blob: e9912509fbd1bfc49ddce4219311bbe565568fe7 [file] [log] [blame]
package Kalamar::Plugin::Piwik;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';
sub register {
my ($plugin, $mojo, $param) = @_;
# Load parameter from Config file
if (my $config_param = $mojo->config('Kalamar')) {
if ($config_param->{Piwik}) {
$param = {
# Load Piwik if not yet loaded
unless (exists $mojo->renderer->helpers->{piwik_tag}) {
# Add random string plugin
$mojo->plugin('Util::RandomString' => {
piwik_rand_id => {
alphabet => '0123456789abcdef',
length => 16
# Add opt-out to FAQ
'faq' => {
inline => '<section name="piwik-opt-out">' .
'<h3><%= loc("Piwik_HowToOptOut", "How can I opt-out from Matomo?") %></h3>' .
'<%= piwik_tag "opt-out" %>' .
# Add piwik tag to scripts
$mojo->content_block(scripts => {
inline => '<%= piwik_tag %>'
# Add event handler for korap requests
$mojo->content_block(scripts => {
inline => <<'SCRIPT'
% if (stash('piwik.embed')) {
%= javascript begin
window.addEventListener('korapRequest', function(e) {
_paq.push(['setDocumentTitle', e.detail.title]);
_paq.push(['setReferrerUrl', location.href]);
_paq.push(['setCustomUrl', e.detail.url]);
% end
% }
# If all requests should be pinged,
# establish this hook
if ($param->{ping_requests}) {
after_render => sub {
my $c = shift;
# Only track valid routes
my $route = $c->current_route or return;
# This won't forward personalized information
my $hash = {
action_url => $c->url_for->to_abs,
action_name => $route,
ua => '',
urlref => '',
send_image => 0,
dnt => 0,
uid => $c->random_string('piwik_rand_id')
# Overrid ping site id
if ($param->{ping_site_id}) {
$hash->{idsite} = $param->{ping_site_id}
# Send track
$c->piwik->api_p(Track => $hash)->wait;
# Parameters can be loaded from
# {
# Kalamar => {
# Piwik => {
# ping_requests => 1,
# ping_site_id => 12
# }
# }
# }