| # Based on Mojolicious::Plugin::Number::Commify |
| my $THOUSAND_SEP_RE = qr/( |
| ^[-+]? # beginning of number. |
| \d+? # first digits before first comma |
| (?= # followed by, (but not included in the match) : |
| (?>(?:\d{3})+) # some positive multiple of three digits. |
| (?!\d) # an *exact* multiple, not x * 3 + 1 or whatever. |
| )| # or: |
| \G\d{3} # after the last group, get three digits |
| (?=\d) # but they have to have more digits after them. |
| )/x; |
| |
| { |
| _ => sub { $_->locale }, |
| de => { |
| numf => sub { |
| shift; |
| my %val = @_; |
| my $num = $val{number} or return 0; |
| $num =~ s/$THOUSAND_SEP_RE/$1\./g; |
| return $num; |
| }, |
| numo => sub { |
| shift; |
| my %val = @_; |
| my $day = $val{day} or return ''; |
| return $day . '.'; |
| }, |
| about => 'Über KorAP', |
| login => 'Anmelden', |
| logout => 'Abmelden', |
| register => 'Registrieren', |
| pwdforgotten => 'Password vergessen?', |
| # TODO: use document.write() refering to vc.getName()! |
| searchjob => '»<%== $q %>« <% if (param("collection")) { %>im definierten Korpus <% } %>mit <%== loc("QL_" . $ql, "unbekannter Anfragesprache") %>', |
| searchtitle => '<%= loc("en_korap_label") %>: Finde <%== loc("searchjob") %>', |
| searchplaceholder => 'Finde ...', |
| go => 'Los!', |
| news => 'Neuigkeiten', |
| in => 'in', |
| by => 'von', |
| page => { |
| -sg => 'S.', |
| pl => 'S.' |
| }, |
| pwd => 'Passwort', |
| email => 'Email', |
| username => 'Benutzername', |
| upload => 'Hochladen', |
| userormail => 'Benutzername oder Email', |
| with => 'mit', |
| glimpse => { |
| desc => 'Zeige nur die ersten Treffer in beliebiger Reihenfolge' |
| }, |
| activateJS => 'Für den vollen Funktionsumfang aktivieren Sie bitte JavaScript!', |
| faq => 'FAQ', |
| tutorial => 'Hilfe und Dokumentation', |
| notAvailInCorpus => 'Im vorliegenden Korpus nicht verfügbar', |
| pubOn => 'veröffentlicht am', |
| matchCount => 'Treffer', |
| noMatches => 'Es wurden keine Treffer für <%== loc("searchjob") %> gefunden.', |
| notFound => '404 - Seite nicht gefunden', |
| notIssued => 'Die Aktion konnte nicht durchgeführt werden.', |
| backendNotAvailable => 'Das Backend ist nicht verfügbar unter <code><%= app->korap->api =></code>!', |
| jsFile => 'kalamar-<%= $Kalamar::VERSION %>-de.js', |
| underConstruction => 'In Vorbereitung!', |
| korap => { |
| -short => 'KorAP', |
| desc => '<%= loc "en_korap_label" %> - Korpusanalyseplattform der nächsten Generation', |
| overview => '<%= loc "en_korap_label" %> - Übersicht', |
| keywords => 'KorAP, DeReKo, Korpussuche, IDS Mannheim, Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache', |
| }, |
| privacy => 'Datenschutz', |
| imprint => 'Impressum', |
| settings => 'Einstellungen', |
| 'oclock' => 'Uhr', |
| maintenanceWork => { |
| time => 'Wartungsfenster', |
| desc => 'Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten wird es zu Unterbrechungen des Dienstes kommen.', |
| }, |
| Template => { |
| intro => 'de/intro', |
| doc => { |
| ql => { |
| '.' => 'de/doc/ql', |
