blob: 4b0b29ee3ae691c3b0fcfa1920dabd0326d2e7a7 [file] [log] [blame]
0.06 2014-09-22
- Updated certain Notifications and AssetPack plugins
- Updated pagination plugin.
0.05 2014-07-15
- Improved tutorial support
- Added Exception mail system
0.04 2014-07-08
- Fixed template view
- Preliminary match view
- Switched to asset pipeline wth sass
- Added syntax highlighting to JSON
- Update to Api 0.1.
0.03 2014-06-20
- Added preliminary autocompletion support (freetime project)
0.02 2014-06-17
- Added morphological tables
0.01 2014-05-31
- Simplifications:
Notifications plugin is at
All other plugins can be found at CPAN