blob: 9d8e0484a0dfd16427e0d986b5d6b1348de8dbcf [file] [log] [blame]
% content main => begin
%# Store the id of an active section in the session, so the system is able to directly scroll to the relevant section
%# This should be stored when clicking on a specific query
%# but the remembered section contains the id - not the query
<%= korap_tut_link_to 'Poliqarp+-Tutorial', '/tutorial/poliqarp-plus' %>
<%= korap_tut_link_to 'Foundry Overview', '/tutorial/foundries' %>
<%= korap_tut_link_to 'Regular Expressions', '/tutorial/regular-expressions' %>
<%= korap_tut_link_to 'Wildcards', '/tutorial/wildcards' %>
<p>Links to Blog, FAQ, About, Contact ...</p>
<li>Introduction to KorAP</li>
<li>How to use Poliqarp+ QL?</li>
<li>How to use Cosmas-II QL?</li>
<li>How to use CQL?</li>
<section id="tut-intro">
<h3>Frontend Features</h3>
<p>This frontend differs to the <%= link_to 'official frontend', '', target => '_blank' %> by providing a serialization view, an integrated tutorial, a comparison view for morphological annotations, and an autocompletion for closed annotations (type in <%= korap_tut_link_to 'foundry prefixes', '/tutorial/foundries' %> like <code>cnx/</code>).</p>
<section id="tut-examples">
<h3>Example Queries</h3>
%# <p>This is a Tutorial to KorAP. For examples click on the queries below:</p>
<p><strong>Poliqarp</strong>: Find all occurrences of the lemma &quot;baum&quot; as annotated by the <%= korap_tut_link_to 'default foundry', '/tutorial/foundries' %>.</p>
%= korap_tut_query poliqarp => '[base=Baum]'
<p><strong>Poliqarp</strong>: Find all sequences of adjectives as annotated by Treetagger, that are repeated 3 to 5 times in a row.</p>
%= korap_tut_query poliqarp => '[tt/p=ADJA]{3,5}'
<p><strong>Cosmas-II</strong>: Find all occurrences of the words &quot;der&quot; and &quot;Baum&quot;, in case they are in a maximum distance of 5 tokens. The order is not relevant.</p>
%= korap_tut_query cosmas2 => 'der /w5 Baum'
<p><strong>Poliqarp+</strong>: Find all nominal phrases as annotated using Connexor, that contain an adverb as annotated by OpenNLP, that is annotated as something starting with an &quot;A&quot; in Treetagger.</p>
%= korap_tut_query poliqarp => 'contains(<cnx/c=np>,{[opennlp/p=ADV & tt/p="A.*"]})', cutoff => 1
<p><strong>Poliqarp+</strong>: Find all sentences as annotated by the base foundry that start with a sequence of one token in present tense as annotated by Connexor and the lemma &quot;die&quot; annotated by the <%= korap_tut_link_to 'default foundry', '/tutorial/foundries' %>. Highlight both terms of the sequence.</p>
%= korap_tut_query poliqarp => 'startswith(<s>, {1:[cnx/m=PRES]}{2:[base=die]})', cutoff => 1
<p><strong>Poliqarp+</strong>: Find all sequences of an article, followed by three to four adjectives and a noun as annotated by the Treetagger foundry, that finish a sentence. Highlight all parts of the sequence.</p>
%= korap_tut_query poliqarp => 'focus(3:endswith(<s>,{3:[tt/p=ART]{1:{2:[tt/p=ADJA]{3,4}}[tt/p=NN]}}))', cutoff => 1
<p><strong>Annis</strong>: Find all occurrences of the sequence of two tokens annotated as adverbs by the <%= korap_tut_link_to 'default foundry', '/tutorial/foundries' %>.</p>
%= korap_tut_query annis => 'pos="ADV" & pos="ADV" & #1 . #2'
<p><strong>CQL</strong>: Find all occurrences of the sequence &quot;der alte Mann&quot;.</p>
%= korap_tut_query cql => '"der alte Mann"'
% end