blob: db9728db36d0094945eac26b7abb09fae8b857f2 [file] [log] [blame]
package Kalamar::Plugin::Auth;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';
use File::Basename 'dirname';
use File::Spec::Functions qw/catdir/;
use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
use Mojo::Util 'deprecated';
# This is a plugin to deal with the Kustvakt OAuth server.
# It establishes both the JWT as well as the OAuth password
# flow for login.
# All tokens are stored in the session. Access tokens are short-lived,
# which limits the effects of misuse.
# Refresh tokens are bound to client id and client secret,
# which again limits the effects of misuse.
# Establish a plugin 'OAuth' that works independent of 'Auth'.
# CSRF-protect logout!
# Remove the Bearer prefix from auth.
# In case no expiration time is returned by the server,
# take this time.
# Register the plugin
sub register {
my ($plugin, $app, $param) = @_;
# Load parameter from config file
if (my $config_param = $app->config('Kalamar-Auth')) {
$param = { %$param, %$config_param };
# Load 'notifications' plugin
unless (exists $app->renderer->helpers->{notify}) {
$app->plugin(Notifications => {
HTML => 1
# Get the client id and the client_secret as a requirement
unless ($param->{client_id} && $param->{client_secret}) {
$app->log->error('client_id or client_secret not defined');
# Load localize
$app->plugin('Localize' => {
dict => {
de => {
abort => 'Abbrechen'
-en => {
abort => 'Abort'
Auth => {
_ => sub { $_->locale },
de => {
loginSuccess => 'Anmeldung erfolgreich',
loginFail => 'Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen',
logoutSuccess => 'Abmeldung erfolgreich',
logoutFail => 'Abmeldung fehlgeschlagen',
authenticationFail => 'Nicht authentifiziert',
csrfFail => 'Fehlerhafter CSRF Token',
openRedirectFail => 'Weiterleitungsfehler',
tokenExpired => 'Zugriffstoken abgelaufen',
tokenInvalid => 'Zugriffstoken ungültig',
refreshFail => 'Fehlerhafter Refresh-Token',
responseError => 'Unbekannter Autorisierungsfehler',
revokeFail => 'Der Token kann nicht widerrufen werden',
revokeSuccess => 'Der Token wurde erfolgreich widerrufen',
paramError => 'Einige Eingaben sind fehlerhaft',
redirectUri => 'Weiterleitungs-Adresse',
homepage => 'Webseite',
desc => 'Kurzbeschreibung',
revoke => 'Widerrufen',
clientCredentials => 'Client Daten',
clientType => 'Art der Client-Applikation',
clientName => 'Name der Client-Applikation',
clientID => 'ID der Client-Applikation',
clientSecret => 'Client-Secret',
clientRegister => 'Neue Client-Applikation registrieren',
registerSuccess => 'Registrierung erfolgreich',
registerFail => 'Registrierung fehlgeschlagen',
oauthSettings => 'OAuth',
oauthUnregister => {
-long => 'Möchten sie <span class="client-name"><%= $client_name %></span> wirklich löschen?',
short => 'Löschen'
loginHint => 'Möglicherweise müssen sie sich zunächst einloggen.',
oauthIssueToken => {
-long => 'Stelle einen neuen Token für <span class="client-name"><%= $client_name %></span> aus',
short => 'Neuen Token ausstellen'
accessToken => 'Access Token',
oauthRevokeToken => {
-long => 'Widerrufe einen Token für <span class="client-name"><%= $client_name %></span>',
short => 'Widerrufe'
createdAt => 'Erstellt am <time datetime="<%= stash("date") %>"><%= stash("date") %></date>.',
expiresIn => 'Läuft in <%= stash("seconds") %> Sekunden ab.'
