][content="KorAP: Find »baum« with Poliqarp"]') |
| ->element_exists('body[itemscope][itemtype="http://schema.org/SearchResultsPage"]') |
| ->content_like(qr/${q}authorized${q}:${q}yes${q}/) |
| ->header_isnt('X-Kalamar-Cache', 'true') |
| ->content_like(qr!${q}cutOff${q}:true!) |
| ->element_exists_not('#total-results') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#error') |
| ; |
| is(defined $err ? $err->text : '', ''); |
| |
| # Expire the session and remove the refresh option |
| $t->get_ok('/x/expire-no-refresh') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->content_is('okay') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->app->defaults(no_cache => 1); |
| |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/x/invalid-no-refresh') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->content_is('okay') |
| ; |
| |
| # Query without cache |
| # The token is invalid and can't be refreshed! |
| $err = $t->get_ok('/?q=baum&cutoff=true') |
| ->status_is(400) |
| ->session_hasnt('/auth') |
| ->session_hasnt('/auth_r') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error','Access token invalid') |
| ->text_is('title', 'KorAP: Find »baum« with Poliqarp') |
| ->element_exists('meta[name="DC.title"][content="KorAP: Find »baum« with Poliqarp"]') |
| ->element_exists('body[itemscope][itemtype="http://schema.org/SearchResultsPage"]') |
| ->content_unlike(qr/${q}authorized${q}:${q}yes${q}/) |
| ->header_isnt('X-Kalamar-Cache', 'true') |
| ->element_exists('p.no-results') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#error') |
| ; |
| is(defined $err ? $err->text : '', ''); |
| |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/x/invalid') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->content_is('okay') |
| ; |
| |
| # Query without cache |
| # The token is invalid and can't be refreshed! |
| $err = $t->get_ok('/?q=baum&cutoff=true') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->session_is('/auth', 'Bearer ' . $access_token_2) |
| ->session_is('/auth_r', $refresh_token_2) |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error','Access token invalid') |
| ->text_is('title', 'KorAP: Find »baum« with Poliqarp') |
| ->element_exists('meta[name="DC.title"][content="KorAP: Find »baum« with Poliqarp"]') |
| ->element_exists('body[itemscope][itemtype="http://schema.org/SearchResultsPage"]') |
| ->content_like(qr/${q}authorized${q}:${q}yes${q}/) |
| ->header_isnt('X-Kalamar-Cache', 'true') |
| ->element_exists_not('p.no-results') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('#error') |
| ; |
| is(defined $err ? $err->text : '', ''); |
| |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/x/expired-with-wrong-refresh') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->content_is('okay') |
| ; |
| |
| |
| # The token is invalid and can't be refreshed! |
| my $dom = $t->get_ok('/?q=baum&cutoff=true') |
| ->status_is(400) |
| ->session_hasnt('/auth') |
| ->session_hasnt('/auth_r') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error','Refresh token is expired') |
| ->text_is('title', 'KorAP: Find »baum« with Poliqarp') |
| ->content_unlike(qr/${q}authorized${q}:${q}yes${q}/) |
| ->element_exists('p.no-results') |
| ->tx->res->dom; |
| |
| $csrf = $dom->at('input[name="csrf_token"]') |
| ->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| $err = $dom->at('#error'); |
| is(defined $err ? $err->text : '', ''); |
| |
| |
| # This should fail |
| my $wide_char_login = "\x{61}\x{E5}\x{61}"; # "\x{443}\x{434}"; |
| $t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { |
| handle_or_email => $wide_char_login, |
| pwd => 'pass', |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| fwd => $fwd |
| }) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/'); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-error') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Invalid character in request') |
| ->element_exists('input[name=handle_or_email]:not([value])') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.button.top a') |
| ; |
| |
| # Login: |
| # UTF8 request |
| my $username = b('täst')->encode; |
| $t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { |
| handle_or_email => $username, |
| pwd => 'pass', |
| csrf_token => $csrf |
| }) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->content_is('') |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/'); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->content_type_is('text/html;charset=UTF-8') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error') |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-success') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-success', 'Login successful') |
| # Weird error in certain environments otherwise |
| ->attr_like('a.logout', 'title', qr!^Logout: t.+st$!) |
| ->element_exists_not('aside.off') |
| ->element_exists_not('aside.active') |
