| package KorAP::Tokenizer; |
| use Mojo::Base -base; |
| use Mojo::ByteStream 'b'; |
| use Mojo::Loader; |
| use XML::Fast; |
| use Try::Tiny; |
| use Carp qw/croak/; |
| use KorAP::Tokenizer::Range; |
| use KorAP::Tokenizer::Match; |
| use KorAP::Tokenizer::Spans; |
| use KorAP::Tokenizer::Tokens; |
| use KorAP::Field::MultiTermTokenStream; |
| use List::MoreUtils 'uniq'; |
| use JSON::XS; |
| use Log::Log4perl; |
| |
| # TODO 1: |
| # Bei den Autoren im Index darauf achten, dass auch "etc." indiziert wird |
| |
| # TODO 2: |
| # Add punktuations to the index |
| # [Er sagte: "Hallo - na?"] becomes |
| # [s:Er|tt/l:er|_1#0-2] |
| # [s:sagte|tt/l:sagen|_2#3-8|.>::#8-9$1|.>tt/l:PUNCT#8-9$1|.>:"#10-11$2|.>tt/l:PUNCT#10-11$2] |
| # [s:Hallo|tt/l:hallo|_3#11-16|.<::#8-9$2|.<tt/l:PUNCT#8-9$2|.<:"#10-11$1|.<tt/l:PUNCT#10-11$1|.>:-#17-18$1|.>tt/l:PUNCT#17-18$1] |
| # [s:na|tt/l:na|_4#19-21|.<:-#17-18$1|.<tt/l:PUNCT#17-18$1|.>:?#21-22$1|.>tt/l:PUNCT#21-22$1|.>:"#22-23$2|.>tt/l:PUNCT#22-23$2] |
| |
| # TODO 3: |
| # Meta-Data: |
| # mysql> select * from textMeta limit 5; |
| # +---------------+------------+------------+-------+--------+------+---------+-------------------------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-----------------------+-------------+-------+-----------+---------+----+------+------+----+----+-----+------+------+-----------+---------+-------+---------+-------------+------------------------+ |
| # | sigle | date | fname | fpos | length | tlen | country | topic1 | topic2 | tpc1v | tpc2v | supertopic1 | supertopic2 | words | stopwords | numbers | s | pars | tags | oo | no | ngc | sscr | cs | has | ressort | genre | type | articletype | md5 | |
| # +---------------+------------+------------+-------+--------+------+---------+-------------------------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-----------------------+-------------+-------+-----------+---------+----+------+------+----+----+-----+------+------+-----------+---------+-------+---------+-------------+------------------------+ |
| # | A00/JAN.00001 | 2000-01-01 | a00.i5.xml | 12667 | 3131 | 641 | CH | Freizeit_Unterhaltung:Reisen | NULL | 0.99 | 0 | Freizeit_Unterhaltung | NULL | 34 | 24 | 0 | 6 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | headlines | NULL | NULL | Zeitung | Bericht | dk6ORWB5uTH33eiakNcJAA | |
| # | A00/JAN.00002 | 2000-01-01 | a00.i5.xml | 15798 | 11853 | 9267 | CH | Staat_Gesellschaft:Biographien_Interviews | NULL | 1 | 0 | Staat_Gesellschaft | NULL | 652 | 445 | 12 | 77 | 18 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | headlines | NULL | NULL | Zeitung | Bericht | m7phXF1Ds+aPq3GfLRddCw | |
| # | A00/JAN.00003 | 2000-01-01 | a00.i5.xml | 27651 | 4768 | 2234 | CH | Politik:Kommunalpolitik | NULL | 1 | 0 | Politik | NULL | 135 | 74 | 2 | 16 | 3 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | headlines | NULL | NULL | Zeitung | Bericht | XwsIDMEIT7ht52DnMTkSHw | |
| # | A00/JAN.00004 | 2000-01-01 | a00.i5.xml | 32419 | 11096 | 8619 | CH | Politik:Kommunalpolitik | NULL | 1 | 0 | Politik | NULL | 521 | 368 | 7 | 57 | 8 | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | headlines | NULL | NULL | Zeitung | Bericht | TSx4mDVLU6XibNHUUT+ubA | |
