blob: d904fb75484322838c9b21a0ee78a86489a74bfd [file] [log] [blame]
use Mojo::Base -strict;
use lib '../lib', 'lib';
use Test::More;
use Test::Mojo;
use Data::Dumper;
$ENV{MOJO_MODE} = 'test';
my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Kalamar');
->element_exists('form[action=/user/login] input[name=handle_or_email]');
$t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { handle_or_email => 'test', pwd => 'fail' })
->header_is('Location' => '/');
$t->post_ok('/user/login' => form => { handle_or_email => 'test', pwd => 'pass' })
->header_is('Location' => '/');
->text_is('div.notify-success', 'Login successful!')
ok(!$c->user->get('details'), 'User not logged in');
# Login with user credentials
ok($c->user->login('kustvakt', 'kustvakt2015'), 'Login with demo user');
is($c->stash('user'), 'kustvakt', 'Kustvakt is logged in');
like($c->stash('auth'), qr/^api_token /, 'Kustvakt is logged in');
my $details = $c->user->get('details');
is($details->{email}, '', 'Email');
is($details->{firstName}, 'Kustvakt', 'Firstname');
is($details->{lastName}, 'KorAP', 'Lastname');
is($details->{country}, 'Germany', 'Country');
is($details->{address}, 'Mannheim', 'Address');
is($details->{username}, 'kustvakt', 'Username');
is($details->{institution}, 'IDS Mannheim', 'Institution');
my $settings = $c->user->get('settings');
is($settings->{username}, 'kustvakt', 'Username');
# ok($c->user->set(details => { firstName => 'Me' }), 'Set first name');
#ok($c->user->set(details => {
# firstName => 'Akron',
# lastName => 'Fuxfell'
#}), 'Set first name');
# diag Dumper $c->user->get('info');