| ->element_exists('aside.settings') |
| ->text_is('nav.dropdown a:first-child span','API tokens') |
| ; |
| |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth') |
| ->text_is('form.form-table legend', 'Register new client application') |
| ->attr_is('form.oauth-register','action', '/settings/oauth/register') |
| ->text_is('label[for=name]','Name of the client application') |
| ->text_is('label[for=type]','Type of the client application') |
| ->text_is('label[for=desc]','Short description') |
| ->text_like('label[for=url]'=> '/Homepage/') |
| ->element_exists('label[for=url] > span.field-required') |
| ->text_is('label[for=redirect_uri]','Redirect URI') |
| ->text_is('label[for=src]','Declaration of the plugin (*.json file)') |
| ->element_exists('ul.client-list') |
| ->element_exists_not('ul.client-list > li') |
| ->header_is('Cache-Control','max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') |
| ->header_is('Expires','Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT') |
| ->header_is('Pragma','no-cache') |
| ; |
| |
| my $loglines = ''; |
| $t->app->log->on( |
| message => sub { |
| my ($log, $level, @lines) = @_; |
| if ($level eq 'warn') { |
| $loglines = join ',', @lines; |
| }; |
| }); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/marketplace') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('html head title' => 'Marketplace') |
| ->element_exists_not('ul.plugin_list') |
| ->element_exists_not('ul.plugin_in-list') |
| ; |
| |
| is($loglines, '', 'Check log is fine'); |
| |
| $csrf = $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/register' => form => { |
| name => 'MyApp', |
| type => 'PUBLIC', |
| desc => 'This is my plugin application' |
| }) |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Bad CSRF token') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name="csrf_token"]') |
| ->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/register' => form => { |
| name => 'MyApp', |
| type => 'PUBLIC', |
| desc => 'This is my plugin application', |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| src => { |
| filename => '', |
| content => '' |
| } |
| }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-success') |
| ->text_is('legend', 'Client Credentials') |
| ->text_is('label[for=client_id]', 'ID of the client application') |
| ->element_exists('input[name=client_id][readonly][value]') |
| ->element_exists_not('input[name=client_secret][readonly][value]') |
| ->header_is('Cache-Control','max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') |
| ->header_is('Expires','Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT') |
| ->header_is('Pragma','no-cache') |
| ; |
| |
| my $anchor = $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth') |
| ->text_is('.form-table legend', 'Register new client application') |
| ->attr_is('.oauth-register','action', '/settings/oauth/register') |
| ->text_is('ul.client-list > li > span.client-name a', 'MyApp') |
| ->text_is('ul.client-list > li > p.client-desc', 'This is my plugin application') |
| ->header_is('Cache-Control','max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') |
| ->header_is('Expires','Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT') |
| ->header_is('Pragma','no-cache') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('ul.client-list > li > p.client-url a') |
| ; |
| is(defined $anchor ? $anchor->text : '', ''); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('ul.client-list > li.client > span.client-name', 'MyApp') |
| ->text_is('ul.client-list > li.client > p.client-desc', 'This is my plugin application') |
| ->text_is('a.client-unregister', 'Unregister') |
| ->attr_is('a.client-unregister', 'href', '/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==/unregister?name=MyApp') |
| ; |
| |
| $csrf = $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==/unregister?name=MyApp') |
| ->content_like(qr!Do you really want to unregister \<span class="client-name"\>MyApp\<\/span\>?!) |
| ->attr_is('.form-table input[name=client-name]', 'value', 'MyApp') |
| ->header_is('Cache-Control','max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') |
| ->header_is('Expires','Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT') |
| ->header_is('Pragma','no-cache') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name="csrf_token"]') |
| ->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/xxxx==/unregister' => form => { |
| 'client-name' => 'MyApp', |
| 'csrf_token' => $csrf |
| })->status_is(302) |
| ->content_is('') |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/settings/oauth') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth') |
| ->text_is('.form-table legend', 'Register new client application') |
| ->attr_is('.oauth-register','action', '/settings/oauth/register') |
| ->element_exists('ul.client-list > li') |