| 'poliqarp-plus' => 'de/doc/ql/poliqarp-plus', |
| 'cosmas-2' => 'de/doc/ql/cosmas-2', |
| 'regexp' => 'de/doc/ql/regexp', |
| 'fcsql' => 'de/doc/ql/fcsql', |
| 'cql' => 'de/doc/ql/cql', |
| 'annis' => 'de/doc/ql/annis' |
| }, |
| api => { |
| 'koralquery' => 'de/doc/api/koralquery' |
| }, |
| data => { |
| 'annotation' => 'de/doc/data/annotation' |
| }, |
| development => { |
| 'kalamar' => 'de/doc/development/kalamar', |
| 'karang' => 'de/doc/development/karang', |
| 'koral' => 'de/doc/development/koral', |
| 'krill' => 'de/doc/development/krill', |
| 'kustvakt' => 'de/doc/development/kustvakt' |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| Nav => { |
| 'ql' => 'Anfragesprachen', |
| '#queryterms' => 'Suchbegriffe', |
| '#logical-operators' => 'Logische Operatoren', |
| '#distance-operators' => 'Abstandsoperatoren', |
| '#annotation-operators' => 'Annotationsoperatoren', |
| '#combination-operators'=> 'Kombinationsoperatoren', |
| '#area-operators' => 'Textbereich-Operatoren', |
| '#segments' => 'Einfache Segmente', |
| '#complex' => 'Komplexe Segmente', |
| '#spans' => 'Span-Segmente', |
| '#paradigmatic-operators' => 'Paradigmatische Operatoren', |
| '#syntagmatic-operators' => 'Syntagmatische Operatoren', |
| '#class-operators' => 'Klassen-Operatoren', |
| 'regexp' => 'Reguläre Ausdrücke', |
| 'data' => 'Korpusdaten', |
| 'corpus' => 'Korpora', |
| 'annotation' => 'Annotationen', |
| '#default-foundries' => 'Standard Foundries', |
| 'development' => 'Entwicklung', |
| 'faq' => 'FAQ', |
| }, |
| QL => { |
| cqp => 'CQP (neu)' |
| } |
| }, |
| -en => { |
| jsFile => 'kalamar-<%= $Kalamar::VERSION %>-en.js', |
| numf => sub { |
| shift; |
| my %val = @_; |
| my $num = $val{number} or return 0; |
| $num =~ s/$THOUSAND_SEP_RE/$1\,/g; |
| return $num; |
| }, |
| numo => sub { |
| shift; |
| my %val = @_; |
| my $day = $val{day} or return ''; |
| if ($day > 3) { |
| return $day . 'th'; |
| } elsif ($day == 3) { |
| return '3rd'; |
| } elsif ($day == 2) { |
| return '2nd'; |
| }; |
| return '1st'; |
| }, |
| about => 'About KorAP', |
| login => 'Login', |
| logout => 'Logout', |
| register => 'Register', |
| pwdforgotten => 'Password forgotten?', |
| go => 'Go!', |
| news => 'News', |
| # TODO: use document.write() refering to vc.getName()! |
| searchjob => '»<%== $q %>« <% if (param("collection")) { %>in the defined corpus <% } %>with <%== loc("QL_". $ql, "unknown query language") %>', |
| searchtitle => '<%= loc("korap_label") %>: Find <%== loc("searchjob") %>', |
| searchplaceholder => 'Find ...', |
| in => 'in', |
| by => 'by', |
| page => { |
| -sg => 'p.', |
| pl => 'pp.', |
| }, |
| pwd => 'Password', |
| email => 'Email', |
| username => 'Username', |
| upload => 'Upload', |
| userormail => 'Username or Email', |
| with => 'with', |
| notAvailInCorpus => 'Not available in the current corpus', |
| pubOn => 'published on', |
| matchCount => '<%= quant($found, "match", "matches") %>', |
| noMatches => 'There were no matches found for <%== loc("searchjob") %>.', |
| notFound => '404 - Page not found', |
