blob: ff11115984b6201a55e32dee07a8b7d9f0a3a595 [file] [log] [blame]
package Kalamar::Controller::Search;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use Mojo::Collection 'c';
use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
use Mojo::Util qw/quote/;
use POSIX 'ceil';
has no_cache => 0;
has items_per_page => 25;
# Support server timing API
# Add match_info template for HTML
# Support search in corpus and virtualcollection
# set caches with timing like '120min'
# Query endpoint
sub query {
my $c = shift;
# Validate user input
my $v = $c->validation;
$v->optional('q', 'trim')->size(1,1000);
$v->optional('ql')->in(qw/poliqarp cosmas2 annis cql fcsql/);
$v->optional('collection', 'trim'); # Legacy
$v->optional('cq', 'trim'); # New
$v->optional('cutoff', 'trim')->in(qw/1 0 true false/);
$v->optional('count', 'trim')->num(1, undef);
$v->optional('p', 'trim')->num(1, undef); # Start page
$v->optional('o', 'trim')->num(1, undef); # Offset
# $v->optional('action'); # action 'inspect' is no longer valid
# $v->optional('snippet');
my $cutoff = 0;
if ($v->param('cutoff') && $v->param('cutoff') =~ /^1|true$/i) {
$cutoff = 1;
# No query (Check ignoring validation)
unless ($c->param('q')) {
return $c->render($c->loc('Template_intro', 'intro'));
my %query = ();
$query{q} = $v->param('q') // '';
$query{ql} = $v->param('ql') // 'poliqarp';
$c->stash(q => $query{q});
$c->stash(ql => $query{ql});
# Check validation
if ($v->has_error) {
# Create error notifications
foreach my $failed_field (@{$v->failed}) {
$c->notify(error => 'Parameter ' . quote($failed_field) . ' invalid');
return $c->render(
status => 400,
template => 'failure'
$query{count} = $v->param('count') // $c->items_per_page;
$query{cq} = $v->param('cq') // $v->param('collection');
$query{cutoff} = $v->param('cutoff');
# Before: 'base/s:p'/'paragraph'
$query{context} = $v->param('context') // '40-t,40-t';
# Start page
my $page = $v->param('p') // 1;
my $items_per_page = $c->items_per_page;
# Set count
if ($query{count} && $query{count} <= $c->items_per_page ) {
$items_per_page = delete $query{count};
$query{count} = $items_per_page;
$c->stash(items_per_page => $items_per_page);
# if ($v->param('action') eq 'inspect') use trace!
# Set offset
# From Mojolicious::Plugin::Search::Index
$query{offset} = $v->param('o') || ((($page // 1) - 1) * ($items_per_page || 1));
# Create remote request URL
my $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api);
# $url->query(%query);
$url->query(map { $_ => $query{$_}} sort keys %query);
# In case the user is not known, it is assumed, the user is not logged in
my $total_cache_str;
# Check if total results information is cached
my $total_results = -1;
if (!$cutoff && !$c->no_cache) {
# Create cache string
my $user = $c->user_handle;
my $cache_url = $url->clone;
$total_cache_str = "total-$user-" . $cache_url->to_string;
$c->app->log->debug('Check for total results: ' . $total_cache_str);
# Get total results value
$total_results = $c->chi->get($total_cache_str);
# Set stash if cache exists
if (defined $total_results) {
$c->stash(total_results => $total_results);
$c->app->log->debug('Get total result from cache: ' . $total_results);
# Set cutoff unless already set
$url->query({cutoff => 'true'});
# Wait for rendering
# Fetch resource
$c->cached_koral_p('get', $url)->then(
# Process response
sub {
my $json = shift;
# Cache total results #
# The stash is set in case the total results value is from the cache,
# so in that case, it does not need to be cached again
my $total_results = $c->stash('total_results');
unless (defined $total_results) {
# There are results to remember
if (!$cutoff && $json->{meta}->{totalResults} >= 0) {
# Remove cutoff requirement again
# $url->query([cutoff => 'true']);
$total_results = $json->{meta}->{totalResults};
$c->stash(total_results => $total_results);
$c->app->log->debug('Set for total results: ' . $total_cache_str);
# Set cache
$c->chi->set($total_cache_str => $total_results);
# Undefined total results
else {
$c->stash(total_results => -1);
$total_results = -1;
$c->stash(total_pages => 0);
# Set total pages
# From Mojolicious::Plugin::Search::Index
if ($total_results > 0) {
total_pages => ceil($total_results / ($c->stash('items_per_page') || 1))
# Process meta
my $meta = $json->{meta};