| ->text_is('div.notify', 'Unknown client with xxxx==.') |
| ->header_is('Cache-Control','max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') |
| ->header_is('Expires','Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT') |
| ->header_is('Pragma','no-cache') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==/unregister' => form => { |
| 'client-name' => 'MyApp', |
| 'csrf_token' => $csrf |
| })->status_is(302) |
| ->content_is('') |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/settings/oauth') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth') |
| ->text_is('.form-table legend', 'Register new client application') |
| ->attr_is('.oauth-register','action', '/settings/oauth/register') |
| ->element_exists_not('ul.client-list > li') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-success', 'Successfully deleted MyApp') |
| ->header_is('Cache-Control','max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') |
| ->header_is('Expires','Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT') |
| ->header_is('Pragma','no-cache') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/register' => form => { |
| name => 'MyApp2', |
| type => 'PUBLIC', |
| desc => 'This is my plugin application', |
| csrf_token => $csrf |
| })->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-success') |
| ->text_is('legend', 'Client Credentials') |
| ->text_is('label[for=client_id]', 'ID of the client application') |
| ->element_exists('input[name=client_id][readonly][value]') |
| ->element_exists_not('input[name=client_secret][readonly][value]') |
| ->header_is('Cache-Control','max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') |
| ->header_is('Expires','Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT') |
| ->header_is('Pragma','no-cache') |
| ->element_exists('.client-issue-token') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==') |
| ->text_is('.client-name', 'MyApp2') |
| ->text_is('.client-desc', 'This is my plugin application') |
| ->text_is('.client-issue-token', 'Issue new token') |
| ->attr_is('.client-issue-token', 'href', '/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==/token?name=MyApp2') |
| ->header_is('Cache-Control','max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') |
| ->header_is('Expires','Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT') |
| ->header_is('Pragma','no-cache') |
| ->text_is('ul.token-list label[for=token]', 'Access Token') |
| ->text_is('p[name=created]', 'Created at ') |
| ->text_is('p[name=expires]', 'Expires in 31533851 seconds.') |
| ->element_exists('.client-issue-token') |
| ; |
| |
| $csrf = $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==/token?name=MyApp2') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->attr_is('#issue-token','action', '/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==/token') |
| ->attr_is('input[name=client-id]', 'value', 'fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==') |
| ->attr_is('input[name=name]', 'value', 'MyApp2') |
| ->header_is('Cache-Control','max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') |
| ->header_is('Expires','Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT') |
| ->header_is('Pragma','no-cache') |
| ->text_is('a.button-abort', 'Abort') |
| ->attr_is('#issue-token input[type=submit]', 'value', 'Issue new token') |
| ->content_like(qr!Issue a new token for!) |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name="csrf_token"]') |
| ->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==/token' => form => { |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| name => 'MyApp2', |
| 'client-id' => 'fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==' |
| }) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('Location','/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('div.notify-success', 'New access token created') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->header_is('Cache-Control','max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') |
| ->header_is('Expires','Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT') |
| ->header_is('Pragma','no-cache') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/307/token' => form => { |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| name => 'MyApp2', |
| }) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('Location','/settings/oauth/307') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('div.notify-success', 'New access token created') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->header_is('Cache-Control','max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') |
| ->header_is('Expires','Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT') |
| ->header_is('Pragma','no-cache') |
| ; |
| |
| |
| $csrf = $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->attr_is('form.token-revoke', 'action', '/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==/token/revoke') |