| # | A00/JAN.00005 | 2000-01-01 | a00.i5.xml | 43515 | 5421 | 2875 | CH | Politik:Kommunalpolitik | NULL | 1 | 0 | Politik | NULL | 177 | 94 | 7 | 19 | 3 | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | headlines | NULL | NULL | Zeitung | Bericht | 6OGZ7MqyjSOb9AtvFLWodA | |
| # +---------------+------------+------------+-------+--------+------+---------+-------------------------------------------+--------+-------+-------+-----------------------+-------------+-------+-----------+---------+----+------+------+----+----+-----+------+------+-----------+---------+-------+---------+-------------+------------------------+ |
| |
| |
| |
| has [qw/path foundry doc stream should have name/]; |
| has layer => 'Tokens'; |
| |
| has log => sub { |
| if(Log::Log4perl->initialized()) { |
| state $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger(__PACKAGE__); |
| }; |
| state $log = KorAP::Log->new; |
| return $log; |
| }; |
| |
| # Parse tokens of the document |
| sub parse { |
| my $self = shift; |
| |
| # Create new token stream |
| my $mtts = KorAP::Field::MultiTermTokenStream->new; |
| my $path = $self->path . lc($self->foundry) . '/' . lc($self->layer) . '.xml'; |
| my $file = b($path)->slurp; |
| # my $tokens = Mojo::DOM->new($file); |
| # $tokens->xml(1); |
| |
| my $doc = $self->doc; |
| |
| my ($should, $have) = (0, 0); |
| |
| # Create range and match objects |
| my $range = KorAP::Tokenizer::Range->new; |
| my $match = KorAP::Tokenizer::Match->new; |
| |
| my $old = 0; |
| |
| $self->log->trace('Tokenize data ' . $self->foundry . ':' . $self->layer); |
| |
| # TODO: Reuse the following code from Spans.pm and tokens.pm |
| my ($tokens, $error); |
| try { |
| local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { |
| $error = 1; |
| }; |
| $tokens = xml2hash($file, text => '#text', array => ['span'], attr => '-')->{layer}->{spanList}; |
| } |
| catch { |
| $self->log->warn('Token error in ' . $path . ($_ ? ': ' . $_ : '')); |
| $error = 1; |
| }; |
| |
| return if $error; |
| |
| if (ref $tokens && $tokens->{span}) { |
| $tokens = $tokens->{span}; |
| } |
| else { |
| return $self; |
| }; |
| |
| $tokens = [$tokens] if ref $tokens ne 'ARRAY'; |
| |
| # Iterate over all tokens |
| # $tokens->find('span')->each( |
| # sub { |
| # my $span = $_; |
| foreach my $span (@$tokens) { |
| my $from = $span->{'-from'}; |
| my $to = $span->{'-to'}; |
| my $token = $doc->primary->data($from, $to); |
| |
| # warn 'Has ' . $from . '->' . $to . "($old)"; |
| |
| unless (defined $token) { |
| $self->log->error("Unable to find substring [$from-$to] in $path"); |
| next; |
| }; |
| |
| $should++; |
| |
| # Ignore non-word tokens |
| next if $token !~ /[\w\d]/; |
| |
| my $mtt = $mtts->add; |
| |
| # Add gap for later finding matching positions before or after |
| $range->gap($old, $from, $have) unless $old >= $from; |
| |
| # Add surface term |
| # That's always the first term! |
| $mtt->add('s:' . $token); |
| |
| # Add case insensitive term |
| $mtt->add('i:' . lc $token); |
| |
| # Add offset information |
| $mtt->o_start($from); |
| $mtt->o_end($to); |
| |
| # Store offset information for position matching |