-en => {
loginSuccess => 'Login successful',
loginFail => 'Access denied',
logoutSuccess => 'Logout successful',
logoutFail => 'Logout failed',
authenticationFail => 'Not authenticated',
csrfFail => 'Bad CSRF token',
openRedirectFail => 'Redirect failure',
tokenExpired => 'Access token expired',
tokenInvalid => 'Access token invalid',
refreshFail => 'Bad refresh token',
responseError => 'Unknown authorization error',
revokeFail => 'Token can\'t be revoked',
revokeSuccess => 'Token was revoked successfully',
paramError => 'Some fields are invalid',
redirectUri => 'Redirect URI',
homepage => 'Homepage',
desc => 'Short description',
revoke => 'Revoke',
clientCredentials => 'Client Credentials',
clientType => 'Type of the client application',
clientName => 'Name of the client application',
clientID => 'ID of the client application',
clientSecret => 'Client secret',
clientRegister => 'Register new client application',
registerSuccess => 'Registration successful',
registerFail => 'Registration denied',
oauthSettings => 'OAuth',
oauthUnregister => {
-long => 'Do you really want to unregister <span class="client-name"><%= $client_name %></span>?',
short => 'Unregister'
loginHint => 'Maybe you need to log in first?',
oauthIssueToken => {
-long => 'Issue a new token for <span class="client-name"><%= $client_name %></span>',
short => 'Issue new token'
accessToken => 'Access Token',
oauthRevokeToken => {
-long => 'Revoke a token for <span class="client-name"><%= $client_name %></span>',
short => 'Revoke'
createdAt => 'Created at <time datetime="<%= stash("date") %>"><%= stash("date") %></date>.',
expiresIn => 'Expires in <%= stash("seconds") %> seconds.'
# Add login frame to sidebar
sidebar => {
template => 'partial/auth/login'
# Add logout button to header button list
headerButtonGroup => {
template => 'partial/auth/logout'
# Add hook after search
after_search => sub {
my $c = shift;
# User is not logged in
if ($c->stash('results')->size == 0 && !$c->auth->token) {
'after_search_results' =>
inline => '<p class="hint"><%= loc "Auth_loginHint" %></p>'
# The plugin path
my $path = catdir(dirname(__FILE__), 'Auth');
# Append "templates"
push @{$app->renderer->paths}, catdir($path, 'templates');
# Get or set the user token necessary for authorization
'auth.token' => sub {
my ($c, $token, $expires_in) = @_;
if ($token) {
# Set auth token
$c->stash(auth => $token);
$c->session(auth => $token);
$c->session(auth_exp => time + $expires_in);
return 1;
# Get token from stash
$token = $c->stash('auth');
return $token if $token;
# Get auth from session
$token = $c->session('auth') or return;
$c->stash(auth => $token);
# Return stashed value
return $token;
# Log in to the system
my $r = $app->routes;
if ($param->{oauth2}) {
my $client_id = $param->{client_id};
my $client_secret = $param->{client_secret};
# Sets a requested token and returns
# an error, if it didn't work
'auth.set_tokens_p' => sub {
my ($c, $json) = @_;
my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new;
# No json object
unless ($json) {
return $promise->reject({
message => 'Response is no valid JSON object (remote)'
# There is an error here
# Dealing with errors here
if ($json->{error} && ref $json->{error} ne 'ARRAY') {
return $promise->reject(
message => $json->{error} . ($json->{error_description} ? ': ' . $json->{error_description} : '')
# There is an array of errors
elsif (my $error = $json->{errors} // $json->{error}) {
if (ref $error eq 'ARRAY') {
my @errors = ();
foreach (@{$error}) {
if ($_->[1]) {
push @errors, { code => $_->[0], message => $_->[1]}
return $promise->reject(@errors);
return $promise->reject({message => $error});
# Everything is fine
my $access_token = $json->{access_token};
my $token_type = $json->{token_type};
my $refresh_token = $json->{refresh_token};
my $expires_in = $json->{"expires_in"} // $EXPECTED_EXPIRATION_IN;
my $auth = $token_type . ' ' . $access_token;
# my $scope = $json->{scope};
# Set session info
$c->session(auth => $auth);
# Expiration of the token minus tolerance
$c->session(auth_exp => time + $expires_in - 60);
# Set session info for refresh token
# This can be stored in the session, as it is useless
# unless the client secret is stolen
$c->session(auth_r => $refresh_token) if $refresh_token;
# Set stash info
$c->stash(auth => $auth);
return $promise->resolve;
# Refresh tokens and return a promise
'auth.refresh_p' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $refresh_token = shift;