| ->attr_is('form.token-revoke input[name=token]', 'value', 'jhkhkjhk_hjgjsfz67i') |
| ->attr_is('form.token-revoke input[name=name]', 'value', 'MyApp2') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name="csrf_token"]') |
| ->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==/token/revoke' => form => { |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| name => 'MyApp2', |
| token => 'jhkhkjhk_hjgjsfz67i' |
| }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->attr_is('form#revoke-token','action','/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==/token?_method=DELETE') |
| ->attr_is('form#revoke-token','method','POST') |
| ->attr_is('form#revoke-token input[name=token]','value','jhkhkjhk_hjgjsfz67i') |
| ->text_is('a.button-abort', 'Abort') |
| ->attr_is('#revoke-token input[type=submit]', 'value', 'Revoke') |
| ->content_like(qr!Revoke a token for!) |
| ; |
| |
| |
| # CSRF missing |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==/token?_method=DELETE' => form => { |
| name => 'MyApp2', |
| token => 'jhkhkjhk_hjgjsfz67i' |
| })->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('Location','/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-success') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Bad CSRF token') |
| ; |
| |
| # Token missing |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==/token?_method=DELETE' => form => { |
| name => 'MyApp2', |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| })->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('Location','/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-success') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Some fields are invalid') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==/token?_method=DELETE' => form => { |
| name => 'MyApp2', |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| token => 'jhkhkjhk_hjgjsfz67i' |
| })->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('Location','/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/fCBbQkA2NDA3MzM1Yw==') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-success', 'Token was revoked successfully') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->app->routes->get('/x/redirect-target')->to( |
| cb => sub { |
| my $c = shift; |
| return $c->render(text => 'redirected'); |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| $csrf = $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/register' => form => { |
| name => 'MyConfApp', |
| type => 'CONFIDENTIAL', |
| desc => 'This is my plugin application', |
| }) |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Bad CSRF token') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name="csrf_token"]') |
| ->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/register' => form => { |
| name => 'MyConfApp', |
| type => 'CONFIDENTIAL', |
| desc => 'This is my confidential application', |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| redirect_uri => 'http://localhost/redirect-target' |
| }) |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', undef) |
| ->text_is('li.client span.client-name', 'MyConfApp') |
| ->text_is('li.client p.client-desc', 'This is my confidential application') |
| ->text_is('li.client .client-redirect-uri tt', 'http://localhost/redirect-target') |
| ->text_is('li.client .client-type tt', 'CONFIDENTIAL') |
| ->element_exists_not('.client-issue-token') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/register' => form => { |
| name => 'MyConfApp2', |
| type => 'CONFIDENTIAL', |
| desc => 'This is my second confidential application', |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| redirect_uri => 'http://localhost/FAIL' |
| }) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('location','/settings/oauth/') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'invalid_request: http://localhost/FAIL is invalid.') |
| ; |
| |
| # OAuth client authorization flow |
| $t->get_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/settings/oauth/authorize')) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('location','/settings/oauth') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Client ID required') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/settings/oauth/authorize?client_id=xyz')) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('location','/settings/oauth') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Scope required') |
| ; |
| |
| # OAuth client authorization flow |
| $t->get_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/settings/oauth/authorize?client_id=abc')) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('location','/settings/oauth') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Scope required') |
| ; |
| |
| # OAuth client authorization flow |