| $range->set($from, $to, $have); |
| $match->set($from, $to, $have); |
| |
| $old = $to + 1; |
| |
| # Add position term |
| $mtt->add('_' . $have . '#' . $mtt->o_start . '-' . $mtt->o_end); |
| |
| $have++; |
| }; |
| |
| # Add token count |
| $mtts->add_meta('tokens', '<i>' . $have); |
| |
| $range->gap($old, $doc->primary->data_length + 1, $have-1) if $doc->primary->data_length >= ($old - 1); |
| |
| # Add info |
| $self->stream($mtts); |
| $self->{range} = $range; |
| $self->{match} = $match; |
| $self->should($should); |
| $self->have($have); |
| |
| $self->log->debug('With a non-word quota of ' . _perc($self->should, $self->should - $self->have) . ' %'); |
| |
| return $self; |
| }; |
| |
| sub add_subtokens { |
| my $self = shift; |
| my $mtts = $self->stream or return; |
| |
| foreach my $mtt (@{$mtts->multi_term_tokens}) { |
| my $o_start = $mtt->o_start; |
| my $o_end = $mtt->o_end; |
| my $l = $o_end - $o_start; |
| |
| my $os = my $s = $mtt->lc_surface; |
| |
| # Algorithm based on aggressive tokenization in |
| # tokenize.pl from Carsten Schnober |
| $s =~ s/[[:alpha:]]/a/g; |
| $s =~ s/[[:digit:]]/0/g; |
| $s =~ s/\p{Punct}/#/g; |
| $s =~ y/~/A/; |
| $s .= 'E'; |
| |
| while ($s =~ /(a+)[^a]/g) { |
| my $from = $-[1]; |
| my $to = $+[1]; |
| $mtt->add( |
| term => 'i^1:' . substr($os, $from, $from + $to), |
| o_start => $from + $o_start, |
| o_end => $to + $o_start |
| ) unless $to - $from == $l; |
| }; |
| while ($s =~ /(0+)[^0]/g) { |
| my $from = $-[1]; |
| my $to = $+[1]; |
| $mtt->add( |
| term => 'i^2:' . substr($os, $from, $from + $to), |
| o_start => $from + $o_start, |
| o_end => $to + $o_start |
| ) unless $to - $from == $l; |
| }; |
| while ($s =~ /(#)/g) { |
| my $from = $-[1]; |
| my $to = $+[1]; |
| $mtt->add( |
| term => 'i^3:' . substr($os, $from, $from + $to), |
| o_start => $from + $o_start, |
| o_end => $to + $o_start |
| ) unless $to - $from == $l; |
| }; |
| }; |
| |
| return $self; |
| }; |
| |
| |
| # Get span positions through character offsets |
| sub range { |
| return shift->{range} // KorAP::Tokenizer::Range->new; |
| }; |
| |
| |
| # Get token positions through character offsets |
| sub match { |
| return shift->{match} // KorAP::Tokenizer::Match->new; |
| }; |
| |
| |
| # Add information of spans to the tokens |
| sub add_spandata { |
| my $self = shift; |
| my %param = @_; |
| |
| croak 'No token data available' unless $self->stream; |
| |
| $self->log->trace( |
| ($param{skip} ? 'Skip' : 'Add').' span data '.$param{foundry}.':'.$param{layer} |
| ); |
| |
| return if $param{skip}; |
| |
| my $cb = delete $param{cb}; |
| |
| $param{primary} = $self->doc->primary; |
| |
| my $spans = KorAP::Tokenizer::Spans->new( |
| path => $self->path, |
| range => $self->range, |
| match => $self->match, |
| %param |
| ); |
| |
| my $spanarray = $spans->parse or return; |
| |
| if ($spans->should == $spans->have) { |
| $self->log->trace('With perfect alignment!'); |
| } |
| else { |
| $self->log->debug('With an alignment quota of ' . _perc($spans->should, $spans->have) . ' %'); |
| }; |
| |
| if ($cb) { |
| foreach (@$spanarray) { |
| $cb->($self->stream, $_, $spans); |
| }; |
| return 1; |
| }; |
