blob: 4745860d582e06d56d6219de7d597e0224243f3a [file] [log] [blame]
package Kalamar::Plugin::KalamarHelpers;
use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';
use Mojo::Util qw/deprecated/;
sub register {
my ($plugin, $mojo) = @_;
# Get config
my $conf = $mojo->config('Kalamar');
# Define API_URL
my $api_url = Mojo::URL->new(
$conf->{api_path} // '-'
)->path('v' . ($conf->{api_version} // '-') . '/')->to_string;
# Embed the korap architecture image
korap_overview => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $scope = shift;
my $url = $c->url_with('/img/korap-overview.svg');
my $base = $c->url_for('index');
if ($base->path->parts->[0]) {
# If there is a different base - append this as a base
$url->query([base => $base // '/']);
return $c->tag(
data => $url,
type => 'image/svg+xml',
alt => $c->loc('korap_overview'),
id => 'overview'
# Establish 'search_results' taghelper
# This is based on Mojolicious::Plugin::Search
search_results => sub {
my $c = shift;
# This is a tag helper for templates
my $cb = shift;
if (!ref $cb || !(ref $cb eq 'CODE')) {
$c->app->log->error('search_results expects a code block');
return '';
my $coll = $c->stash('results');
# Iterate over results
my $string = $coll->map(
sub {
# Call hit callback
# $c->stash('search.hit' => $_);
local $_ = $_[0];
return $cb->($_);
# Remove hit from stash
# delete $c->stash->{'search.hit'};
return b($string);
# Get the KorAP API endpoint
'korap.api' => sub {
my $c = shift;
# May clone a Mojo::URL object instead
return $api_url unless @_;
my $apiv = shift;
if (!$apiv || $apiv eq $conf->{api_version}) {
return $api_url;
# Return newly created API URL
return Mojo::URL->new($conf->{api_path})->path('v' . $apiv . '/')->to_string;
# Get a cached request from the backend as a promise
cached_koral_p => sub {
my ($c, $method, $url) = @_;
# In case the user is not known, it is assumed,
# the user is not logged in
# Make this more general
my $user = $c->user_handle;
# Set api request for debugging
my $cache_str = "$method-$user-" . $url->to_string;
$c->stash(api_request => $url->to_string);
# No cache request
if ($c->stash('no_cache')) {
return $c->korap_request($method => $url)->then(
sub {
my $tx = shift;
# Catch errors and warnings
return ($c->catch_errors_and_warnings($tx) ||
# Get koral from cache
my $koral = $c->chi->get($cache_str);
my $promise;
# emit_hook(after_koral_fetch => $c)
# Cache was found
if ($koral) {
# Mark response as cache
$c->res->headers->add('X-Kalamar-Cache' => 'true');
# The promise is already satisfied by the cache
return Mojo::Promise->new->resolve($koral)->then(
sub {
my $json = shift;
$c->stash(api_response => $json);
return $json;
# Resolve request
# Before: user->auth_request_p
return $c->korap_request($method => $url)->then(
sub {
my $tx = shift;
return ($c->catch_errors_and_warnings($tx) ||
# Cache on success
sub {
my $json = shift;
$c->app->log->debug("Receiving promised results");
$c->chi->set($cache_str => $json);
return $json;