| #!/usr/bin/env perl |
| use strict; |
| use warnings; |
| use FindBin; |
| BEGIN { unshift @INC, "$FindBin::Bin/../lib" }; |
| use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile catdir/; |
| use Getopt::Long qw/GetOptions :config no_auto_abbrev/; |
| use Benchmark qw/:hireswallclock/; |
| use IO::Compress::Gzip qw/$GzipError/; |
| use Log::Log4perl; |
| use Pod::Usage; |
| use Cache::FastMmap; |
| use Directory::Iterator; |
| use KorAP::XML::Krill; |
| use KorAP::XML::Archive; |
| use KorAP::XML::Tokenizer; |
| use KorAP::XML::Batch::File; |
| use Parallel::ForkManager; |
| # TODO: use Parallel::Loops |
| # TODO: make output files |
| |
| # CHANGES: |
| # ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| # 2013/11/25 |
| # - Initial release |
| # |
| # 2014/10/29 |
| # - Merges foundry data to create indexer friendly documents |
| # |
| # 2016/02/04 |
| # - renamed to korapxml2krill |
| # - added Schreibgebrauch support |
| # |
| # 2016/02/12 |
| # - fixed foundry skipping |
| # - Support overwrite in archive processing |
| # |
| # 2016/02/14 |
| # - Added version information |
| # - Added support for archive files |
| # |
| # 2016/02/15 |
| # - Fixed temporary directory bug |
| # - Improved skipping before unzipping |
| # - Added EXPERIMENTAL concurrency support |
| # |
| # 2016/02/23 |
| # - Merge korapxml2krill and korapxml2krill_dir |
| # |
| # 2016/02/27 |
| # - Added extract function |
| # |
| # 2016/03/17 |
| # - Added meta switch |
| # |
| # 2016/03/18 |
| # - Added meta data caching |
| # |
| # 2016/06/27 |
| # - Added multi archive support |
| # - Added prefix negation support |
| # - Added Malt#Dependency support |
| # |
| # 2016/07/06 |
| # - Added MDParser#Dependency |
| # ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| our $LAST_CHANGE = '2016/08/16'; |
| our $LOCAL = $FindBin::Bin; |
| our $VERSION_MSG = <<"VERSION"; |
| Version $KorAP::XML::Krill::VERSION - diewald\@ids-mannheim.de - $LAST_CHANGE |
| |
| # Parse comand |
| my $cmd; |
| our @ARGV; |
| if ($ARGV[0] && index($ARGV[0], '-') != 0) { |
| $cmd = shift @ARGV; |
| }; |
| |
| my (@skip, @sigle, @anno, @input); |
| my $text; |
| |
| # Parse options from the command line |
| GetOptions( |
| 'input|i=s' => \@input, |
| 'output|o=s' => \(my $output), |
| 'overwrite|w' => \(my $overwrite), |
| 'meta|m=s' => \(my $meta), |
| 'token|t=s' => \(my $token_base), |
| 'gzip|z' => \(my $gzip), |
| 'skip|s=s' => \@skip, |
| 'sigle|sg=s' => \@sigle, |
| 'cache|c=s' => \(my $cache_file = 'korapxml2krill.cache'), |
| 'cache-size|cs=s' => \(my $cache_size = '50m'), |
| 'cache-delete|cd!' => \(my $cache_delete = 1), |
| 'cache-init|ci!' => \(my $cache_init = 1), |
| 'log|l=s' => \(my $log_level = 'ERROR'), |
| 'anno|a=s' => \@anno, |
| 'primary|p!' => \(my $primary), |
| 'pretty|y' => \(my $pretty), |
| 'jobs|j=i' => \(my $jobs = 0), |
| 'help|h' => sub { |
| pod2usage( |
| -verbose => 99, |
| -msg => $VERSION_MSG, |
| ); |
| }, |
| 'version|v' => sub { |
| pod2usage( |
| -verbose => 0, |
| -msg => $VERSION_MSG |
| ) |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| my %ERROR_HASH = ( |
| -verbose => 99, |
| -msg => $VERSION_MSG, |
| -exit => 1 |
| ); |
| |
| # Input has to be defined |
| pod2usage(%ERROR_HASH) unless @input; |
| |
| # Gzip has no effect, if no output is given |
| pod2usage(%ERROR_HASH) if $gzip && !$output; |
| |
| # Initialize log4perl object |
| Log::Log4perl->init({ |
| 'log4perl.rootLogger' => uc($log_level) . ', STDERR', |