| notIssued => 'Unable to perform the action.', |
| backendNotAvailable => 'The backend is not available at <code><%= app->korap->api %></code>!', |
| glimpse => { |
| -short => 'Glimpse', |
| desc => 'Just show the first matches in arbitrary order' |
| }, |
| activateJS => 'To make use of all features, please activate JavaScript!', |
| faq => 'FAQ', |
| 'oclock' => 'o\'clock', |
| underConstruction => 'Under Construction!', |
| tutorial => 'Help and Documentation', |
| korap => { |
| -short => 'KorAP', |
| label => '<%= loc "korap_short" %><% if (loc("title_addon")) { %>-<%= loc("title_addon") %><% } %>', |
| desc => '<%= loc "korap_label" %> - Corpus Analysis Platform', |
| overview => '<%= loc "korap_label" %> - Overview', |
| region => 'DE-BW', |
| placename => 'Mannheim', |
| keywords => 'KorAP, DeReKo, Corpus Query Platform, IDS Mannheim, Leibniz Institute for the German Language' |
| }, |
| QL => { |
| poliqarp => 'Poliqarp', |
| cosmas2 => 'Cosmas II', |
| annis => 'Annis QL', |
| cqp => 'CQP (new)', |
| cql => 'CQL v1.2', |
| fcsql => 'FCSQL' |
| }, |
| privacy => 'Privacy', |
| imprint => 'Imprint', |
| settings => 'Settings', |
| maintenanceWork => { |
| time => 'Maintenance', |
| desc => 'Due to maintenance work the service will be interrupted.', |
| }, |
| Template => { |
| intro => 'intro', |
| doc => { |
| ql => { |
| '.' => 'doc/ql', |
| 'poliqarp-plus' => 'doc/ql/poliqarp-plus', |
| 'cosmas-2' => 'doc/ql/cosmas-2', |
| 'regexp' => 'doc/ql/regexp', |
| 'fcsql' => 'doc/ql/fcsql', |
| 'cql' => 'doc/ql/cql', |
| 'annis' => 'doc/ql/annis' |
| }, |
| api => { |
| 'koralquery' => 'doc/api/koralquery' |
| }, |
| data => { |
| 'annotation' => 'doc/data/annotation' |
| }, |
| development => { |
| 'kalamar' => 'doc/development/kalamar', |
| 'karang' => 'doc/development/karang', |
| 'koral' => 'doc/development/koral', |
| 'krill' => 'doc/development/krill', |
| 'kustvakt' => 'doc/development/kustvakt' |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| Nav => { |
| 'ql' => 'Query Languages', |
| '#queryterms' => 'Query Terms', |
| '#logical-operators' => 'Logical Operators', |
| '#distance-operators' => 'Distance Operators', |
| '#annotation-operators' => 'Annotation Operators', |
| '#combination-operators'=> 'Combination Operators', |
| '#area-operators' => 'Area Operators', |
| '#segments' => 'Simple Segments', |
| '#complex' => 'Complex Segments', |
| '#spans' => 'Span Segments', |
| '#paradigmatic-operators' => 'Paradigmatic Operators', |
| '#syntagmatic-operators' => 'Syntagmatic Operators', |
| '#class-operators' => 'Class Operators', |
| 'regexp' => 'Regular Expressions', |
| 'data' => 'Corpus Data', |
| 'corpus' => 'Corpora', |
| 'annotation' => 'Annotations', |
| '#default-foundries' => 'Default Foundries', |
| 'development' => 'Development', |
| 'faq' => 'FAQ' |
| } |
| }, |
| Piwik => { |
| en => { |
| 'HowToOptOut' => 'How to opt-out from Piwik/Matomo tracking?' |
| }, |
| de => { |
| 'HowToOptOut' => 'Wie kann ich die Weitergabe meiner Daten per Matomo/Piwik unterbinden?' |
| } |
| } |
| }; |