| $t->get_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/settings/oauth/authorize?client_id=abc&scope=match')) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('location','/settings/oauth') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Unknown client with abc.') |
| ; |
| |
| # Logout |
| $t->get_ok('/x/expired-with-wrong-refresh'); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/user/logout') |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->session_hasnt('/auth') |
| ->session_hasnt('/auth_r') |
| ->session_hasnt('/user') |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/'); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error') |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-success') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-success', 'Logout successful') |
| ->element_exists("input[name=handle_or_email]") |
| ; |
| |
| # OAuth client authorization flow - but user not logged in |
| $t->get_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/settings/oauth/authorize')) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('location','/') |
| ; |
| |
| $csrf = $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-error') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-success') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Client ID required') |
| ->element_exists("input[name=handle_or_email]") |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name=csrf_token]')->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| $fake_backend_app->add_client({ |
| "client_id" => 'xyz', |
| "client_name" => 'New added client', |
| "client_description" => 'This is a new client', |
| "client_url" => 'http://example.com', |
| "client_type" => 'CONFIDENTIAL' |
| # "client_redirect_uri" => $redirect_uri |
| }); |
| |
| $fake_backend_app->add_client({ |
| "client_id" => 'xyz-public', |
| "client_name" => 'New added public client', |
| "client_description" => 'This is a new public client', |
| "client_url" => 'http://example.com', |
| "client_type" => 'PUBLIC' |
| # "client_redirect_uri" => $redirect_uri |
| }); |
| |
| |
| $fake_backend_app->add_client({ |
| "client_id" => 'xyz2', |
| "client_name" => 'New added client', |
| "client_description" => 'This is a new client', |
| "client_url" => 'http://example.com', |
| "client_type" => 'CONFIDENTIAL', |
| "client_redirect_uri" => 'http://redirect.url/' |
| }); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/xyz2') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('li.client span.client-name','New added client') |
| ->attr_is('li.client p.client-url a','href','http://example.com') |
| ->attr_is('li.client input[name=client_id]','value','xyz2') |
| ->element_exists('li.client p.client-type-confidential') |
| ->text_is('li.client p.client-redirect-uri tt','http://redirect.url/') |
| ; |
| |
| $fwd = $t->get_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/settings/oauth/authorize')->query({ |
| client_id => 'xyz2', |
| scope => 'search match', |
| redirect_uri => 'http://test.com/', |
| })) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('div.notify-warn', 'redirect_uri host differs from registered host') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-success') |
| ->element_exists("input[name=handle_or_email]") |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name=csrf_token]')->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| $fwd = $t->get_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/settings/oauth/authorize')->query({ |
| client_id => 'xyz2', |
| scope => 'search match', |
| redirect_uri => 'http://redirect.url:9000/', |
| })) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('div.notify-warn', 'redirect_uri port differs from registered port') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-success') |
| ->element_exists("input[name=handle_or_email]") |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name=csrf_token]')->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| |
| $fake_backend_app->add_plugin({ |
| "source" => {"key1" => 'wert1', "key2" => 'wert2'}, |
| "client_id" => '52abc', |
| "permitted" => 'true', |
| "client_name" => 'Plugin 1', |
| "client_type" => 'CONFIDENTIAL', |
| "client_description" => 'Description Plugin 1', |
| "client_url" => 'http://example.client.de', |
| "registration_date" => '2022-05-31T14:30:09+02:00[Europe/Berlin]', |
| "registered_by" => 'testuser', |
| "refresh_token_expiry" => '7776000', |
| }); |
| |
| |
| $fwd = $t->get_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/settings/oauth/authorize')->query({ |
| client_id => 'xyz', |
| state => 'abcde', |
| scope => 'search match', |
| redirect_uri => 'http://test.com/', |
| })) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->attr_is('input[name=client_id]','value','xyz') |
| ->attr_is('input[name=state]','value','abcde') |
| ->attr_like('input[name=fwd]','value',qr!test\.com!) |
| ->text_is('span.client-name','New added client') |
