| #/usr/bin/env perl |
| use strict; |
| use warnings; |
| use File::Basename 'dirname'; |
| use File::Spec::Functions qw/catdir catfile/; |
| use File::Temp qw/ :POSIX /; |
| use Mojo::Util qw/slurp/; |
| use Mojo::JSON qw/decode_json/; |
| use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip; |
| use Test::More; |
| use Test::Output; |
| use Data::Dumper; |
| use utf8; |
| |
| my $f = dirname(__FILE__); |
| my $script = catfile($f, '..', '..', 'script', 'korapxml2krill'); |
| |
| my $input = catdir($f, '..', 'annotation', 'corpus', 'doc', '0001'); |
| ok(-d $input, 'Input directory found'); |
| |
| my $output = tmpnam(); |
| |
| ok(!-f $output, 'Output does not exist'); |
| |
| my $call = join( |
| ' ', |
| 'perl', $script, |
| '--input' => $input, |
| '--output' => $output, |
| '-t' => 'OpenNLP#Tokens', |
| '-l' => 'INFO' |
| ); |
| |
| # Test without compression |
| stderr_like( |
| sub { |
| system($call); |
| }, |
| qr!The code took!, |
| $call |
| ); |
| |
| ok(-f $output, 'Output does exist'); |
| ok((my $file = slurp $output), 'Slurp data'); |
| ok((my $json = decode_json $file), 'decode json'); |
| is($json->{textType}, 'Zeitung: Tageszeitung', 'text type'); |
| is($json->{title}, 'Beispiel Text', 'Title'); |
| is($json->{data}->{tokenSource}, 'opennlp#tokens', 'Title'); |
| is($json->{data}->{foundries}, 'base base/paragraphs base/sentences connexor connexor/morpho connexor/phrase connexor/sentences connexor/syntax corenlp corenlp/constituency corenlp/morpho corenlp/sentences dereko dereko/structure glemm glemm/morpho mate mate/dependency mate/morpho opennlp opennlp/morpho opennlp/sentences treetagger treetagger/morpho treetagger/sentences xip xip/constituency xip/morpho xip/sentences', 'Foundries'); |
| like($json->{data}->{text}, qr/^Zum letzten kulturellen/, 'Foundries'); |
| is($json->{data}->{stream}->[0]->[0], '-:base/paragraphs$<i>1', 'Paragraphs'); |
| is($json->{data}->{tokenSource}, 'opennlp#tokens', 'TokenSource'); |
| |
| # Delete output |
| unlink $output; |
| ok(!-f $output, 'Output does not exist'); |
| |
| $call .= ' -z'; |
| |
| # Test with compression |
| stderr_like( |
| sub { system($call); }, |
| qr!The code took!, |
| $call |
| ); |
| |
| ok(-f $output, 'Output does exist'); |
| |
| # Uncompress the data using a buffer |
| my $gz = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new($output, Transparent => 0); |
| ($file, my $buffer) = ''; |
| while ($gz->read($buffer)) { |
| $file .= $buffer; |
| }; |
| $gz->close; |
| |
| ok($json = decode_json($file), 'decode json'); |
| |
| is($json->{textType}, 'Zeitung: Tageszeitung', 'text type'); |
| is($json->{title}, 'Beispiel Text', 'Title'); |
| is($json->{data}->{tokenSource}, 'opennlp#tokens', 'TokenSource'); |
| is($json->{data}->{foundries}, 'base base/paragraphs base/sentences connexor connexor/morpho connexor/phrase connexor/sentences connexor/syntax corenlp corenlp/constituency corenlp/morpho corenlp/sentences dereko dereko/structure glemm glemm/morpho mate mate/dependency mate/morpho opennlp opennlp/morpho opennlp/sentences treetagger treetagger/morpho treetagger/sentences xip xip/constituency xip/morpho xip/sentences', 'Foundries'); |
| like($json->{data}->{text}, qr/^Zum letzten kulturellen/, 'Foundries'); |
| is($json->{data}->{stream}->[0]->[0], '-:base/paragraphs$<i>1', 'Paragraphs'); |
| |
| # Delete output |
| is(unlink($output), 1, 'Unlink successful'); |
