| use Mojo::Base -strict; |
| use Test::More; |
| use Test::Mojo; |
| |
| # Test the documentation |
| |
| my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Kalamar' => { |
| Kalamar => { |
| proxy_prefix => '/test' |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| # Bug 2021-06-11 |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/ql/wildcards?cat=1') |
| ->status_is(404) # ! Should be 404! |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/ql/') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('title','KorAP: Query Languages') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/ql') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('title','KorAP: Query Languages') |
| ; |
| |
| # Embedding |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_like('title', qr/poliqarp/i) |
| ->element_exists('aside.active') |
| ->element_exists_not('aside.settings') |
| ->element_exists('main.tutorial') |
| ->element_exists('header') |
| ->element_exists('aside nav') |
| ->text_is('h1 span', 'KorAP: Poliqarp+') |
| ->element_exists('li.folded.active') |
| ->text_is('li.folded.active a', 'Poliqarp+'); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus?embedded=true') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_like('title', qr/poliqarp/i) |
| ->element_exists('aside.active') |
| ->element_exists('main.tutorial') |
| ->element_exists_not('header') |
| ->element_exists('li.folded.active') |
| ->text_is('li.folded.active a', 'Poliqarp+'); |
| |
| # Languages |
| $t->get_ok('/' => { 'Accept-Language' => 'de-DE, en-US, en' }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is("title", "KorAP - Korpusanalyseplattform der nächsten Generation"); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/' => { 'Accept-Language' => 'en-US, en, de-DE' }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is("title", "KorAP - Corpus Analysis Platform"); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/ql/' => { 'Accept-Language' => 'de-DE, en-US, en' }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('title','KorAP: Anfragesprachen') |
| ->text_is('#examples > h3','Beispielanfragen') |
| ; |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/ql' => { 'Accept-Language' => 'de-DE, en-US, en' }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('title','KorAP: Anfragesprachen') |
| ; |
| |
| # Pages |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus' => { 'Accept-Language' => 'en-US, en, de-DE' }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is("title", "KorAP: Poliqarp+") |
| ->text_is('main section > h3', 'Simple Segments'); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus' => { 'Accept-Language' => 'de-DE, en-US, en' }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is("title", "KorAP: Poliqarp+") |
| ->text_is('main section > h3', 'Einfache Segmente'); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/ql/annis' => { 'Accept-Language' => 'en-US, en, de-DE' }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is("title", "KorAP: Annis QL"); |
| |
| # Check corpus examples |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('#segments pre.query.tutorial:nth-of-type(1) code', 'Baum'); |
| |
| # Check data |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/data/annotation' => { 'Accept-Language' => 'en-US, en, de-DE' }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('#page-top', 'KorAP: Annotations'); |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/data/annotation' => { 'Accept-Language' => 'de-DE, en-US, en' }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('#page-top', 'KorAP: Annotationen'); |
| |
| my $app = $t->app; |
| |
| $app->plugin( |
| 'Localize' => { |
| dict => { |
| Q => { |
| newexample => { |
| poliqarp => { |
| simple => '** Beispiel' |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| # Set other example query |
| $app->config('Kalamar')->{examplecorpus} = 'newexample'; |
| |
| is($app->loc('Q_poliqarp_simple'), '** Beispiel'); |
| |
| # Check corpus examples |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('#segments pre.query.tutorial:nth-of-type(1) code', 'Beispiel') |
| ->text_is('#segments pre.query.tutorial:nth-of-type(1) span', '*'); |
| |
| # Check API endpoint |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/api' => { 'X-Forwarded-Host' => 'korap.ids-mannheim.de' }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is('#api-service-uri', 'https://korap.ids-mannheim.de/test/api/v1.0/'); |
| |
| # Set openapi path |
| $app->config('Kalamar')->{openapi} = '/api/v1.0/openapi/'; |
| |
| # Check openapi endpoint |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/api' => { 'X-Forwarded-Host' => 'korap.ids-mannheim.de' }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->element_exists('#openapi > a[href="https://korap.ids-mannheim.de/api/v1.0/openapi/"]'); |
| |
| # Languages of dev pages |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/development/kalamar') |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is("title", "KorAP: Kalamar") |
| ->content_like(qr!Main developer!); |
| |
| $t->get_ok('/doc/development/kalamar' => { 'Accept-Language' => 'de-DE, en-US, en' }) |
| ->status_is(200) |
| ->text_is("title", "KorAP: Kalamar") |
| ->content_like(qr!Hauptentwickler!); |
| |
| |
| # Check mail_to_chiffre |
| like($t->app->mail_to_chiffre('korap@korap.example'),qr!rel="nofollow"!); |
| like($t->app->mail_to_chiffre('korap@korap.example'),qr!class="PArok"!); |
| |
| done_testing(); |