| ->text_is('div.intro p:nth-child(2)', 'Please log in!') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name=fwd]')->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| $fwd = $t->post_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/user/login')->query({ |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| client_id => 'xyz', |
| state => 'abcde', |
| scope => 'search match', |
| redirect_uri => 'http://test.com/', |
| handle_or_email => 'test', |
| pwd => 'pass', |
| fwd => $fwd |
| })) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_like('location', qr!/settings/oauth/authorize!) |
| ->tx->res->headers->header('location') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok($fwd) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->attr_is('input[name=client_id]','value','xyz') |
| ->attr_is('input[name=state]','value','abcde') |
| ->attr_like('input[name=redirect_uri]','value', qr!^http://test\.com\/\?crto=.{3,}!) |
| ->text_is('ul#scopes li:nth-child(1)','search') |
| ->text_is('ul#scopes li:nth-child(2)','match') |
| ->text_is('span.client-name','New added client') |
| ->attr_is('a.form-button','href','http://test.com/') |
| ->attr_is('a.embedded-link', 'href', '/doc/korap/kalamar') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-warn') |
| ->element_exists_not('blockquote.warning') |
| ->text_is('h2 + p', ' wants to have access') |
| ; |
| |
| $fwd = $t->get_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/settings/oauth/authorize')->query({ |
| client_id => 'xyz-public', |
| state => 'abcde', |
| scope => 'search match', |
| redirect_uri => 'http://test.com/', |
| })) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->attr_is('input[name=client_id]','value','xyz-public') |
| ->attr_is('input[name=state]','value','abcde') |
| ->attr_like('input[name=redirect_uri]','value', qr!^http://test\.com\/\?crto=.{3,}!) |
| ->text_is('ul#scopes li:nth-child(1)','search') |
| ->text_is('ul#scopes li:nth-child(2)','match') |
| ->text_is('span.client-name','New added public client') |
| ->attr_is('a.form-button','href','http://test.com/') |
| ->attr_is('a.embedded-link', 'href', '/doc/korap/kalamar') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error') |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-warn') |
| ->text_is('blockquote.warning','Warning - this is a public client!') |
| ->text_is('h2 + p', ' wants to have access') |
| ; |
| |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/marketplace') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('html head title' => 'Marketplace') |
| ->element_exists('ul.plugin-list') |
| ->element_exists('ul.plugin-list > li') |
| ->text_is('span.client-name','Plugin 1') |
| ->text_is('p.plugin-desc','Description Plugin 1') |
| ->text_is('p.registration_date', 'Date of registration: 2022-05-31T14:30:09+02:00[Europe/Berlin]') |
| ->text_is('p.registered_by', 'Registered by: testuser') |
| ; |
| |
| |
| |
| $fake_backend_app->add_plugin({ |
| "source" => {"one" => '1', "two" => '2'}, |
| "permitted" => 'false', |
| "client_id" => '53abc', |
| "client_name" => 'Plugin 2', |
| "client_type" => 'CONFIDENTIAL', |
| "client_description" =>'Description Plugin 2' |
| }); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/marketplace') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('ul.plugin-list') |
| ->element_exists('ul.plugin-list > li') |
| ->text_is('span.client-name','Plugin 1') |
| ->text_is('p.plugin-desc','Description Plugin 1') |
| ->element_exists('ul.plugin-list > li + li') |
| ->text_is('ul.plugin-list > li + li >span.client-name','Plugin 2') |
| ->text_is('ul.plugin-list > li + li >p.plugin-desc','Description Plugin 2') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/marketplace/install', form => {'client-id' => '52abc'}) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is(location => '/settings/marketplace') |
| ; |
| $t->ua->max_redirects(1); |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/marketplace/install', form => {'client-id' => '52abc'}) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('ul.plugin-list') |
| ->element_exists('ul.plugin-list > li') |
| ->text_is('ul.plugin-list > li > span.client-name','Plugin 2') |
| ->text_is('ul.plugin-list > li > p.plugin-desc','Description Plugin 2') |
| ->element_exists_not('ul.plugin-list > li + li') |
| ->element_exists('ul.plugin_in-list') |
| ->element_exists('ul.plugin_in-list > li') |
| ->text_is('ul.plugin_in-list > li > span.client-name','Plugin 1') |
