blob: aff9d8aeae338a70d3c792f20be7c4156b191435 [file] [log] [blame]
package Kalamar::Controller::Proxy;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
# Pass proxy command to API
sub pass {
my $c = shift;
my $apiv = $c->stash('apiv');
my $path = $c->stash('path') // '';
# Get the original request
my $req = $c->req;
# Clone and clean request headers
my $headers = $req->headers->clone->dehop;
# Set Proxy information
$headers->header('X-Proxy' => 'Kalamar');
# Set clean X-Forwarded-For header
'X-Forwarded-For' => $c->client_ip
# Get parameters of the request
my $params = $req->query_params->clone;
# Get API request for proxying
my $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api($apiv))->path($path)->query($params);
# Resend headers
my $tx = $c->kalamar_ua->build_tx(
$req->method => $url => $headers->to_hash => $req->body
# Pipe through system (which means
# an authorization header may be set)
before_korap_request => ($c, $tx)
body => sub {
my $headers = $c->res->headers;
$headers->header('X-Proxy' => 'Kalamar');
# Workaround for a proxy problem when
# another proxy, e.g. Apache, manages multiple
# connections
$c->app->plugins->emit_hook(after_render => $c);