| return $spans; |
| }; |
| |
| # Add information to the tokens |
| sub add_tokendata { |
| my $self = shift; |
| my %param = @_; |
| |
| croak 'No token data available' unless $self->stream; |
| |
| $self->log->trace( |
| ($param{skip} ? 'Skip' : 'Add').' token data '.$param{foundry}.':'.$param{layer} |
| ); |
| return if $param{skip}; |
| |
| my $cb = delete $param{cb}; |
| |
| $param{primary} = $self->doc->primary; |
| |
| my $tokens = KorAP::Tokenizer::Tokens->new( |
| path => $self->path, |
| range => $self->range, |
| match => $self->match, |
| %param |
| ); |
| |
| my $tokenarray = $tokens->parse or return; |
| |
| if ($tokens->should == $tokens->have) { |
| $self->log->trace('With perfect alignment!'); |
| } |
| else { |
| my $perc = _perc( |
| $tokens->should, $tokens->have, $self->should, $self->should - $self->have |
| ); |
| $self->log->debug('With an alignment quota of ' . $perc); |
| }; |
| |
| if ($cb) { |
| foreach (@$tokenarray) { |
| $cb->($self->stream, $_, $tokens); |
| }; |
| return 1; |
| }; |
| return $tokens; |
| }; |
| |
| |
| sub add { |
| my $self = shift; |
| my $loader = Mojo::Loader->new; |
| my $foundry = shift; |
| my $layer = shift; |
| |
| unless ($foundry && $layer) { |
| warn 'Unable to add specific module - not enough information given!'; |
| return; |
| }; |
| |
| my $mod = 'KorAP::Index::' . $foundry . '::' . $layer; |
| |
| if ($mod->can('new') || eval("require $mod; 1;")) { |
| if (my $retval = $mod->new($self)->parse(@_)) { |
| |
| # This layer is supported |
| $self->support($foundry => $layer, @_); |
| |
| # Get layerinfo |
| $self->layer_info($mod->layer_info); |
| return $retval; |
| }; |
| } |
| else { |
| $self->log->error('Unable to load '.$mod . '(' . $@ . ')'); |
| }; |
| |
| return; |
| }; |
| |
| |
| sub _perc { |
| if (@_ == 2) { |
| # '[' . $_[0] . '/' . $_[1] . ']' . |
| return sprintf("%.2f", ($_[1] * 100) / $_[0]); |
| } |
| |
| my $a_should = shift; |
| my $a_have = shift; |
| my $b_should = shift; |
| my $b_have = shift; |
| my $a_quota = ($a_have * 100) / $a_should; |
| my $b_quota = ($b_have * 100) / $b_should; |
| return sprintf("%.2f", $a_quota) . '%' . |
| ((($a_quota + $b_quota) <= 100) ? |
| ' [' . sprintf("%.2f", $a_quota + $b_quota) . '%]' : ''); |
| }; |
| |
| |
| sub support { |
| my $self = shift; |
| |
| # No setting - just getting |
| unless ($_[0]) { |
| my @supports; |
| |
| # Get all foundries |
| foreach my $foundry (keys %{$self->{support}}) { |
| push(@supports, $foundry); |
| |
| # Get all layers |
| foreach my $layer (@{$self->{support}->{$foundry}}) { |
| my @layers = @$layer; |
| push(@supports, $foundry . '/' . $layers[0]); |
| |
| # More information |
| if ($layers[1]) { |
| push(@supports, $foundry . '/' . join('/', @layers)); |
| }; |
| }; |
| }; |
| return lc ( join ' ', sort {$a cmp $b } @supports ); |
| } |
| elsif (!$_[1]) { |
| return $self->{support}->{$_[0]} // [] |
| }; |
| my $f = lc shift; |
| my $l = lc shift; |
| my @info = @_; |
| $self->{support} //= {}; |
| $self->{support}->{$f} //= []; |
| push(@{$self->{support}->{$f}}, [$l, @info]); |
| }; |
| |
| |
| sub layer_info { |
| my $self = shift; |
| $self->{layer_info} //= []; |
| if ($_[0]) { |