| ->text_is('ul.plugin_in-list > li > p.inst_date','Installation date: 2022-12-13T16:33:27.621+01:00[Europe/Berlin]') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->ua->max_redirects(0); |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/marketplace/install', form => {'client-id' => 'unsinn31'}) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is(location => '/settings/marketplace') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->ua->max_redirects(1); |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/marketplace/install', form => {'client-id' => 'unsinn31'}) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Plugin could not be installed') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/marketplace/uninstall', form => {'client-id' => '52abc'}) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('ul.plugin-list') |
| ->element_exists('ul.plugin-list > li') |
| ->text_is('span.client-name','Plugin 1') |
| ->text_is('p.plugin-desc','Description Plugin 1') |
| ->element_exists('ul.plugin-list > li + li') |
| ->text_is('ul.plugin-list > li + li >span.client-name','Plugin 2') |
| ->text_is('ul.plugin-list > li + li >p.plugin-desc','Description Plugin 2') |
| ->element_exists_not('ul.plugin_in-list') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/marketplace/uninstall', form => {'client-id' => 'quatsch12'}) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Plugin could not be uninstalled') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->ua->max_redirects(0); |
| |
| $t->get_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/settings/oauth/authorize')->query({ |
| client_id => 'xyz', |
| state => 'abcde', |
| scope => 'search match', |
| redirect_uri => 'http://test.com/' |
| })) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->attr_is('input[name=client_id]','value','xyz') |
| ->attr_is('input[name=state]','value','abcde') |
| ->text_is('ul#scopes li:nth-child(1)','search') |
| ->text_is('ul#scopes li:nth-child(2)','match') |
| ->text_is('span.client-name','New added client') |
| ->attr_is('a.form-button','href','http://test.com/') |
| ->attr_is('a.embedded-link', 'href', '/doc/korap/kalamar') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/settings/oauth/authorize')->query({ |
| client_id => 'xyz', |
| state => 'abcde', |
| scope => 'search match', |
| redirect_uri => 'http://test.com/' |
| })) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('location', '/settings/oauth?error_description=Bad+CSRF+token') |
| ; |
| |
| |
| my $local_port = $t->get_ok('/')->tx->local_port; |
| my $remote_port = $t->get_ok('/')->tx->remote_port; |
| |
| like($local_port, qr!^\d+$!); |
| like($remote_port, qr!^\d+$!); |
| |
| my $port = $remote_port; |
| |
| my $redirect_url_fakeapi = $t->app->close_redirect_to(Mojo::URL->new('http://localhost:' . $port)->path($fake_backend_app->url_for('return_uri'))->to_abs->to_string); |
| |
| $fwd = $t->post_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/settings/oauth/authorize')->query({ |
| client_id => 'xyz', |
| state => 'abcde', |
| scope => 'search match', |
| redirect_uri_server => 'http://localhost:'.$port, |
| redirect_uri => "$redirect_url_fakeapi", |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| })) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_like('location', qr!^http://localhost:\d+/realapi/fakeclient/return\?code=.+$!) |
| ->tx->res->headers->header('location') |
| ; |
| |
| unless ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { |
| $t->get_ok($fwd) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->content_like(qr'welcome back! \[(.+?)\]') |
| ; |
| }; |
| |
| my $fake_port = $port; |
| |
| while ($fake_port == $remote_port || $fake_port == $local_port) { |
| $fake_port++; |
| }; |
| |
| $redirect_url_fakeapi = $t->app->close_redirect_to(Mojo::URL->new('http://localhost:' . $fake_port)->path($fake_backend_app->url_for('return_uri'))->to_abs->to_string); |
| |
| $fwd = $t->post_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/settings/oauth/authorize')->query({ |
| client_id => 'xyz', |
| state => 'abcde', |
| scope => 'search match', |
| redirect_uri_server => 'http://localhost:'.$port, |
| redirect_uri => "$redirect_url_fakeapi", |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| })) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_unlike('location', qr!^http://localhost:\d+/realapi/fakeclient/return\?error_description=Connection\+refused$!) |
| ->header_like('location', qr!^http://localhost:\d+/realapi/fakeclient/return\?code=.+?$!) |
| ->tx->res->headers->header('location') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/settings/oauth/authorize')->query({ |
| client_id => 'xyz', |
| state => 'abcde', |
| scope => 'search match', |
| redirect_uri_server => 'http://example.com/', |
| redirect_uri => $t->app->close_redirect_to('http://wrong'), |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| })) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('location', '/settings/oauth') |
| ->tx->res->headers->header('location') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Invalid redirect URI') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok(Mojo::URL->new('/settings/oauth/authorize')->query({ |
| client_id => 'xyz', |
