blob: 53b70065166e68e10769a9321d6e9e16af185d4d [file] [log] [blame]
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 62;
use Test::Script;
use Test::TempDir::Tiny;
use File::Copy;
script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', '-h' ], { exit => 1 });
script_stdout_like "Description", "Can print help message";
for my $morpho_fname (glob("t/data/*\.*\.zip")) {
my $base_fname = $morpho_fname =~ s/(.*)\..*\.zip/$;
if (!-e $base_fname) {
fail("cannot find $base_fname");
my $conllu_fname = $base_fname =~ s/(.*)\.zip/$1.morpho.conllu/r;
if (!-e $conllu_fname) {
fail("cannot find $conllu_fname");
my $expected;
if (open(my $fh, '<', $conllu_fname)) {
local $/;
$expected = <$fh>;
} else {
fail("cannot open file $conllu_fname");
script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', $morpho_fname ], "Runs korapxml2conllu with pos and lemma annotated input");
script_stdout_is $expected, "Converts $morpho_fname correctly";
for my $morpho_fname (glob("t/data/*\.*\.zip")) {
my $base_fname = $morpho_fname =~ s/(.*)\..*\.zip/$;
if (!-e $base_fname) {
fail("cannot find $base_fname");
my $conllu_fname = $base_fname =~ s/(.*)\.zip/$1.morpho.sbfm.conllu/r;
if (!-e $conllu_fname) {
fail("cannot find $conllu_fname");
my $expected;
if (open(my $fh, '<', $conllu_fname)) {
local $/;
$expected = <$fh>;
} else {
fail("cannot open file $conllu_fname");
script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', '--s-bounds-from-morpho', $morpho_fname ], "Runs korapxml2conllu with --s-bounds-from-morpho correctly");
script_stdout_is $expected, "Converts $morpho_fname correctly";
for my $base_fname (glob("t/data/*\.zip")) {
my $conllu_fname = $base_fname =~ s/(.*)\.zip/$1.conllu/r;
next if (!-e $conllu_fname);
my $expected;
if (open(my $fh, '<', $conllu_fname)) {
local $/;
$expected = <$fh>;
} else {
fail("cannot open file $conllu_fname");
script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', $base_fname ], "Runs korapxml2conllu with base input");
script_stdout_is $expected, "Converts $base_fname correctly to CoNLL-U";
for my $w2v_fname (glob("t/data/*\.w2v_simple")) {
my $base_fname = $w2v_fname =~ s/(.*)\.w2v_simple/$;
next if (!-e $base_fname);
my $expected;
if (open(my $fh, '<', $w2v_fname)) {
local $/;
$expected = <$fh>;
} else {
fail("cannot open file $w2v_fname");
script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', '--word2vec', $base_fname ], "Runs korapxml2conllu with base input and w2v output");
script_stdout_is $expected, "Converts $base_fname correctly to word2vec input format";
for my $w2v_fname (glob("t/data/*\.w2v")) {
my $base_fname = $w2v_fname =~ s/(.*)\.w2v/$;
next if (!-e $base_fname);
my $expected;
if (open(my $fh, '<', $w2v_fname)) {
local $/;
$expected = <$fh>;
} else {
fail("cannot open file $w2v_fname");
script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', '-m', '<textSigle>([^<.]+)', '-m', '<creatDate>([^<]{4,7})', '--word2vec', $base_fname ], "Runs korapxml2conllu with base input and w2v and metadata output");
script_stdout_is $expected, "Converts $base_fname correctly to word2vec input format together with some metadata";
my $expected;
if (open(my $fh, '<', 't/data/goe.1c.txt')) {
local $/;
$expected = <$fh>;
} else {
fail("cannot open file.");
script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', '-c', '1', 't/data/' ], "Runs korapxml2conllu in one column mode");
script_stdout_is $expected, "Converts correctly in one column mode.";
my $test_tempdir = tempdir();
my $conllu_fname = "t/data/goe.morpho.conllu";
if(open(my $fh, '<', $conllu_fname )) {
local $/;
$expected = <$fh>;
} else {
fail("cannot open file $conllu_fname");
ok(length($expected) > 100, 'Output is not empty');
my $zipfile = "$test_tempdir/";
my $zipcontent;
script_runs([ 'script/conllu2korapxml', "t/data/goe.morpho.conllu" ], {stdout => \$zipcontent},
"Converts t/data/goe.morpho.conllu to KorAP-XML zip");
open(my $fh, ">", $zipfile) or fail("cannot open file $zipfile for writing");
print $fh $zipcontent;
copy("t/data/", $test_tempdir);
script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', "$test_tempdir/" ],
"Converts $test_tempdir/ to CoNLL-U");
script_stdout_is $expected, "Full round trip: Converts goe.morpho.conllu to KorAP-XML and back to CoNLL-U correctly";
script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', '-e', 'div/type', "t/data/" ], "Runs korapxml2conllu with morpho input and attribute extraction");
script_stdout_like "\n# div/type = Autobiographie\n", "Extracts attributes from morpho zips";
script_stdout_like "\n# div/type = section\n", "Extracts attributes from morpho zips";
script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', '-e', '(posting/id|div/id)', "t/data/" ], "Runs korapxml2conllu with base input and regex attribute extraction");