# Set benchmark in case of development mode only.
# Use server timing API
# Reformat benchmark counter
# my $benchmark = $meta->{benchmark};
# if ($benchmark && $benchmark =~ s/\s+(m)?s$//) {
# $benchmark = sprintf("%.2f", $benchmark) . ($1 ? $1 : '') . 's';
# };
# # Set benchmark
# $self->stash(benchmark => $benchmark);
# Set time exceeded
if ($meta->{timeExceeded} &&
$meta->{timeExceeded} eq Mojo::JSON::true) {
$c->stash(time_exceeded => 1);
# Set result values
$c->stash(items_per_page => $meta->{itemsPerPage});
# Bouncing collection query
if ($json->{corpus} || $json->{collection}) {
$c->stash(corpus_jsonld => ($json->{corpus} || $json->{collection}));
# scalar $v->param('snippet') ? 'snippet' : 'search';
# Render result
return $c->render(
start_page => $page,
start_index => $json->{meta}->{startIndex},
results => _map_matches($json->{matches}),
template => 'search'
# Deal with errors
sub {
my $err_msg = shift;
# Only raised in case of connection errors
if ($err_msg) {
$c->stash('err_msg' => 'backendNotAvailable');
$c->notify(error => { src => 'Backend' } => $err_msg)
# $c->_notify_on_errors(shift);
return $c->render(
template => 'failure'
# Start IOLoop
return 1;
# Corpus info endpoint
# This replaces the collections endpoint
sub corpus_info {
my $c = shift;
# Input validation
my $v = $c->validation;
my $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api);
# Use hash slice to create path
# Add query
$url->query(corpusQuery => $v->param('cq'));
$c->app->log->debug("Statistics info: $url");
# Async
# Request koral, maybe cached
$c->cached_koral_p('get', $url)
# Process response
sub {
my $json = shift;
return $c->render(
json => $c->notifications(json => $json),
status => 200
# Deal with errors
sub {
return $c->render(
json => $c->notifications('json')
# Start IOLoop
return 1;
# Text info endpoint
sub text_info {
my $c = shift;
# Input validation
my $v = $c->validation;
my %query = (fields => '@all');
$query{fields} = $v->param('fields') if $v->param('fields');
my $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api);
# Use hash slice to create path
join('/', (
# Async
# Request koral, maybe cached
$c->cached_koral_p('get', $url)
# Process response
sub {
my $json = shift;
return $c->render(
json => $c->notifications(json => $json),
status => 200
# Deal with errors
sub {
return $c->render(
json => $c->notifications('json')
# Start IOLoop
return 1;
# Match info endpoint
sub match_info {
my $c = shift;
# Validate user input
my $v = $c->validation;
$v->optional('spans')->in(qw/true false/);
# Check validation
if ($v->has_error) {
# Create error notifications
foreach my $failed_field (@{$v->failed}) {
$c->notify(error => 'Parameter ' . quote($failed_field) . ' invalid');
return $c->render(
status => 400,
json => $c->notifications('json')
# Old API foundry/layer usage
my $foundry = '*';
my %query = (foundry => '*');
if ($v->param('foundry')) {
$query{foundry} = $v->param('foundry');
$query{layer} = $v->param('layer') if $v->param('layer');
$query{spans} = $v->param('spans') if $v->param('spans');
# Create new request API
my $url = Mojo::URL->new($c->korap->api);
# Use stash information to create url path
join('/', (
# Set query parameters in order
$url->query(map { $_ => $query{$_}} sort keys %query);
$c->cached_koral_p('get', $url)->then(
sub {
my $json = shift;
# Process results
$json = _map_match($json);
$c->stash(results => $json);
return $c->render(
json => $c->notifications(json => $json),
status => 200
return $json;
# Deal with errors
sub {
return $c->render(
json => $c->notifications('json')
# Start IOLoop
return 1;
# Cleanup array of matches
sub _map_matches {
return c() unless $_[0];
c(map { _map_match($_) } @{ shift() });
# Cleanup single match
sub _map_match {
my $match = shift or return;
# Legacy match id
if ($match->{matchID}) {
$match->{matchID} =~ s/^match\-(?:[^!]+!|[^_]+_)[^\.]+?\.[^-]+?-// or