# Get OAuth access token
state $r_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/token');
$c->app->log->debug("Refresh at $r_url");
return $c->kalamar_ua->post_p($r_url, {} => form => {
grant_type => 'refresh_token',
client_id => $client_id,
client_secret => $client_secret,
refresh_token => $refresh_token
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $json = $tx->result->json;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
$c->app->log->info("Refresh was successful");
# Set the tokens and return a promise
return $c->auth->set_tokens_p($json);
# There is a client error - refresh fails
if ($tx->res->is_client_error && $json) {
$c->stash(auth => undef);
$c->stash(auth_exp => undef);
delete $c->session->{user};
delete $c->session->{auth};
delete $c->session->{auth_r};
delete $c->session->{auth_exp};
# Response is 400
return Mojo::Promise->reject(
$json->{error_description} // $c->loc('Auth_refreshFail')
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_responseError'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
# Get a list of registered clients
'auth.client_list_p' => sub {
my $c = shift;
# Get list of registered clients
state $r_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/client/list');
# Get the list of all clients
return $c->korap_request(post => $r_url, {} => form => {
super_client_id => $client_id,
super_client_secret => $client_secret,
authorized_only => 'no'
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $json = $tx->result->json;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
return Mojo::Promise->resolve($json);
# Failure
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_responseError'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject($json // 'No response');
# Get a list of registered clients
'auth.token_list_p' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $user_client_id = shift;
# Revoke the token
state $r_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/token/list');
my $form = {
super_client_id => $client_id,
super_client_secret => $client_secret,
token_type => 'access_token',
if ($user_client_id) {
$form->{client_id} = $user_client_id;
# Get the list of all clients
return $c->korap_request(post => $r_url, {} => form => $form)->then(
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $json = $tx->result->json;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
return Mojo::Promise->resolve($json);
# Failure
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_responseError'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject($json // 'No response');
# Issue a korap request with "oauth"orization
# This will override the core request helper
korap_request => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $method = shift;
my $path = shift;
my @param = @_;
# Check if $tx is not leaked!
# Get plugin user agent
my $ua = $c->kalamar_ua;
my $url = Mojo::URL->new($path);
my $tx = $ua->build_tx(uc($method), $url->clone, @param);
# Set X-Forwarded for
'X-Forwarded-For' => $c->client_ip
# Emit Hook to alter request
before_korap_request => ($c, $tx)
my $h = $tx->req->headers;
# If the request already has an Authorization
# header, respect it!
if ($h->authorization) {
return $ua->start_p($tx);
# Get auth token
if (my $auth_token = $c->auth->token) {
# The token is already expired!
my $exp = $c->session('auth_exp');
if (defined $exp && $exp < time) {
# Remove auth ...
$c->stash(auth => undef);
# And get refresh token from session
if (my $refresh_token = $c->session('auth_r')) {
$c->app->log->debug("Refresh is required");
# Refresh
return $c->auth->refresh_p($refresh_token)->then(
sub {
$c->app->log->debug("Search with refreshed tokens");
# Tokens were set - now send the request the first time!
return $ua->start_p($tx);
# The token is expired and no refresh token is
# available - issue an unauthorized request!
else {
$c->stash(auth => undef);
$c->stash(auth_exp => undef);
delete $c->session->{user};
delete $c->session->{auth};
delete $c->session->{auth_r};
delete $c->session->{auth_exp};
# Warn on Error!
$c->notify(warn => $c->loc('Auth_tokenExpired'));
return $ua->start_p($tx);
# Auth token is fine
else {
# Set auth
# No token set
else {
# Return unauthorized request
return $ua->start_p($tx);
# Issue an authorized request and automatically
# refresh the token on expiration!
return $ua->start_p($tx)->then(
sub {
my $tx = shift;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
return Mojo::Promise->resolve($tx);