| 'log4perl.appender.STDERR' => 'Log::Log4perl::Appender::ScreenColoredLevels', |
| 'log4perl.appender.STDERR.layout' => 'PatternLayout', |
| 'log4perl.appender.STDERR.layout.ConversionPattern' => '[%r] %F %L %c - %m%n' |
| }); |
| |
| my $log = Log::Log4perl->get_logger('main'); |
| |
| my %skip; |
| $skip{lc($_)} = 1 foreach @skip; |
| |
| my @layers; |
| push(@layers, ['Base', 'Sentences']); |
| push(@layers, ['Base', 'Paragraphs']); |
| |
| # Connexor |
| push(@layers, ['Connexor', 'Morpho']); |
| push(@layers, ['Connexor', 'Syntax']); |
| push(@layers, ['Connexor', 'Phrase']); |
| push(@layers, ['Connexor', 'Sentences']); |
| |
| # CoreNLP |
| push(@layers, ['CoreNLP', 'NamedEntities']); |
| push(@layers, ['CoreNLP', 'Sentences']); |
| push(@layers, ['CoreNLP', 'Morpho']); |
| push(@layers, ['CoreNLP', 'Constituency']); |
| |
| # DeReKo |
| push(@layers, ['DeReKo', 'Structure']); |
| |
| # Glemm |
| push(@layers, ['Glemm', 'Morpho']); |
| |
| # Malt |
| push(@layers, ['Malt', 'Dependency']); |
| |
| # MDParser |
| push(@layers, ['MDParser', 'Dependency']); |
| |
| # Mate |
| push(@layers, ['Mate', 'Morpho']); |
| push(@layers, ['Mate', 'Dependency']); |
| |
| # OpenNLP |
| push(@layers, ['OpenNLP', 'Morpho']); |
| push(@layers, ['OpenNLP', 'Sentences']); |
| |
| # Schreibgebrauch |
| push(@layers, ['Sgbr', 'Lemma']); |
| push(@layers, ['Sgbr', 'Morpho']); |
| |
| # TreeTagger |
| push(@layers, ['TreeTagger', 'Morpho']); |
| push(@layers, ['TreeTagger', 'Sentences']); |
| |
| # XIP |
| push(@layers, ['XIP', 'Morpho']); |
| push(@layers, ['XIP', 'Constituency']); |
| push(@layers, ['XIP', 'Sentences']); |
| push(@layers, ['XIP', 'Dependency']); |
| |
| # Check filters |
| my @filtered_anno; |
| if ($skip{'#all'}) { |
| foreach (@anno) { |
| push @filtered_anno, [ split('#', $_) ]; |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| # Add all annotations that are not skipped |
| else { |
| # Add to index file - respect skipping |
| foreach my $info (@layers) { |
| # Skip if Foundry or Foundry#Layer should be skipped |
| unless ($skip{lc($info->[0])} || $skip{lc($info->[0]) . '#' . lc($info->[1])}) { |
| push @filtered_anno, $info; |
| }; |
| }; |
| }; |
| |
| # Get tokenization basis |
| my ($token_base_foundry, $token_base_layer) = split(/#/, $token_base) if ($token_base); |
| |
| # TODO: This should not be initialized for batch |
| my $cache = Cache::FastMmap->new( |
| share_file => $cache_file, |
| cache_size => $cache_size, |
| init_file => $cache_init |
| ); |
| |
| my $batch_file = KorAP::XML::Batch::File->new( |
| cache => $cache, |
| meta_type => $meta, |
| overwrite => $overwrite, |
| foundry => $token_base_foundry, |
| layer => $token_base_layer, |
| gzip => $gzip, |
| log => $log, |
| primary => $primary, |
| pretty => $pretty, |
| anno => \@filtered_anno |
| ); |
| |
| |
| # Get file name based on path information |
| sub get_file_name ($) { |
| my $i = $input[0]; |
| my $file = shift; |
| $file =~ s!^/?tmp/[^/]+!!; |
| $file =~ s/^?\/?$i//; |
| $file =~ tr/\//-/; |
| $file =~ s{^-+}{}; |
| return $file; |
| }; |
| |
| |
| # Write file |
| #sub write_file { |
| # my $anno = shift; |
| # my $file = get_file_name $anno; |
| # |
| # # TODO: This should be done directly with a data structure! KorAP::XML::Wrap |
| # |
| # my $call = 'perl ' . $LOCAL . '/korapxml2krill'; |
| # $call .= ' -i ' . $anno; |
| # $call .= ' -o ' . $output . '/' . $file . '.json'; |
| # $call .= '.gz -z' if $gzip; |
| # $call .= ' -m ' . $meta if $meta; |
| # $call .= ' -w' if $overwrite; |