| push(@{$self->{layer_info}}, @{$_[0]}); |
| } |
| else { |
| return join ' ', sort {$a cmp $b } uniq @{$self->{layer_info}}; |
| }; |
| }; |
| |
| |
| sub to_string { |
| my $self = shift; |
| my $primary = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 1; |
| my $string = "<meta>\n"; |
| $string .= $self->doc->to_string; |
| $string .= "</meta>\n"; |
| if ($primary) { |
| $string .= "<text>\n"; |
| $string .= $self->doc->primary->data . "\n"; |
| $string .= "</text>\n"; |
| }; |
| $string .= '<field name="' . $self->name . "\">\n"; |
| $string .= "<info>\n"; |
| $string .= 'tokenization = ' . $self->foundry . '#' . $self->layer . "\n"; |
| |
| # There is support info |
| if (my $support = $self->support) { |
| $string .= 'support = ' . $support . "\n"; |
| }; |
| if (my $layer_info = $self->layer_info) { |
| $string .= 'layer_info = ' . $layer_info . "\n"; |
| }; |
| |
| $string .= "</info>\n"; |
| $string .= $self->stream->to_string; |
| $string .= "</field>"; |
| return $string; |
| }; |
| |
| sub to_data { |
| my $self = shift; |
| my $primary = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 1; |
| my $legacy = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : 0; |
| |
| my %data = %{$self->doc->to_hash}; |
| my @fields; |
| |
| if ($legacy) { |
| push(@fields, { primaryData => $self->doc->primary->data }) if $primary; |
| |
| push(@fields, { |
| name => $self->name, |
| data => $self->stream->to_array, |
| tokenization => lc($self->foundry) . '#' . lc($self->layer), |
| foundries => $self->support, |
| layerInfo => $self->layer_info |
| }); |
| |
| $data{fields} = \@fields; |
| } |
| |
| else { |
| $data{primaryData} = $self->doc->primary->data if $primary; |
| $data{tokenName} = $self->name; |
| $data{data} = $self->stream->to_array; |
| $data{tokenSource} = lc($self->foundry) . '#' . lc($self->layer); |
| $data{foundries} = $self->support; |
| $data{layerInfos} = $self->layer_info; |
| $data{version} = '0.02'; |
| }; |
| |
| \%data; |
| }; |
| |
| |
| sub to_json_legacy { |
| encode_json($_[0]->to_data($_[1], 1)); |
| }; |
| |
| sub to_json { |
| encode_json($_[0]->to_data($_[1], 0)); |
| }; |
| |
| |
| sub to_pretty_json { |
| JSON::XS->new->pretty->encode($_[0]->to_data($_[1])); |
| }; |
| |
| |
| 1; |
| |
| |
| __END__ |
| |
| =pod |
| |
| =head1 NAME |
| |
| KorAP::Tokenizer |
| |
| =head1 SYNOPSIS |
| |
| my $tokens = KorAP::Tokenizer->new( |
| path => '../examples/00003', |
| doc => KorAP::Document->new( ... ), |
| foundry => 'opennlp', |
| layer => 'tokens' |
| ); |
| |
| $tokens->parse; |
| |
| =head1 DESCRIPTION |
| |
| Convert token information from the KorAP XML |
| format into Lucene Index compatible token streams. |
| |
| =head1 ATTRIBUTES |
| |
| =head2 path |
| |
| print $tokens->path; |
| |
| The path of the document. |
| |
| |
| =head2 foundry |
| |
| print $tokens->foundry; |
| |
| The name of the foundry. |
| |
| =head2 should |
| |
| Number of tokens that exist at all. |
| |
| =head2 have |
| |
| Number of tokens effectively stored in the token stream (e.g., no punctuations). |
| |
| =head2 layer |
| |
| print $tokens->layer; |
| |
| The name of the tokens layer. |
| |
| |
| =head2 doc |
| |
