blob: 74d8201564268adb01c5e5372bcdd2f5bc35d2a3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Based on Mojolicious::Plugin::Number::Commify
my $THOUSAND_SEP_RE = qr/(
^[-+]? # beginning of number.
\d+? # first digits before first comma
(?= # followed by, (but not included in the match) :
(?>(?:\d{3})+) # some positive multiple of three digits.
(?!\d) # an *exact* multiple, not x * 3 + 1 or whatever.
)| # or:
\G\d{3} # after the last group, get three digits
(?=\d) # but they have to have more digits after them.
Kalamar => {
'api-0.1' => ''
Notifications => {
Alertify => {
base_timeout => 10_000
JSON => 1
Search => {
engine => 'Kalamar::API',
api => ''
CHI => {
default => {
driver => 'FastMmap',
root_dir => app->home . '/cache/data',
cache_size => '12m'
hypnotoad => {
listen => ['http://*:6666', 'http://*:5555'],
workers => 5,
inactivity_timeout => 120,
proxy => 1
'TagHelpers-Pagination' => {
prev => '<span><span>&lt;</span></span>',
next => '<span><span>&lt;</span></span>',
ellipsis => '<a class="ellipsis"><span><span>...</span></span></a>',
separator => '',
current => '<span>{current}</span>',
page => '<span>{page}</span>'
Localize => {
dict => {
_ => sub { $_->locale },
de => {
numf => sub {
my %val = @_;
my $num = $val{number} or return 0;
$num =~ s/$THOUSAND_SEP_RE/$1\./g;
return $num;
about => 'Über KorAP',
login => 'Anmelden',
searchtitle => 'KorAP: Finde "<%= $q %>" (<%= $ql %>)',
searchplaceholder => 'Finde ...',
go => 'Los!',
in => 'in',
by => 'von',
with => 'mit',
glimpse => 'Stichprobe',
faq => 'Häufige Fragen',
tutorial => 'Einführung',
pubOn => 'veröffentlicht am',
matchCount => 'Treffer',
noMatches => 'Es wurden keine Treffer für <code><%= stash("q") %></code> gefunden.',
jsFile => 'kalamar-<%= $Kalamar::VERSION %>-en.js',
korap => {
-short => 'KorAP',
desc => 'KorAP - Korpusanalyseplattform der nächsten Generation',
overview => 'KorAP - Übersicht',
template => {
intro => 'de/intro'
-en => {
numf => sub {
my %val = @_;
my $num = $val{number} or return 0;
$num =~ s/$THOUSAND_SEP_RE/$1\,/g;
return $num;
about => 'About KorAP',
login => 'Login',
go => 'Go!',
searchtitle => 'KorAP: Find "<%= $q %>" (<%= $ql %>)',
searchplaceholder => 'Find ...',
in => 'in',
by => 'by',
with => 'with',
pubOn => 'published on',
matchCount => '<%= num($found, "match", "matches") %>',
noMatches => 'There were no matches for <code><%= stash("q") %></code>.',
glimpse => 'Sample',
faq => 'F.A.Q.',
tutorial => 'Tutorial',
jsFile => 'kalamar-<%= $Kalamar::VERSION %>-en.js',
korap => {
-short => 'KorAP',
desc => 'KorAP - Corpus Analysis Platform',
overview => 'KorAP - Overview'
MailException => {
from => join('@', 'korap', ''),
to => join('@', 'korap', ''),
subject => '[KorAP] Testbed crashed'
# Doesn't make much sense when published, but who cares ...
'TagHelpers-MailToChiffre' => {
method_name => 'PArok',
pattern_rotate => 673