# There is a client error - maybe refresh!
elsif ($tx->res->is_client_error) {
# Check the error
my $json = $tx->res->json('/errors/0/1');
if ($json && ($json =~ /expired|invalid/)) {
$c->stash(auth => undef);
$c->stash(auth_exp => undef);
delete $c->session->{user};
delete $c->session->{auth};
# And get refresh token from session
if (my $refresh_token = $c->session('auth_r')) {
# Refresh
return $c->auth->refresh_p($refresh_token)->then(
sub {
$c->app->log->debug("Search with refreshed tokens");
my $tx = $ua->build_tx(uc($method), $url->clone, @param);
# Set X-Forwarded for
'X-Forwarded-For' => $c->client_ip
# Tokens were set - now send the request the first time!
return $ua->start_p($tx);
# Reject the invalid token
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_tokenInvalid'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
return Mojo::Promise->resolve($tx);
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_responseError'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
# Password flow for OAuth
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
# Validate input
my $v = $c->validation;
$v->required('handle', 'trim');
$v->required('pwd', 'trim');
my $user = $v->param('handle');
my $fwd = $v->param('fwd');
# Set flash for redirect
$c->flash(handle => $user);
if ($v->has_error || index($user, ':') >= 0) {
if ($v->has_error('fwd')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_openRedirectFail'));
elsif ($v->has_error('csrf_token')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_csrfFail'));
else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_loginFail'));
return $c->relative_redirect_to($fwd // 'index');
my $pwd = $v->param('pwd');
$c->app->log->debug("Login from user $user");
# <specific>
# Get OAuth access token
my $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/token');
# Korap request for login
$c->korap_request('post', $url, {}, form => {
grant_type => 'password',
username => $user,
password => $pwd,
client_id => $client_id,
client_secret => $client_secret
sub {
# Set the tokens and return a promise
return $c->auth->set_tokens_p(shift->result->json)
sub {
# Set user info
$c->session(user => $user);
$c->stash(user => $user);
# Notify on success
$c->app->log->debug(qq!Login successful: "$user"!);
$c->notify(success => $c->loc('Auth_loginSuccess'));
sub {
# Notify the user on login failure
unless (@_) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_loginFail'));
# There are known errors
foreach (@_) {
if (ref $_ eq 'HASH') {
my $err = ($_->{code} ? $_->{code} . ': ' : '') .
$c->notify(error => $err);
# Log failure
else {
$c->notify(error => $_);
$c->app->log->debug(qq!Login fail: "$user"!);
sub {
# Redirect to slash
return $c->relative_redirect_to($fwd // 'index');
# Start IOLoop
return 1;
# Log out of the session
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
# TODO: csrf-protection!
my $refresh_token = $c->session('auth_r');
# Revoke the token
state $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/revoke');
$c->kalamar_ua->post_p($url => {} => form => {
client_id => $client_id,
client_secret => $client_secret,
token => $refresh_token,
token_type => 'refresh_token'
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $json = $tx->result->json;
my $promise;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
$c->app->log->info("Revocation was successful");
$c->notify(success => $c->loc('Auth_logoutSuccess'));
$c->stash(auth => undef);
$c->stash(auth_exp => undef);
$c->flash(handle => delete $c->session->{user});
delete $c->session->{auth};
delete $c->session->{auth_r};
delete $c->session->{auth_exp};
return Mojo::Promise->resolve;
# Token may be invalid
$c->notify('error', $c->loc('Auth_logoutFail'));
# There is a client error - refresh fails
if ($tx->res->is_client_error && $json) {
return Mojo::Promise->reject(
# Resource may not be found (404)
return Mojo::Promise->reject
sub {
my $err = shift;
# Server may be irresponsible
$c->notify('error', $c->loc('Auth_logoutFail'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject($err);
sub {
return $c->redirect_to('index');
