blob: f99e4106fb5fa8861f8d6b7efc134c4f58685bcd [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
%= include 'partial/header'
% my $location;
% my $search_route;
% unless (current_route 'tutorial') {
<div id="tutorial">
%# my $tut_page = url_for(session('tutorial') || 'tutorial');
%# <a href="<%= $tut_page %>"
%# target="_blank"><i title="Open in new tab"
%# class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i></a>
%# <a href=""
%# target="_blank"><i title="Open in new tab"
%# class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i></a>
%= javascript begin
document.write('<a href="' + getTutorialPage().replace(/\?embedded=1/, '') + '" ');
document.write('target="_blank"><i title="Open in new tab" ');
document.write('class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i></a>');
% end
<i onclick="closeTutorial()"
class="fa fa-toggle-up"></i>
<iframe src="about:blank"></iframe>
%# data-src="<%= $tut_page->query([embedded => 1]) %>"></iframe>
% if (current_route eq 'match') {
% $search_route = url_for('search_corpus');
% $location = 'in corpus <span class="location">' . stash('corpus_id') . '</span>';
% }
% else {
% $search_route = url_for;
% if (stash('doc_id')) {
% $location = ' in document <span class="location">' . stash('corpus_id') . '/' . stash('doc_id') . '</span>';
% }
% elsif (stash('corpus_id')) {
% $location = ' in corpus <span class="location">' . stash('corpus_id') . '</span>';
% }
% elsif (stash('collection_id')) {
% $location = ' in collection <span class="location">' . stash('collection_id') . '</span>';
% };
% }
% }
% else {
% $search_route = url_for('index');
% };
<div id="top">
<a href="<%= url_for 'index' %>"><h1><span>KorAP- Korpusanalyseplattform der nächsten Generation</span></h1></a>
%= form_for $search_route, autocomplete => 'off', begin
<div id="searchbar">
%= search_field 'q', id => 'q-field', autofocus => 'autofocus', placeholder => 'Find ...'
<button type="submit"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></button>
% if (stash('test_port')) {
<button type="submit" name="action" value="inspect"><i class="fa fa-code"></i></button>
% };
<% if ($location) { %><%== $location %><% } %>
<div class="select">
%= select_field ql => [[Poliqarp => 'poliqarp'], ['Cosmas II' => 'cosmas2'], ['CQL v1.2' => 'cql']], id => 'ql-field'
%# ['Annis' => 'annis']
<div id="button-right">
% unless (param('q')) { param(cutoff => 1) };
%= check_box cutoff => 1, id => 'q-cutoff-field'
<label for="q-cutoff-field"><span></span>Quick</label>
% unless (current_route 'tutorial') {
<button type="button" title="Tutorial" onclick="openTutorial()"><i class="fa fa-graduation-cap"></i></button>
% };
% if (param('q')) {
<button type="button" title="Alignment" onclick="$('#search > ol').toggleClass('left-aligned right-aligned'); $(this).children('i').toggleClass('fa-align-right fa-align-left')"><i class="fa fa-align-right"></i></button>
% }
% end
%= content 'sidebar' => begin
<div id="sidebar">
%= include 'collections'
<i class="fa fa-bars"></i>
% end
%= content main => begin
<p>This is the alternative KorAP Frontend.</p>
<p>The primary goal is to serve as a testbed for the query serialization and for different flavours of user interfaces.</p>
<p>Search capabilities are limited to the demo user.</p>
<p>Currently the frontend only supports recent versions of Mozilla Firefox.</p>
% end
%= content 'javascript'
%= include 'partial/javascript'
%= notifications 'Alertify', -no_include