| #!/usr/bin/env perl |
| use strict; |
| use warnings; |
| use Test::More; |
| use File::Basename 'dirname'; |
| use File::Spec::Functions 'catdir'; |
| use File::Temp qw/ :POSIX /; |
| use Mojo::File; |
| use Mojo::JSON qw/decode_json/; |
| use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip; |
| use Data::Dumper; |
| |
| use_ok('KorAP::XML::Batch::File'); |
| |
| ok(my $bf = KorAP::XML::Batch::File->new( |
| overwrite => 1, |
| foundry => 'OpenNLP', |
| layer => 'Tokens' |
| ), 'Construct new batch file object'); |
| |
| my $path = catdir(dirname(__FILE__), 'annotation', 'corpus', 'doc', '0001'); |
| |
| my $output = tmpnam(); |
| ok($bf->process($path => $output), 'Process file'); |
| |
| ok(-f $output, 'File exists'); |
| |
| ok(my $file = Mojo::File->new($output)->slurp, 'Slurp data'); |
| |
| ok(my $json = decode_json $file, 'decode json'); |
| |
| is($json->{textType}, 'Zeitung: Tageszeitung', 'text type'); |
| is($json->{title}, 'Beispiel Text', 'Title'); |
| is($json->{data}->{tokenSource}, 'opennlp#tokens', 'Title'); |
| is($json->{data}->{foundries}, '', 'Foundries'); |
| like($json->{data}->{text}, qr/^Zum letzten kulturellen/, 'Foundries'); |
| is($json->{data}->{stream}->[0]->[0], '-:tokens$<i>18', 'Tokens'); |
| is($json->{data}->{stream}->[0]->[1], '<>:base/s:t$<b>64<i>0<i>129<i>18<b>0', 'Data'); |
| |
| # Generate with Gzip |
| $bf->{gzip} = 1; |
| |
| $path = catdir(dirname(__FILE__), 'annotation', 'corpus', 'doc', '0001'); |
| $output = tmpnam(); |
| ok($bf->process($path => $output), 'Process file'); |
| |
| my $out; |
| my $gz = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new($output); |
| ok($gz->read($out), 'Uncompress'); |
| |
| ok($json = decode_json $out, 'decode json'); |
| |
| is($json->{textType}, 'Zeitung: Tageszeitung', 'text type'); |
| is($json->{title}, 'Beispiel Text', 'Title'); |
| is($json->{data}->{tokenSource}, 'opennlp#tokens', 'Title'); |
| is($json->{data}->{foundries}, '', 'Foundries'); |
| like($json->{data}->{text}, qr/^Zum letzten kulturellen/, 'Foundries'); |
| is($json->{data}->{stream}->[0]->[0], '-:tokens$<i>18', 'Tokens'); |
| is($json->{data}->{stream}->[0]->[1], '<>:base/s:t$<b>64<i>0<i>129<i>18<b>0', 'Data'); |
| |
| # Generate with annotations |
| $bf->{gzip} = 0; |
| $bf->{anno} = [ |
| ['CoreNLP', 'Morpho'], |
| ['OpenNLP', 'Morpho'] |
| ]; |
| $output = tmpnam(); |
| ok($bf->process($path => $output), 'Process file'); |
| ok($file = Mojo::File->new($output)->slurp, 'Slurp data'); |
| ok($json = decode_json $file, 'decode json'); |
| |
| is($json->{textType}, 'Zeitung: Tageszeitung', 'text type'); |
| is($json->{title}, 'Beispiel Text', 'Title'); |
| is($json->{data}->{tokenSource}, 'opennlp#tokens', 'Title'); |
| is($json->{data}->{foundries}, 'corenlp corenlp/morpho opennlp opennlp/morpho', 'Foundries'); |
| like($json->{data}->{text}, qr/^Zum letzten kulturellen/, 'Foundries'); |
| is($json->{data}->{stream}->[0]->[0], '-:tokens$<i>18', 'Tokens'); |
| |
| my $token = $json->{data}->{stream}->[0]; |
| |
| like($json->{data}->{text}, qr/Ende Schuljahr eingestellt wird\.$/, 'Primary text'); |
| |
| is($token->[1], '<>:base/s:t$<b>64<i>0<i>129<i>18<b>0', 'base/s'); |
| is($token->[2], '_0$<i>0<i>3', 'position'); |
| is($token->[3], 'corenlp/p:APPRART', 'corenlp'); |
| is($token->[5], 'opennlp/p:APPRART', 'opennlp'); |
| |
| $token = $json->{data}->{stream}->[-1]; |
| |
| is($token->[1], 'corenlp/p:VAFIN', 'corenlp'); |
| is($token->[3], 'opennlp/p:VAFIN', 'opennlp'); |
| |
| # Check layer and foundry for base tokenization |
| # No primary data |
| $bf->{anno} = [[]]; |
| $bf->{foundry} = 'CoreNLP'; |
| $bf->{layer} = 'Tokens'; |
| |
| ok($bf->process($path => $output), 'Process file'); |
| ok(-f $output, 'File exists'); |
| ok($file = Mojo::File->new($output)->slurp, 'Slurp data'); |
| ok($json = decode_json $file, 'decode json'); |
| |
| is($json->{data}->{tokenSource}, 'corenlp#tokens', 'Title'); |
| |
| like($file, qr/^\{"/, 'No pretty printing'); |
| |
| # Check pretty printing |
| $bf->{pretty} = 1; |
| ok($bf->process($path => $output), 'Process file'); |
| ok(-f $output, 'File exists'); |
| ok($file = Mojo::File->new($output)->slurp, 'Slurp data'); |
| like($file, qr/^\{[\n\s]+"/, 'No pretty printing'); |
| |
| # Check overwriting |
| $bf->{overwrite} = 0; |
| |
| is($bf->process($path => $output), -1, 'Process file'); |
| |
| done_testing; |
| __END__ |
| |
| |
| |
| |