# If "experimental_registration" is set, open
# OAuth registration dialogues.
if ($param->{experimental_client_registration}) {
# Add settings
$app->navi->add(settings => (
$app->loc('Auth_oauthSettings'), 'oauth'
# Route to oauth settings
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
unless ($c->auth->token) {
return $c->render(
template => 'exception',
msg => $c->loc('Auth_authenticationFail'),
status => 401
# Wait for async result
sub {
$c->stash('client_list' => shift);
sub {
sub {
return $c->render(template => 'auth/clients')
# Route to oauth client registration
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $v = $c->validation;
unless ($c->auth->token) {
return $c->render(
content => 'Unauthorized',
status => 401
$v->required('name', 'trim')->size(3, 255);
$v->required('type')->in('PUBLIC', 'CONFIDENTIAL');
$v->required('desc', 'trim')->size(3, 255);
$v->optional('url', 'trim')->like(qr/^(http|$)/i);
$v->optional('redirect_uri', 'trim')->like(qr/^(http|$)/i);
# Render with error
if ($v->has_error) {
if ($v->has_error('csrf_token')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_csrfFail'));
else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_paramError'));
# return $c->redirect_to('oauth-settings');
return $c->render(template => 'auth/clients');
# Wait for async result
# Register on server
state $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/client/register');
$c->korap_request('POST', $url => {} => json => {
name => $v->param('name'),
type => $v->param('type'),
description => $v->param('desc'),
url => $v->param('url'),
redirect_uri => $v->param('redirect_uri')
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $result = $tx->result;
if ($result->is_error) {
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
my $json = $result->json;
my $client_id = $json->{client_id};
my $client_secret = $json->{client_secret};
$c->stash('client_name' => $v->param('name'));
$c->stash('client_desc' => $v->param('desc'));
$c->stash('client_type' => $v->param('type'));
$c->stash('client_url' => $v->param('url'));
$c->stash('client_redirect_uri' => $v->param('redirect_uri'));
$c->stash('client_id' => $client_id);
if ($client_secret) {
$c->stash('client_secret' => $client_secret);
$c->notify(success => $c->loc('Auth_en_registerSuccess'));
return $c->render(template => 'auth/client');
sub {
# Server may be irresponsible
my $err = shift;
$c->notify('error' => $c->loc('Auth_en_registerFail'));
return Mojo::Promise->reject($err);
sub {
return $c->redirect_to('settings' => { scope => 'oauth' });
# Unregister client page
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->render(template => 'auth/unregister');
# Unregister client
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $v = $c->validation;
unless ($c->auth->token) {
return $c->render(
content => 'Unauthorized',
status => 401
$v->required('client-name', 'trim')->size(3, 255);
# Render with error
if ($v->has_error) {
if ($v->has_error('csrf_token')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_csrfFail'));
else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_paramError'));
return $c->redirect_to('oauth-settings');
my $client_id = $c->stash('client_id');
my $client_name = $v->param('client-name');
my $client_secret = $v->param('client-secret');
# Get list of registered clients
my $r_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/client/deregister/')->path(
my $send = {};
if ($client_secret) {
$send->{client_secret} = $client_secret;
# Get the list of all clients
return $c->korap_request(delete => $r_url, {} => form => $send)->then(
sub {
my $tx = shift;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
# Okay
$c->notify(success => 'Successfully deleted ' . $client_name);
else {
# Failure
my $json = $tx->result->json;
if ($json && $json->{error_description}) {
$c->notify(error => $json->{error_description});
} else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_responseError'));
return $c->redirect_to('oauth-settings');
# Show information of a client
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
sub {
my $json = shift;
my ($item) = grep {
$c->stash('client_id') eq $_->{client_id}
} @$json;
unless ($item) {
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
$c->stash(client_name => $item->{client_name});
$c->stash(client_desc => $item->{client_description});
$c->stash(client_url => $item->{client_url});
$c->stash(client_type => 'PUBLIC');
sub {
my $json = shift;
$c->stash(tokens => $json);
return Mojo::Promise->resolve;
sub {
return $c->reply->not_found;
sub {
return $c->render(template => 'auth/client')
# Ask if new token should be issued
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->render(template => 'auth/issue-token');
# Ask if a token should be revoked
cb => sub {
shift->render(template => 'auth/revoke-token');
# Issue new token
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $v = $c->validation;
unless ($c->auth->token) {
return $c->render(
content => 'Unauthorized',
status => 401
$v->required('name', 'trim');
# Render with error
if ($v->has_error) {
if ($v->has_error('csrf_token')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_csrfFail'));
else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_paramError'));
return $c->redirect_to('oauth-settings')
# Get authorization token
state $r_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/authorize');
my $client_id = $c->stash('client_id');
my $name = $v->param('name');
my $redirect_url = $c->url_for->query({name => $name});
return $c->korap_request(post => $r_url, {} => form => {
response_type => 'code',
client_id => $client_id,
redirect_uri => $redirect_url,
# TODO: State
sub {
my $tx = shift;
