blob: 4339f4e1967421f8af8ab06924faa461a5b150c1 [file] [log] [blame]
use Mojo::Base -strict;
use Test::More;
use Test::Mojo;
use Mojo::File qw/path/;
# Test the documentation
my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Kalamar');
my $app = $t->app;
is($app->under_construction, '<p>Under Construction!</p>');
is($app->embedded_link_to('doc', 'privacy', 'privacy'), '<a class="embedded-link" href="/doc/privacy">privacy</a>');
is($app->embedded_link_to('doc', 'privacy', 'korap', 'privacy'), '<a class="embedded-link" href="/doc/korap/privacy">privacy</a>');
my $c = $app->build_controller;
is($c->page_title, '<h2 id="page-top">Example</h2>');
$t->get_ok('/' => { 'X-Forwarded-Host' => ''})
->attr_is('meta[property="og:url"]', 'content', '//')
# Test csp
->header_like('Content-Security-Policy', qr!default-src 'self';!)
->header_like('Content-Security-Policy', qr!media-src 'none';!)
->header_like('Content-Security-Policy', qr!object-src 'self';!)
->header_like('Content-Security-Policy', qr!nonce-!)
->content_like(qr/<script nonce/)
# Test additions
$t = Test::Mojo->new('Kalamar' => {
'Localize' => {
dict => {
en_howToCite => 'Citation Help',
de_howToCite => 'Zitierhilfe',
en_recentCorpusPub => 'Recent publications to refer to DeReKo as linguistic research data',
de_recentCorpusPub => 'Neuere Publikationen zu DeReKo als linguistische Forschungsdatengrundlage',
en_recentToolPub => 'Recent publications to refer to KorAP as a tool for research',
de_recentToolPub => 'Neuere Publikationen zu KorAP als Forschungswerkzeug',
'TagHelpers-ContentBlock' => {
footer => [
inline => '<%= link_to loc("howToCite") => url_for(doc => { page => "faq" })->fragment("howToCite") %>',
position => 75
faq => [
position => 50,
inline => <<'HOWTOCITE'
<h3 id="howToCite"><%= loc 'howToCite' %></h3>
%= include 'custom/partial/citation'
push @{$t->app->renderer->paths}, path(path(__FILE__)->dirname);
->text_is('footer a:nth-child(1)', 'Citation Help')
->attr_like('footer a:nth-child(1)', 'href', qr'/doc/+faq#howToCite');
->text_is('#howToCite', 'Citation Help')
->text_is('section > section h4', 'Recent publications to refer to DeReKo as linguistic research data')