| #!/usr/bin/env perl |
| use strict; |
| use warnings; |
| use utf8; |
| use Test::More; |
| use Scalar::Util qw/weaken/; |
| use Data::Dumper; |
| |
| use_ok('KorAP::Document'); |
| |
| use File::Basename 'dirname'; |
| use File::Spec::Functions 'catdir'; |
| |
| my $path = catdir(dirname(__FILE__), 'corpus', 'doc', '0001'); |
| |
| ok(my $doc = KorAP::Document->new( |
| path => $path . '/' |
| ), 'Load Korap::Document'); |
| |
| like($doc->path, qr!$path/$!, 'Path'); |
| ok($doc->parse, 'Parse document'); |
| |
| ok($doc->primary->data, 'Primary data in existence'); |
| is($doc->primary->data_length, 129, 'Data length'); |
| |
| use_ok('KorAP::Tokenizer'); |
| |
| ok(my $tokens = KorAP::Tokenizer->new( |
| path => $doc->path, |
| doc => $doc, |
| foundry => 'OpenNLP', |
| layer => 'Tokens', |
| name => 'tokens' |
| ), 'New Tokenizer'); |
| |
| ok($tokens->parse, 'Parse'); |
| |
| ok($tokens->add('XIP', 'Constituency'), 'Add Structure'); |
| |
| my $data = $tokens->to_data->{data}; |
| like($data->{foundries}, qr!xip/constituency!, 'data'); |
| like($data->{layerInfos}, qr!xip/c=spans!, 'data'); |
| |
| # The length includes the punct - but that doesn't matter |
| is($data->{stream}->[0]->[1], '<>:xip/c:PREP$<b>64<i>0<i>3<i>1<b>3', 'Prep phrase'); |
| is($data->{stream}->[0]->[2], '<>:xip/c:PP$<b>64<i>0<i>30<i>4<b>2', 'pp phrase'); |
| is($data->{stream}->[0]->[3], '<>:xip/c:TOP$<b>64<i>0<i>129<i>17<b>0', 'top phrase'); |
| is($data->{stream}->[0]->[4], '<>:xip/c:MC$<b>64<i>0<i>129<i>17<b>1', 'mc phrase'); |
| |
| is($data->{stream}->[-1]->[0], '<>:xip/c:VERB$<b>64<i>124<i>128<i>18<b>4', 'Noun phrase'); |
| |
| done_testing; |
| |
| __END__ |
| |
| |
| |
| |