| print $tokens->doc->corpus_id; |
| |
| The L<KorAP::Document> object. |
| |
| |
| =head2 stream |
| |
| $tokens->stream->add_meta('adjCount', '<i>45'); |
| |
| The L<KorAP::Field::MultiTermTokenStream> object |
| |
| |
| =head2 range |
| |
| $tokens->range->lookup(45); |
| |
| The L<KorAP::Tokenizer::Range> object for converting span offsets to positions. |
| |
| =head2 match |
| |
| $tokens->match->lookup(45); |
| |
| The L<KorAP::Tokenizer::Match> object for converting token offsets to positions. |
| |
| |
| =head1 METHODS |
| |
| =head2 parse |
| |
| $tokens->parse; |
| |
| Start the tokenization process. |
| |
| |
| =head2 to_json_legacy |
| |
| print $tokens->to_json_legacy; |
| print $tokens->to_json_legacy(1); |
| |
| Return the token data in legacy JSON format. |
| An optional parsed boolean parameter indicates, |
| if primary data should be included. |
| |
| =head2 to_json |
| |
| print $tokens->to_json; |
| print $tokens->to_json(1); |
| |
| Return the token data in JSON format |
| An optional parsed boolean parameter indicates, |
| if primary data should be included. |
| |
| |
| =head2 add_subtokens |
| |
| $tokens->split_tokens; |
| $tokens->split_tokens( |
| sub { |
| ... |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| Add sub token information to the index. |
| This is based on the C<aggressive> tokenization, written by Carsten Schnober. |
| |
| |
| =head2 add_spandata |
| |
| $tokens->add_spandata( |
| foundry => 'base', |
| layer => 'sentences', |
| cb => sub { |
| my ($stream, $span) = @_; |
| my $mtt = $stream->pos($span->p_start); |
| $mtt->add( |
| term => '<>:s', |
| o_start => $span->o_start, |
| o_end => $span->o_end, |
| p_end => $span->p_end |
| ); |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| Add span information to the parsed token stream. |
| Expects a C<foundry> name, a C<layer> name and a |
| callback parameter, that will be called after each parsed |
| span. The L<KorAP::Field::MultiTermTokenStream> object will be passed, |
| as well as the current L<KorAP::Tokenizer::Span>. |
| |
| An optional parameter C<encoding> may indicate that the span offsets |
| are either refering to C<bytes> or C<utf-8> offsets. |
| |
| An optional parameter C<skip> allows for skipping the process. |
| |
| |
| =head2 add_tokendata |
| |
| $tokens->add_tokendata( |
| foundry => 'connexor', |
| layer => 'syntax', |
| cb => sub { |
| my ($stream, $token) = @_; |
| my $mtt = $stream->pos($token->pos); |
| my $content = $token->content; |
| |
| # syntax |
| if ((my $found = $content->at('f[name="pos"]')) && ($found = $found->text)) { |
| $mtt->add( |
| term => 'cnx_syn:' . $found |
| ); |
| }; |
| }); |
| |
| Add token information to the parsed token stream. |
| Expects a C<foundry> name, a C<layer> name and a |
| callback parameter, that will be called after each parsed |
| token. The L<KorAP::Field::MultiTermTokenStream> object will be passed, |
| as well as the current L<KorAP::Tokenizer::Span>. |
| |
| An optional parameter C<encoding> may indicate that the token offsets |
| are either refering to C<bytes> or C<utf-8> offsets. |
| |
| An optional parameter C<skip> allows for skipping the process. |
| |
| =cut |