blob: 54174e72b71423b8dd05af70812ae1ed36c37e14 [file] [log] [blame]
% layout 'main', title => 'KorAP: Application Programming Interface';
%= page_title
<p>Internally the communication between KorAP components is done using the KoralQuery protocol.
The specification for KoralQuery is available on <%= ext_link_to 'GitHub', "" %>.
All API endpoints either use KoralQuery or are (more or lest) REST-ful web APIs.</p>
<p>All publicly available API endpoints including their requests and responses are described in the <%= ext_link_to 'GitHub Wiki', "" %> of <%= embedded_link_to 'doc', 'Kustvakt', 'korap', 'kustvakt' %>.</p>
% my $api_url = $c->url_for('proxy' => (apiv => $Kalamar::API_VERSION))->to_abs->scheme('https');
% $api_url->path->trailing_slash(1);
<p>The root service can be found at <code id="api-service-uri"><%= $api_url %></code>.</p>