| #!/usr/bin/env perl |
| use strict; |
| use warnings; |
| use Data::Dumper; |
| use Test::More; |
| use File::Temp 'tempfile'; |
| use File::Basename 'dirname'; |
| use File::Spec::Functions qw!catdir catfile!; |
| |
| use_ok('KorAP::XML::Log::Slim'); |
| |
| my $temp = tempfile(); |
| |
| my $file = catfile(dirname(__FILE__), 'logs','dereko-example-log.txt'); |
| |
| ok(!KorAP::XML::Log::Slim->new); |
| |
| my $slim = KorAP::XML::Log::Slim->new($file); |
| |
| $slim->slim_to($temp); |
| |
| seek($temp, 0,0); |
| |
| my $content; |
| { |
| local $/; |
| $content = <$temp>; |
| } |
| |
| like($content, qr!2 Start serial processing of e03\.\*zip!); |
| unlike($content, qr!Convert \[[^:]+?\:2\/\d+?\] Processed!); |
| unlike($content, qr!Unable to process!); |
| like($content, qr!Use of uninitialized value!); |
| like($content, qr!End-of-central-directory!); |
| like($content, qr!## Done\. \[\!Process\: 1\]!); |
| like($content, qr!file #1: bad zipfile offset!); |
| like($content, qr!cannot find zipfile directory!); |
| |
| done_testing; |