| # $call .= ' -t ' . $token_base if $token_base; |
| # $call .= ' -l ' . $log_level if $log_level; |
| # $call .= ' -c ' . $cache_file; |
| # $call .= ' -cs ' . $cache_size; |
| # $call .= ' --no-cache-delete'; # Don't delete the cache |
| # $call .= ' --no-cache-init'; # Don't initialize the cache |
| # $call .= ' --no-primary ' if $primary; |
| # $call .= ' -y ' . $pretty if $pretty; |
| # $call .= ' -a ' . $_ foreach @anno; |
| # $call .= ' -s ' . $_ foreach @skip; |
| # system($call); |
| # return "$file"; |
| #}; |
| |
| |
| # Convert sigle to path construct |
| s!^\s*([^_]+?)_([^\.]+?)\.(.+?)\s*$!$1/$2/$3! foreach @sigle; |
| |
| # Process a single file |
| unless ($cmd) { |
| my $input = $input[0]; |
| |
| BEGIN { |
| $main::TIME = Benchmark->new; |
| $main::LAST_STOP = Benchmark->new; |
| }; |
| |
| sub stop_time { |
| my $new = Benchmark->new; |
| $log->info( |
| 'The code took: '. |
| timestr(timediff($new, $main::LAST_STOP)) . |
| ' (overall: ' . timestr(timediff($new, $main::TIME)) . ')' |
| ); |
| $main::LAST_STOP = $new; |
| }; |
| |
| # Create and parse new document |
| $input =~ s{([^/])$}{$1/}; |
| |
| $batch_file->process($input, $output); |
| |
| # Delete cache file |
| unlink($cache_file) if $cache_delete; |
| |
| stop_time; |
| } |
| |
| # Extract XML files |
| elsif ($cmd eq 'extract') { |
| |
| warn '!!!!!!!!!!!!!------------> '; |
| |
| if ($output && (!-e $output || !-d $output)) { |
| print "Directory '$output' does not exist.\n\n"; |
| exit(0); |
| }; |
| |
| |
| # TODO: Support sigles and full archives |
| |
| if (-f($input[0]) && (my $archive = KorAP::XML::Archive->new($input[0]))) { |
| |
| unless ($archive->test_unzip) { |
| print "Unzip is not installed or incompatible.\n\n"; |
| exit(1); |
| }; |
| |
| # Add further annotation archived |
| $archive->attach($_) foreach @input; |
| |
| # Iterate over all given sigles and extract |
| foreach (@sigle) { |
| print "$_ "; |
| print '' . ($archive->extract('./' . $_, $output) ? '' : 'not '); |
| print "extracted.\n"; |
| }; |
| |
| print "\n"; |
| exit(1); |
| } |
| else { |
| $log->error('Unable to extract from primary archive ' . $input[0]); |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| # Process an archive |
| elsif ($cmd eq 'archive') { |
| |
| warn '!!!!!!!!!!!!!------------> '; |
| |
| if ($output && (!-e $output || !-d $output)) { |
| print "Directory '$output' does not exist.\n\n"; |
| exit(0); |
| }; |
| |
| |
| # TODO: Support sigles |
| |
| if ($output && (!-e $output || !-d $output)) { |
| print "Directory '$output' does not exist.\n\n"; |
| exit(0); |
| }; |
| |
| # Zero means: everything runs in the parent process |
| my $pool = Parallel::ForkManager->new($jobs); |
| |
| my $count = 0; # Texts to process |
| my $iter = 1; # Current text in process |
| |
| # Report on fork message |
| $pool->run_on_finish ( |
| sub { |
| my ($pid, $code) = shift; |
| my $data = pop; |
| print 'Convert ['. ($jobs > 0 ? "\$$pid:" : '') . |
| ($iter++) . "/$count]" . |
| ($code ? " $code" : '') . |
| " $$data\n"; |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| my $t; |
| print "Reading data ...\n"; |
| |
| # unless (Cache::FastMmap->new( |
| # share_file => $cache_file, |
| # cache_size => $cache_size, |
| # init_file => $cache_init |
| # )) { |
| # print "Unable to intialize cache '$cache_file'\n\n"; |
| # exit(1); |
| # }; |
| |
| # Input is a directory |
| if (-d $input[0]) { |
| my $it = Directory::Iterator->new($input[0]); |
| my @dirs; |
| my $dir; |
| |
| while (1) { |
