| use strict; |
| use warnings; |
| use Test::More; |
| use Test::Script; |
| use Test::TempDir::Tiny; |
| use File::Copy; |
| |
| script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', '-h' ], { exit => 255 }); |
| script_stderr_like "Description", "Can print help message"; |
| |
| for my $morpho_fname (glob("t/data/*\.*\.zip")) { |
| my $base_fname = $morpho_fname =~ s/(.*)\..*\.zip/$1.zip/r; |
| die "cannot find $base_fname" if (!-e $base_fname); |
| |
| my $conllu_fname = $base_fname =~ s/(.*)\.zip/$1.morpho.conllu/r; |
| die "cannot find $conllu_fname" if (!-e $conllu_fname); |
| |
| my $expected; |
| open(my $fh, '<', $conllu_fname) or die "cannot open file $conllu_fname"; { |
| local $/; |
| $expected = <$fh>; |
| } |
| close($fh); |
| script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', $morpho_fname ], "Runs korapxml2conllu with pos and lemma annotated input"); |
| script_stdout_is $expected, "Converts $morpho_fname correctly"; |
| } |
| |
| for my $base_fname (glob("t/data/*\.zip")) { |
| my $conllu_fname = $base_fname =~ s/(.*)\.zip/$1.conllu/r; |
| next if (!-e $conllu_fname); |
| |
| my $expected; |
| open(my $fh, '<', $conllu_fname) or die "cannot open file $conllu_fname"; { |
| local $/; |
| $expected = <$fh>; |
| } |
| close($fh); |
| script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', $base_fname ], "Runs korapxml2conllu with base input"); |
| script_stdout_is $expected, "Converts $base_fname correctly to CoNLL-U"; |
| } |
| |
| my $test_tempdir = tempdir(); |
| my $expected; |
| open(my $fh, '<', "t/data/goe.morpho.conllu"); { |
| local $/; |
| $expected = <$fh>; |
| } |
| close($fh); |
| |
| my $zipfile = "$test_tempdir/goe.tree_tagger.zip"; |
| my $zipcontent; |
| script_runs([ 'script/conllu2korapxml', "t/data/goe.morpho.conllu" ], {stdout => \$zipcontent}, |
| "Converts t/data/goe.morpho.conllu to KorAP-XML zip"); |
| open(my $fh, ">", $zipfile) or fail("cannot open file $zipfile for writing"); |
| print $fh $zipcontent; |
| close($fh); |
| |
| copy("t/data/goe.zip", $test_tempdir); |
| script_runs([ 'script/korapxml2conllu', "$test_tempdir/goe.tree_tagger.zip" ], |
| "Converts $test_tempdir/goe.tree_tagger.zip to CoNLL-U"); |
| script_stdout_is $expected, "Full round trip: Converts goe.morpho.conllu to KorAP-XML and back to CoNLL-U correctly"; |
| |
| done_testing; |