blob: fa589ebf3841f8bc6bfee69b96663014623caef5 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use Getopt::Long;
use Directory::Iterator;
my $local = $FindBin::Bin;
# Changes
# 2013/11/25
# - Initial release
# 2016/02/04
# - Rename to korapxml2krill_dir
sub printhelp {
print <<'EOHELP';
Merge foundry data based on a tokenization and create indexer friendly documents
for whole directories.
korapxml2krill_dir -z --input <directory> --output <directory>
--input|-i <directory> Directory of documents to index
--output|-o <directory> Name of output folder
--token|-t <foundry>[#<layer>] Define the default tokenization by specifying
the name of the foundry and optionally the name
of the layer. Defaults to OpenNLP#tokens.
--skip|-s <foundry>[#<layer>] Skip specific foundries by specifying the name
or specific layers by defining the name
with a # in front of the foundry,
e.g. Mate#Morpho. Alternatively you can skip #ALL.
Can be set multiple times.
--allow|-a <foundry>#<layer> Allow specific foundries and layers by defining them
combining the foundry name with a # and the layer name.
--primary|-p Output primary data or not. Defaults to true.
Can be flagged using --no-primary as well.
--human|-m Represent the data human friendly,
while the output defaults to JSON
--pretty|-y Pretty print json output
--gzip|-z Compress the output
(expects a defined output file)
--log|-l The Log4perl log level, defaults to ERROR.
--help|-h Print this document (optional), 2016/02/04
exit(defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0);
my ($input, $output, $text, $gzip, $log_level, @skip, $token_base, $primary, @allow, $pretty);
'input|i=s' => \$input,
'output|o=s' => \$output,
'human|m' => \$text,
'token|t=s' => \$token_base,
'gzip|z' => \$gzip,
'skip|s=s' => \@skip,
'log|l=s' => \$log_level,
'allow|a=s' => \@allow,
'primary|p!' => \$primary,
'pretty|y' => \$pretty,
'help|h' => sub { printhelp }
printhelp(1) if !$input || !$output;
sub write_file {
my $anno = shift;
my $file = $anno;
$file =~ s/^?\/?$input//;
$file =~ tr/\//-/;
$file =~ s{^-+}{};
my $call = 'perl ' . $local . '/korapxml2krill -i ' . $anno . ' -o ' . $output . '/' . $file . '.json';
$call .= '.gz -z' if $gzip;
$call .= ' -m' if $text;
$call .= ' -t ' . $token_base if $token_base;
$call .= ' -l ' . $log_level if $log_level;
$call .= ' --no-primary ' if $primary;
$call .= ' -y ' . $pretty if $pretty;
$call .= ' -a ' . $_ foreach @allow;
$call .= ' -s ' . $_ foreach @skip;
print "Convert $file\n";
my $it = Directory::Iterator->new($input);
my $dir;
while (1) {
if (!$it->is_directory && ($dir = $it->get) && $dir =~ s{/data\.xml$}{}) {
last unless $it->next;