| if (!$it->is_directory && ($dir = $it->get) && $dir =~ s{/data\.xml$}{}) { |
| push @dirs, $dir; |
| $it->prune; |
| }; |
| last unless $it->next; |
| }; |
| |
| print "Start processing ...\n"; |
| $t = Benchmark->new; |
| $count = scalar @dirs; |
| |
| for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { |
| |
| my $filename = catfile( |
| $output, |
| get_file_name($dirs[$i]) . '.json' . ($gzip ? '.gz' : '') |
| ); |
| |
| # Get the next fork |
| my $pid = $pool->start and next DIRECTORY_LOOP; |
| my $msg; |
| |
| $msg = $batch_file->process($dirs[$i] => $filename); |
| $pool->finish(0, \$msg); |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| # Input is a file |
| elsif (-f($input[0]) && (my $archive = KorAP::XML::Archive->new($input[0]))) { |
| |
| unless ($archive->test_unzip) { |
| print "Unzip is not installed or incompatible.\n\n"; |
| exit(1); |
| }; |
| |
| # Add further annotation archived |
| $archive->attach($_) foreach @input; |
| |
| print "Start processing ...\n"; |
| $t = Benchmark->new; |
| my @dirs = $archive->list_texts; |
| $count = scalar @dirs; |
| |
| for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { |
| |
| # Split path information |
| my ($prefix, $corpus, $doc, $text) = $archive->split_path($dirs[$i]); |
| |
| my $filename = catfile( |
| $output, |
| get_file_name( |
| catfile($corpus, $doc, $text) |
| . '.json' . ($gzip ? '.gz' : '') |
| ) |
| ); |
| |
| # Get the next fork |
| my $pid = $pool->start and next ARCHIVE_LOOP; |
| |
| # Create temporary file |
| my $temp = File::Temp->newdir; |
| |
| my $msg; |
| |
| # Extract from archive |
| if ($archive->extract($dirs[$i], $temp)) { |
| |
| # Create corpus directory |
| my $input = catdir("$temp", $corpus); |
| |
| # Temporary directory |
| my $dir = catdir($input, $doc, $text); |
| |
| # Write file |
| $msg = $batch_file->process($dir => $output); |
| |
| $temp = undef; |
| $pool->finish(0, \$msg); |
| } |
| else { |
| |
| $temp = undef; |
| $msg = "Unable to extract " . $dirs[$i] . "\n"; |
| $pool->finish(1, \$msg); |
| }; |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| else { |
| print "Input is neither a directory nor an archive.\n\n"; |
| }; |
| |
| $pool->wait_all_children; |
| |
| # Delete cache file |
| unlink($cache_file) if $cache_delete; |
| |
| print "Done.\n"; |
| print timestr(timediff(Benchmark->new, $t))."\n\n"; |
| } |
| |
| # Unknown command |
| else { |
| warn "Unknown command '$cmd'.\n\n"; |
| pod2usage(%ERROR_HASH); |
| } |
| |
| __END__ |
| |
| =pod |
| |
| =encoding utf8 |
| |
| =head1 NAME |
| |
| korapxml2krill - Merge KorapXML data and create Krill documents |
| |
| |
| =head1 SYNOPSIS |
| |
| $ korapxml2krill -z --input <directory> --output <filename> |
| $ korapxml2krill archive -z --input <directory> --output <directory> |
| $ korapxml2krill extract --input <directory> --output <filename> --sigle <SIGLE> |
| |
| |
| =head1 DESCRIPTION |
| |
| L<KorAP::XML::Krill> is a library to convert KorAP-XML documents to files |
| compatible with the L<Krill|https://github.com/KorAP/Krill> indexer. |
| The C<korapxml2krill> command line tool is a simple wrapper to the library. |
| |
| |
| |
| The preferred way to install L<KorAP::XML::Krill> is to use L<cpanm|App::cpanminus>. |
| |
| $ cpanm https://github.com/KorAP/KorAP-XML-Krill |
| |
| In case everything went well, the C<korapxml2krill> tool will |
| be available on your command line immediately. |
| |
| |
| =head1 ARGUMENTS |
| |
| =over 2 |
| |
| =item B<archive> |
| |