script_stdout_like "\n# posting/id = i.13075_11_45", "Extracts multiple attributes from base zips (1)";
script_stdout_like "\n# div/id = i.13075_14", "Extracts multiple attributes from base zips (2)";
script_stdout_like "\n# posting/id = i.14548_9_1\n3\tbonjour", "Extracts attributes in the right place";
script_stdout_like "\n# posting/id = i.12610_4_4", "Extracts directly adjacent postings from base zips (1)";
script_stdout_like "\n# posting/id = i.12610_4_5", "Extracts directly adjacent postings from base zips (2)";
script_stdout_like "\n# posting/id = i.14548_9_1", "Extracts last postings in base zip";
script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', '-e', '(posting/id|div/id)', "t/data/" ], "Runs korapxml2conllu with morpho input and regex attribute extraction");
script_stdout_like "\n# posting/id = i.13075_11_45", "Extracts multiple attributes from morpho zips (1)";
script_stdout_like "\n# div/id = i.13075_14", "Extracts multiple attributes from morpho zips (2)";
script_stdout_like "\n# posting/id = i.12610_4_4", "Extracts directly adjacent postings from morpho zips (1)";
script_stdout_like "\n# posting/id = i.12610_4_5", "Extracts directly adjacent postings from morpho zips (2)";
script_stdout_like "\n# posting/id = i.14548_9_1", "Extracts last postings in morpho zip";
$zipfile = "$test_tempdir/";
script_runs([ 'script/conllu2korapxml', "t/data/without_lemma.tsv" ], {stdout => \$zipcontent},
"Converts t/data/without_lemma.tsv to KorAP-XML zip");
open($fh, ">", $zipfile) or fail("cannot open file $zipfile for writing");
print $fh $zipcontent;
my $UNZIP = `sh -c 'command -v unzip'`;
chomp $UNZIP;
if ($UNZIP eq '') {
warn('No unzip executable found in PATH.');
return 0;
$zipcontent = `$UNZIP -c $zipfile`;
unlike($zipcontent, qr/.*name ="lemma".*/, "conllu2korapxml igores _ lemmas.");
like($zipcontent, qr/.*<f name="pos">NN|NN<\/f>.*/, "conllu2korapxml does not ignore pos for _ lemmas.");
script_runs([ 'script/conllu2korapxml', '-l', 'debug', 't/data/goe.ud.conllu' ], {stdout => \$zipcontent}, "Runs conllu2korap with UDPipe and unparsable comments");
script_stderr_like "Foundry:\\s+ud", "Found generator based foundry";
script_stderr_like "Ignored\\s+foundry\\s+name:\\s+base", "Ignore defined foundry";
$zipfile = "$test_tempdir/";
open($fh, ">", $zipfile) or fail("cannot open file $zipfile for writing");
print $fh $zipcontent;
$zipcontent = `$UNZIP -Z $zipfile`;
like($zipcontent, qr@GOE/AGA/00000/ud/morpho\.xml@, "conllu2korapxml UDPipe input conversion contains morpho layer with foundry name 'ud'");
like($zipcontent, qr@GOE/AGA/00000/ud/dependency\.xml@, "conllu2korapxml UDPipe input conversion contains dependency layer with foundry name 'ud'");
like($zipcontent, qr@rw-rw-rw-.*GOE/AGA/00000/ud/morpho\.xml@, "KorAP-XML zip contents have read and write permissions");
script_runs([ 'script/conllu2korapxml', 't/data/deu-deps.conllu' ], "Runs conllu2korap with UDPipe input");
script_stderr_unlike "fileparse(): need a valid pathname", "Ignore sent_id and newdoc id";
script_stderr_like "WARNING: No valid input document.*token offsets missing", "Warn on missing token offsets";
script_stderr_like qr@WARNING: No valid input document.* .*missing@, "Warn on missing text ids";
script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', "t/data/" ], "Runs korapxml2conllu on nkjp test data");
script_stderr_unlike("Use of uninitialized value", "Handles lonely docid parameters (line separated from layer elements)");
script_stdout_like("\n9\twesołości\twesołość\tsubst\tsubst\tsg:gen:f", "Correctly converts nkjp annotations");
script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', "--sigle-pattern", "KOT", "t/data/" ], "Runs korapxml2conllu with --sigle-pattern option on combined base/morpho files");
script_stdout_like("NKJP/NKJP/KOT/nkjp/morpho.xml", "--sigle-pattern to specify a doc sigle pattern extracts the right texts");
script_stdout_unlike("NKJP/NKJP/KolakowskiOco/nkjp/morpho.xml", "--sigle-pattern to specify a doc sigle pattern does not extract the wrong texts");
script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', "--sigle-pattern", "13072", "t/data/" ], "Runs korapxml2conllu with --sigle-pattern option on seprate base/morpho files");
script_stdout_like("WDF19/A0000/13072/tree_tagger/morpho.xml", "--sigle-pattern to specify a text sigle pattern extracts the right texts");
script_stdout_unlike("WDF19/A0000/14247/tree_tagger/morpho.xml", "--sigle-pattern to specify a text sigle pattern does not extract the wrong texts");
script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', "t/data/" ], "Runs korapxml2conllu on nkjp-fail test data");
script_stderr_like("could not retrieve token at 1297-1298/ 1297 - ending with: e! upadku.", "Offset error");