# Strip the token from the location header of the fake redirect
# TODO: Alternatively redirect!
my ($code, $scope, $loc, $name);
foreach (@{$tx->redirects}) {
$loc = $_->res->headers->header('Location');
if (index($loc, 'code') > 0) {
my $q = Mojo::URL->new($loc)->query;
$code = $q->param('code');
$scope = $q->param('scope');
$name = $q->param('name');
# Fine!
if ($code) {
return Mojo::Promise->resolve(
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
sub {
my ($client_id, $redirect_url, $code, $scope, $name) = @_;
# Get OAuth access token
state $r_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/token');
return $c->kalamar_ua->post_p($r_url, {} => form => {
client_id => $client_id,
grant_type => 'authorization_code',
code => $code,
redirect_uri => $redirect_url
sub {
my $tx = shift;
my $json = $tx->res->json;
if ($tx->res->is_error) {
$c->notify(error => 'Unable to fetch new token');
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
$c->notify(success => 'New access token created');
$c->redirect_to('oauth-tokens' => { client_id => $client_id })
sub {
my $err_msg = shift;
# Only raised in case of connection errors
if ($err_msg) {
$c->notify(error => { src => 'Backend' } => $err_msg)
status => 400,
template => 'failure'
# Start IOLoop
sub {
my $err_msg = shift;
# Only raised in case of connection errors
if ($err_msg) {
$c->notify(error => { src => 'Backend' } => $err_msg)
return $c->render(
status => 400,
template => 'failure'
# Start IOLoop
return 1;
# Revoke token
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $v = $c->validation;
unless ($c->auth->token) {
return $c->render(
content => 'Unauthorized',
status => 401
$v->required('token', 'trim');
$v->optional('name', 'trim');
my $private_client_id = $c->stash('client_id');
# Render with error
if ($v->has_error) {
if ($v->has_error('csrf_token')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_csrfFail'));
else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_paramError'));
return $c->redirect_to('oauth-tokens', client_id => $private_client_id);
# Revoke token using super client privileges
state $r_url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('oauth2/revoke/super');
my $token = $v->param('token');
return $c->korap_request(post => $r_url, {} => form => {
super_client_id => $client_id,
super_client_secret => $client_secret,
token => $token
sub {
my $tx = shift;
# Response is fine
if ($tx->res->is_success) {
$c->notify(success => $c->loc('Auth_revokeSuccess'));
return Mojo::Promise->resolve;
return Mojo::Promise->reject;
sub {
my $err_msg = shift;
if ($err_msg) {
$c->notify(error => { src => 'Backend' } => $err_msg );
else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_revokeFail'));
sub {
return $c->redirect_to('oauth-tokens', client_id => $private_client_id);
# Start IOLoop
# Use JWT login
else {
deprecated 'JWT flow is deprecated in favor of OAuth2 flow';
# Inject authorization to all korap requests
before_korap_request => sub {
my ($c, $tx) = @_;
my $h = $tx->req->headers;
# If the request already has an Authorization
# header, respect it
unless ($h->authorization) {
# Get valid auth token and set as header
if (my $auth_token = $c->auth->token) {
# Password flow with JWT
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
# Validate input
my $v = $c->validation;
$v->required('handle', 'trim');
$v->required('pwd', 'trim');
my $user = $v->param('handle');
my $fwd = $v->param('fwd');
# Set flash for redirect
$c->flash(handle => $user);
if ($v->has_error || index($user, ':') >= 0) {
if ($v->has_error('fwd')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_openRedirectFail'));
elsif ($v->has_error('csrf_token')) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_csrfFail'));
else {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_loginFail'));
return $c->relative_redirect_to($fwd // 'index');
my $pwd = $v->param('pwd');
$c->app->log->debug("Login from user $user");
my $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('auth/apiToken');
# Korap request for login
$c->korap_request('get', $url, {
# Set authorization header
Authorization => 'Basic ' . b("$user:$pwd")->b64_encode->trim,
sub {
my $tx = shift;
# Get the java token
my $jwt = $tx->result->json;
# No java web token
unless ($jwt) {
$c->notify(error => 'Response is no valid JWT (remote)');
# There is an error here
# Dealing with errors here
if (my $error = $jwt->{error} // $jwt->{errors}) {
if (ref $error eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach (@$error) {
unless ($_->[1]) {
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_loginFail'));
else {
$c->notify(error => $_->[0] . ($_->[1] ? ': ' . $_->[1] : ''));
else {
$c->notify(error => 'There is an unknown JWT error');