$match->{matchID} =~ s!^match\-(?:[^\/]+\/){2}[^-]+?-!!;
return unless $match->{textSigle};
# Set IDs based on the sigle
) = ($match->{textSigle} =~ /^([^_]+?)_+([^\.]+?)\.(.+?)$/);
return $match;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
L<Kalamar::Controller::Search> is the controller class for
search related endpoints in Kalamar. Actions are released when routes
=head1 METHODS
L<Kalamar::Controller::Search> inherits all methods from
L<Mojolicious::Controller> and implements the following new ones.
=head2 query
GET /?q=Baum&ql=poliqarp
Action for all queries to the system. Returns C<HTML> only for the moment.
The following parameters are supported.
=over 2
=item B<q>
The query string. This may any query written in a supported query language.
=item B<ql>
The query language. This may be any query language supported by the system,
written as the API expects the string.
=item B<action>
May be C<inspect>. In that case, the serialized request is mirrored instead of
B<This switch is experimental and may change without warnings!>
=item B<snippet>
If set, the query is returned in the snippet view template.
B<This parameter is experimental and may change without warnings!>
=item B<cutoff>
If set, the query will be cut off after the matches.
B<This parameter is directly forwarded to the API and may not be supported in the future.>
=item B<count>
If set, the query will be only return the given number of matches,
in case the API supports it. Will fallback to the default number of matches defined
by the API or the backend.
B<This parameter is directly forwarded to the API and may not be supported in the future.>
=item B<p>
If set, the query will page to the given number of pages in the result set.
Will default to 1.
B<This parameter is directly forwarded to the API and may not be supported in the future.>
=item B<o>
If set, the matches will offset to the given match in the result set.
Will default to 0.
B<This parameter is directly forwarded to the API and may not be supported in the future.>
=item B<context>
The context of the snippets to retrieve. Defaults to C<40-t,40-t>.
B<This parameter is directly forwarded to the API and may not be supported in the future.>
=item B<cq>
The corpus query to limit the search to.
=head2 corpus
Returns statistics information for a virtual corpus.
=head2 text
Returns meta data information for a specific text.
=head2 match
Returns information to a match either as a C<JSON> or an C<HTML> document.
The path defines the concrete match, by corpus identifier, document identifier,
text identifier (all information as given by DeReKo), and match identifier
(essentially the position of the match in the document, including highlight information).
The following parameters are supported.
=over 2
=item B<foundry>
Expects a foundry definition for retrieved information.
If not given, returns all annotations for the match.
If given, returns only given layer information for the defined foundry.
B<This parameter is experimental and may change without warnings!>
=item B<layer>
Expects a layer definition for retrieved information.
If not given, returns all annotations for the foundry.
If given, returns only given layer information for the defined foundry.
B<This parameter is experimental and may change without warnings!>
=item B<spans>
Boolean value - either C<true> or C<false> - indicating, whether span information
(i.e. for tree structures) should be retrieved.
Copyright (C) 2015-2018, L<IDS Mannheim|>
Author: L<Nils Diewald|>
Kalamar is developed as part of the L<KorAP|>
Corpus Analysis Platform at the
L<Institute for the German Language (IDS)|>,
member of the
and supported by the L<KobRA|> project,
funded by the
L<Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)|>.
Kalamar is free software published under the
L<BSD-2 License|>.