| Process an archive as a Zip-file or a folder of KorAP-XML documents. |
| |
| =item B<extract> |
| |
| Extract KorAP-XML files from a Zip-file. |
| |
| =back |
| |
| |
| =head1 OPTIONS |
| |
| =over 2 |
| |
| =item B<--input|-i> <directory|file|files> |
| |
| Directory or archive file of documents to convert. |
| |
| Archiving supports multiple input archives with the constraint, |
| that the first archive listed contains all primary data files |
| and all meta data files. |
| |
| -i file/news.zip -i file/news.malt.zip -i #file/news.tt.zip |
| |
| (The directory structure follows the base directory format, |
| that may include a C<.> root folder. |
| In this case further archives lacking a C<.> root folder |
| need to be passed with a hash sign in front of the archive's name.) |
| |
| =item B<--output|-o> <directory|file> |
| |
| Output folder for archive processing or |
| document name for single output (optional), |
| writes to C<STDOUT> by default |
| (in case C<output> is not mandatory due to further options). |
| |
| =item B<--overwrite|-w> |
| |
| Overwrite files that already exist. |
| |
| =item B<--token|-t> <foundry>[#<file>] |
| |
| Define the default tokenization by specifying |
| the name of the foundry and optionally the name |
| of the layer-file. Defaults to C<OpenNLP#tokens>. |
| |
| =item B<--skip|-s> <foundry>[#<layer>] |
| |
| Skip specific annotations by specifying the foundry |
| (and optionally the layer with a C<#>-prefix), |
| e.g. C<Mate> or C<Mate#Morpho>. Alternatively you can skip C<#ALL>. |
| Can be set multiple times. |
| |
| =item B<--anno|-a> <foundry>#<layer> |
| |
| Convert specific annotations by specifying the foundry |
| (and optionally the layer with a C<#>-prefix), |
| e.g. C<Mate> or C<Mate#Morpho>. |
| Can be set multiple times. |
| |
| =item B<--primary|-p> |
| |
| Output primary data or not. Defaults to C<true>. |
| Can be flagged using C<--no-primary> as well. |
| This is I<deprecated>. |
| |
| =item B<--jobs|-j> |
| |
| Define the number of concurrent jobs in seperated forks |
| for archive processing. |
| Defaults to C<0> (everything runs in a single process). |
| This is I<experimental>. |
| |
| =item B<--meta|-m> |
| |
| Define the metadata parser to use. Defaults to C<I5>. |
| Metadata parsers can be defined in the C<KorAP::XML::Meta> namespace. |
| This is I<experimental>. |
| |
| =item B<--pretty|-y> |
| |
| Pretty print JSON output. Defaults to C<false>. |
| This is I<deprecated>. |
| |
| =item B<--gzip|-z> |
| |
| Compress the output. |
| Expects a defined C<output> file in single processing. |
| |
| =item B<--cache|-c> |
| |
| File to mmap a cache (using L<Cache::FastMmap>). |
| Defaults to C<korapxml2krill.cache> in the calling directory. |
| |
| =item B<--cache-size|-cs> |
| |
| Size of the cache. Defaults to C<50m>. |
| |
| =item B<--cache-init|-ci> |
| |
| Initialize cache file. |
| Can be flagged using C<--no-cache-init> as well. |
| Defaults to C<true>. |
| |
| =item B<--cache-delete|-cd> |
| |
| Delete cache file after processing. |
| Can be flagged using C<--no-cache-delete> as well. |
| Defaults to C<true>. |
| |
| =item B<--sigle|-sg> |
| |
| Extract the given text sigles. |
| Can be set multiple times. |
| I<Currently only supported on C<extract>.> |
| Sigles have the structure C<Corpus>/C<Document>/C<Text>. |
| |
| =item B<--log|-l> |
| |
| The L<Log4perl> log level, defaults to C<ERROR>. |
| |
| =item B<--help|-h> |
| |
| Print this document. |
| |
| =item B<--version|-v> |
| |