# TODO: Deal with user return values.
my $auth = $jwt->{token_type} . ' ' . $jwt->{token};
$c->app->log->debug(qq!Login successful: "$user"!);
$user = $jwt->{username} ? $jwt->{username} : $user;
# Set session info
$c->session(user => $user);
$c->session(auth => $auth);
# Set stash info
$c->stash(user => $user);
$c->stash(auth => $auth);
$c->notify(success => $c->loc('Auth_loginSuccess'));
sub {
my $e = shift;
# Notify the user
error =>
($e->{code} ? $e->{code} . ': ' : '') .
$e->{message} . ' for Login (remote)'
# Log failure
($e->{code} ? $e->{code} . ' - ' : '') .
$c->app->log->debug(qq!Login fail: "$user"!);
$c->notify(error => $c->loc('Auth_loginFail'));
sub {
# Redirect to slash
return $c->relative_redirect_to($fwd // 'index');
# Start IOLoop
return 1;
# Log out of the session
cb => sub {
my $c = shift;
# TODO: csrf-protection!
# Log out of the system
my $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api)->path('auth/logout');
'get', $url
# Logged out
sub {
my $tx = shift;
# Clear cache
# ?? Necesseary
# $c->chi('user')->remove($c->auth->token);
# Revoke refresh token!
# based on auth token!
# my $refresh_token = $c->chi('user')->get('refr_' . $c->auth->token);
# $c->auth->revoke_token($refresh_token)
# Expire session
$c->session(user => undef);
$c->session(auth => undef);
$c->notify(success => $c->loc('Auth_logoutSuccess'));
# Something went wrong
sub {
# my $err_msg = shift;
$c->notify('error', $c->loc('Auth_logoutFail'));
# Redirect
sub {
return $c->redirect_to('index');
# Start IOLoop
return 1;
$app->log->info('Successfully registered Auth plugin');
# Set 'no caching' headers
sub _set_no_cache {
my $h = shift;
$h->cache_control('max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate');
$h->expires('Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT');
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Kalamar::Plugin::Auth - OAuth-2.0-based authorization plugin
L<Kalamar::Plugin::Auth> is an OAuth-2.0-based authorization
plugin for L<Kalamar>. It requires a C<Kustvakt> full server
with OAuth 2.0 capabilities.
It is activated by loading C<Auth> as a plugin in the C<Kalamar.plugins>
parameter in the Kalamar configuration.
L<Kalamar::Plugin::Auth> supports the following parameter for the
C<Kalamar-Auth> configuration section in the Kalamar configuration:
=over 2
=item B<client_id>
The client identifier of Kalamar to be send with every OAuth 2.0
management request.
=item B<client_secret>
The client secret of Kalamar to be send with every OAuth 2.0
management request.
=item B<oauth2>
Initially L<Kalamar-Plugin-Auth> was based on JWT. This parameter
is historically used to switch between oauth2 and jwt. It is expected
to be deprecated in the future, but for the moment it is required
to be set to a true value.
=item B<experimental_client_registration>
Activates the oauth client registration flow.
Copyright (C) 2015-2020, L<IDS Mannheim|>
Author: L<Nils Diewald|>
Kalamar is developed as part of the L<KorAP|>
Corpus Analysis Platform at the
L<Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS)|>,
member of the
and supported by the L<KobRA|> project,
funded by the
L<Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)|>.
Kalamar is free software published under the
L<BSD-2 License|>.