Some minor improvements to the doc to simplify starting with Vagrant

Change-Id: I98cc93fe247b55c310b3fa795770a7570cda2346
1 file changed
tree: eda3d256ae34df5961254ee7ce094651fcc08b9b
  1. .gitignore
  2. Changes
  5. Vagrantfile


A Vagrantfile for the KorAP Corpus Analysis Platform


A Vagrantfile provides all that is required to run KorAP in a virtual machine, independent of your operating system.


As a prerequisite, you will need Vagrant and VirtualBox.

Then, either create a directory KorAP-Vagrant and put the Vagrant file in there or clone the git repository

$ git clone

To initially create the KorAP VM, change into the KorAP-Vagrant directory and start vagrant.

$ cd KorAP-Vagrant
$ vagrant up

This will eventually download the VM image, start the VM and initialize the provision. Please be patient - the first provision will take quite some time.

Afterwards you will have the KorAP user-interface available at http://localhost:5555 on your machine. The KorAP API will be available at http://localhost:5556. An example corpus as provided by Kustvakt will be available as well.

In case of problems installing any of the components due to network issues, restart the provision with

$ vagrant provision

To stop the service, run

$ vagrant halt

To restart the service, run

$ vagrant up

To update the software (in case, you cloned the git repository), run

$ git pull origin master
$ vagrant provision

To log into the machine, run

$ vagrant ssh

Development and License

Copyright (c) 2018-2019, IDS Mannheim, Germany

KorAP-Vagrant is developed as part of the KorAP Corpus Analysis Platform at the Institute for German Language (IDS), funded by the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft.

KorAP-Vagrant is published under the BSD-2 License.