| ok(!-e $output, 'Output does not exist'); |
| |
| # Use a different token source and skip all annotations, |
| # except for DeReKo#Structure and Mate#Dependency |
| $call = join( |
| ' ', |
| 'perl', $script, |
| '--input' => $input, |
| '--output' => $output, |
| '-t' => 'CoreNLP#Tokens', |
| '-s' => '#all', |
| '-a' => 'DeReKo#Structure', |
| '-a' => 'Mate#Dependency', |
| '-l' => 'INFO' |
| ); |
| |
| stderr_like( |
| sub { |
| system($call); |
| }, |
| qr!The code took!, |
| $call |
| ); |
| |
| ok(-f $output, 'Output does exist'); |
| ok(($file = slurp $output), 'Slurp data'); |
| ok(($json = decode_json $file), 'decode json'); |
| |
| is($json->{textType}, 'Zeitung: Tageszeitung', 'text type'); |
| |
| is($json->{title}, 'Beispiel Text', 'Title'); |
| is($json->{data}->{tokenSource}, 'corenlp#tokens', 'TokenSource'); |
| is($json->{data}->{foundries}, 'dereko dereko/structure mate mate/dependency', 'Foundries'); |
| |
| like($json->{data}->{text}, qr/^Zum letzten kulturellen/, 'Foundries'); |
| is($json->{data}->{stream}->[0]->[0], '-:tokens$<i>20', 'Tokens'); |
| |
| |
| # Check overwrite |
| $call = join( |
| ' ', |
| 'perl', $script, |
| '--input' => $input, |
| '--output' => $output, |
| '-t' => 'CoreNLP#Tokens', |
| '-s' => '#all', |
| '-a' => 'DeReKo#Structure', |
| '-a' => 'Mate#Dependency', |
| '-l' => 'DEBUG' |
| ); |
| |
| ok(-f $output, 'Output does exist'); |
| stderr_like( |
| sub { |
| system($call); |
| }, |
| qr!already exists!, |
| $call |
| ); |
| |
| $call .= ' -w '; |
| |
| stderr_unlike( |
| sub { |
| system($call); |
| }, |
| qr!already exists!, |
| $call |
| ); |
| |
| # Check meta data switch |
| |
| # Delete output |
| unlink $output; |
| ok(!-f $output, 'Output does not exist'); |
| |
| $input = catdir($f, '..', 'sgbr', 'PRO-DUD', 'BSP-2013-01', '32'); |
| |
| # Use a different token source and skip all annotations, |
| # except for DeReKo#Structure and Mate#Dependency |
| $call = join( |
| ' ', |
| 'perl', $script, |
| '--input' => $input, |
| '--output' => $output, |
| '-m' => 'Sgbr', |
| '-t' => 'Base#Tokens_aggr', |
| '-l' => 'INFO' |
| ); |
| |
| stderr_like( |
| sub { |
| system($call); |
| }, |
| qr!The code took!, |
| $call |
| ); |
| |
| ok(-f $output, 'Output does exist'); |
| ok(($file = slurp $output), 'Slurp data'); |
| ok(($json = decode_json $file), 'decode json'); |
| |
| is($json->{data}->{text}, 'Selbst ist der Jeck', 'Text'); |
| is($json->{data}->{tokenSource}, 'base#tokens_aggr', 'TokenSource'); |
| is($json->{pubPlace}, 'Stadtingen', 'pubPlace'); |
| is($json->{textSigle}, 'PRO-DUD/BSP-2013-01/32', 'textSigle'); |
| is($json->{docSigle}, 'PRO-DUD/BSP-2013-01', 'docSigle'); |
| is($json->{corpusSigle}, 'PRO-DUD', 'corpusSigle'); |
| is($json->{sgbrKodex}, 'T', 'sgbrKodex'); |
| is($json->{author}, 'unbekannt', 'Author'); |
| is($json->{language}, 'de', 'Language'); |
| is($json->{docTitle}, 'Korpus zur Beobachtung des Schreibgebrauchs im Deutschen', 'docTitle'); |
| is($json->{funder}, 'Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung', 'docTitle'); |
| is($json->{title}, 'Nur Platt, kein Deutsch', 'title'); |
| is($json->{pubDate}, '20130126', 'pubDate'); |
| is($json->{docSubTitle}, 'Subkorpus Ortsblatt, Jahrgang 2013, Monat Januar', 'docSubTitle'); |
| is($json->{keywords}, 'sgbrKodex:T', 'keywords'); |
| is($json->{publisher}, 'Dorfblatt GmbH', 'publisher'); |
| |
| done_testing; |
| __END__ |
| |