| Print version information. |
| |
| =back |
| |
| |
| L<KorAP::XML::Krill> has built-in importer for some annotation foundries and layers |
| developed in the KorAP project that are part of the KorAP preprocessing pipeline. |
| The base foundry with paragraphs, sentences, and the text element are mandatory for |
| L<Krill|https://github.com/KorAP/Krill>. |
| |
| =over 2 |
| |
| =item B<Base> |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item #Paragraphs |
| |
| =item #Sentences |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =item B<Connexor> |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item #Morpho |
| |
| =item #Phrase |
| |
| =item #Sentences |
| |
| =item #Syntax |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =item B<CoreNLP> |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item #Constituency |
| |
| =item #Morpho |
| |
| =item #NamedEntities |
| |
| =item #Sentences |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =item B<DeReKo> |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item #Structure |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =item B<Glemm> |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item #Morpho |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =item B<Mate> |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item #Dependency |
| |
| =item #Morpho |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =item B<OpenNLP> |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item #Morpho |
| |
| =item #Sentences |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =item B<Sgbr> |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item #Lemma |
| |
| =item #Morpho |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =item B<TreeTagger> |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item #Morpho |
| |
| =item #Sentences |
| |
| =back |
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| =item B<XIP> |
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| =over 4 |
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| =item #Constituency |
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| =item #Morpho |
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| =item #Sentences |
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| =back |
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| =back |
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| More importers are in preparation. |
| New annotation importers can be defined in the C<KorAP::XML::Annotation> namespace. |
| See the built-in annotation importers as examples. |
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| https://github.com/KorAP/KorAP-XML-Krill |
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| Copyright (C) 2015-2016, L<IDS Mannheim|http://www.ids-mannheim.de/> |
| |
| Author: L<Nils Diewald|http://nils-diewald.de/> |
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| L<KorAP::XML::Krill> is developed as part of the L<KorAP|http://korap.ids-mannheim.de/> |
| Corpus Analysis Platform at the |
| L<Institute for the German Language (IDS)|http://ids-mannheim.de/>, |
| member of the |
| L<Leibniz-Gemeinschaft|http://www.leibniz-gemeinschaft.de/en/about-us/leibniz-competition/projekte-2011/2011-funding-line-2/>. |
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| This program is free software published under the |
| L<BSD-2 License|https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KorAP/KorAP-XML-Krill/master/LICENSE>. |
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