blob: a409a402117fc3245349bbc777fcdff4b213cb8e [file] [log] [blame]
% if (param 'q') {
%= search begin
% unless (param 'snippet') {
<div style="clear: both">
<p class="found">
<span class="pagination">
% my $url = url_with->query(['p' => '{page}']);
% my $pages = (stash('search.totalResults') / (stash('search.itemsPerPage') || 1));
% $pages = $pages < 0 ? 0 : $pages;
<div id="pagination">
%= pagination(stash('search.startPage'), $pages, $url)
Found <span id="total-results"><%= commify(stash('search.totalResults')) %> matches</span>
% if (stash '') {
in <%= stash '' %> (<%= stash '' %>)
% }
%= include 'query'
% };
<ol class="left-aligned">
%= search_hits begin
<li data-corpus-id="<%= $_->{corpusID} %>"
data-doc-id="<%= korap_doc_id($_) %>"
data-match-id="<%= korap_match_id($_) %>">
%# ID, title, corpusID, author, pubDate, textClass
<div class="snippet">
<%== $_->{snippet} %>
%# as <%= $_->{ID} %>
%# textClass docID
%# foreach (grep { m!/morpho$! } split(/\s+/, $_->{foundries})) {
%# <%= $_ %>
%# };
<div class="tokenInfo"></div>
<p><strong><%= $_->{title} %></strong><%= $_->{author} ? ' by ' . $_->{author} : '' %>; published on <%= date_format $_->{pubDate} %> as <%= $_->{docID} %> (<%= $_->{corpusID} %>)</p>
<ul class="action right">
<li onmouseup="closeSnippet(this)" title="close"><i class="fa fa-toggle-up"></i></li>
<li onclick="showTable(this)" title="Annotations"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></li>
<li title="Tree Visualizations"><i class="fa fa-sitemap"></i></li>
<li title="Remember"><i class="fa fa-star-o"></i></li>
% end
% end
% } else {
<div id="intro">
<p>This is the alternative KorAP Frontend.</p>
<p>The primary goal is to serve as a testbed for the query serialization and for different flavours of user interfaces.</p>
<p>Search capabilities are limited to the demo user.</p>
% };