| state => 'fail', |
| scope => 'search match', |
| # redirect_uri_server => 'http://example.com/', |
| redirect_uri => $fake_backend_app->url_for('return_uri')->to_abs, |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| })) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('location', '/realapi/fakeclient/return?error_description=FAIL') |
| ; |
| |
| my $json_post = { |
| name => 'Funny', |
| type => 'PUBLIC', |
| desc => 'This is my plugin application 2', |
| url => 'https://xyz/123', |
| csrf_token => $csrf, |
| src => 'hMMM' |
| }; |
| |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/register' => form => $json_post) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-error') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Plugin declarations need to be json files') |
| ; |
| |
| $json_post->{src} = { |
| content => 'jjjjjj', |
| filename => 'fun.txt' |
| }; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/register' => form => $json_post) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-error') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Plugins need to be confidential') |
| ; |
| |
| $json_post->{type} = 'CONFIDENTIAL'; |
| |
| # This somehow gets removed in the last form send ... |
| $json_post->{src} = { |
| content => 'jjjjjj', |
| filename => 'fun.txt' |
| }; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/register' => form => $json_post) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-error') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', 'Plugin declarations need to be json files') |
| ; |
| |
| $json_post->{src} = { |
| content => '{"name":"example"}', |
| filename => 'fun.txt' |
| }; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/settings/oauth/register' => form => $json_post) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error') |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-success') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-success', 'Registration successful') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/settings/oauth/jh0gfjhjbfdsgzjghj==') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('div.notify-error', undef) |
| ->text_is('li.client #client_source', '{"name":"example"}') |
| ->text_is('li.client span.client-name', 'Funny') |
| ->text_is('li.client p.client-desc', 'This is my plugin application 2') |
| ->element_exists_not('li.client .client-redirect-uri tt') |
| ->text_is('li.client .client-type tt', 'CONFIDENTIAL') |
| ; |
| |
| |
| # Retest client with super_client_file |
| my $client_file = tempfile; |
| |
| $client_file->spew( |
| '{"client_id":"2","client_secret":"k414m4r-s3cr3t"}' |
| ); |
| |
| $t = Test::Mojo::WithRoles->new('Kalamar' => { |
| Kalamar => { |
| plugins => ['Auth'] |
| }, |
| 'Kalamar-Auth' => { |
| client_file => $client_file, |
| oauth2 => 1 |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| $t->app->plugin( |
| Mount => { |
| $mount_point => |
| $fixtures_path->child('mock.pl') |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| $csrf = $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists_not('div.button.top a') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name=csrf_token]')->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { |
| handle_or_email => 'test', |
| pwd => 'pass', |
| csrf_token => $csrf |
| }) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/') |
| ->content_is(''); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error') |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-success') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-success', 'Login successful') |
| ->element_exists_not('aside.off') |
| ->element_exists_not('aside.active') |
| ->element_exists('aside.settings') |
| ; |
| |
| $main::ENV{KALAMAR_CLIENT_FILE} = $client_file; |
| |
| $t = Test::Mojo::WithRoles->new('Kalamar' => { |
| Kalamar => { |
| plugins => ['Auth'] |
| }, |
| 'Kalamar-Auth' => { |
| oauth2 => 1, |
| # client_file => $client_file, |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| $t->app->plugin( |
| Mount => { |
| $mount_point => |
| $fixtures_path->child('mock.pl') |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| $csrf = $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists_not('div.button.top a') |
| ->tx->res->dom->at('input[name=csrf_token]')->attr('value') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { |
| handle_or_email => 'test', |
| pwd => 'pass', |
| csrf_token => $csrf |
| }) |
| ->status_is(302) |
| ->header_is('Location' => '/') |
| ->content_is(''); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists_not('div.notify-error') |
| ->element_exists('div.notify-success') |
| ->text_is('div.notify-success', 'Login successful') |
| ->element_exists_not('aside.off') |
| ->element_exists_not('aside.active') |
| ->element_exists('aside.settings') |
| ; |
| |
| |
| done_testing; |
| __END__ |
| |
| |