| use strict; |
| use warnings; |
| use Test::More; |
| use Data::Dumper; |
| use JSON::XS; |
| |
| if ($ENV{SKIP_REAL}) { |
| plan skip_all => 'Skip real tests'; |
| }; |
| |
| use Benchmark qw/:hireswallclock/; |
| |
| my $t = Benchmark->new; |
| |
| use utf8; |
| use lib 'lib', '../lib'; |
| |
| use File::Basename 'dirname'; |
| use File::Spec::Functions 'catdir'; |
| |
| use_ok('KorAP::XML::Krill'); |
| |
| my $path = catdir(dirname(__FILE__), '../corpus/WPD/00001'); |
| |
| ok(my $doc = KorAP::XML::Krill->new( path => $path . '/' ), 'Load Korap::Document'); |
| ok($doc->parse, 'Parse document'); |
| |
| is($doc->text_sigle, 'WPD/AAA/00001', 'Correct text sigle'); |
| is($doc->doc_sigle, 'WPD/AAA', 'Correct document sigle'); |
| is($doc->corpus_sigle, 'WPD', 'Correct corpus sigle'); |
| |
| my $meta = $doc->meta; |
| is($meta->{T_title}, 'A', 'Title'); |
| is($meta->{S_pub_place}, 'URL:http://de.wikipedia.org', 'PubPlace'); |
| is($meta->{D_pub_date}, '20050328', 'Creation Date'); |
| SKIP: { |
| skip 'Failure because corpus is no longer supported', 1; |
| ok(!$meta->{T_sub_title}, 'SubTitle'); |
| }; |
| is($meta->{T_author}, 'Ruru; Jens.Ol; Aglarech; u.a.', 'Author'); |
| |
| ok(!$meta->{T_doc_title}, 'Correct Doc title'); |
| ok(!$meta->{T_doc_sub_title}, 'Correct Doc Sub title'); |
| ok(!$meta->{T_doc_author}, 'Correct Doc author'); |
| ok(!$meta->{A_doc_editor}, 'Correct Doc editor'); |
| |
| ok(!$meta->{T_corpus_title}, 'Correct Corpus title'); |
| ok(!$meta->{T_corpus_sub_title}, 'Correct Corpus Sub title'); |
| |
| # This link is broken, but that's due to the data |
| is($meta->{A_externalLink}, 'data:application/x.korap-link;title=Wikipedia,http://de.wikipedia.org', 'No link'); |
| |
| # Tokenization |
| use_ok('KorAP::XML::Tokenizer'); |
| |
| my ($token_base_foundry, $token_base_layer) = (qw/OpenNLP Tokens/); |
| |
| # Get tokenization |
| my $tokens = KorAP::XML::Tokenizer->new( |
| path => $doc->path, |
| doc => $doc, |
| foundry => $token_base_foundry, |
| layer => $token_base_layer, |
| name => 'tokens' |
| ); |
| ok($tokens, 'Token Object is fine'); |
| ok($tokens->parse, 'Token parsing is fine'); |
| |
| my $output = $tokens->to_data; |
| |
| is(substr($output->{data}->{text}, 0, 100), 'A bzw. a ist der erste Buchstabe des lateinischen Alphabets und ein Vokal. Der Buchstabe A hat in de', 'Primary Data'); |
| is($output->{data}->{name}, 'tokens', 'tokenName'); |
| is($output->{data}->{tokenSource}, 'opennlp#tokens', 'tokenSource'); |
| |
| is($output->{version}, '0.03', 'version'); |
| is($output->{data}->{foundries}, '', 'Foundries'); |
| is($output->{data}->{layerInfos}, '', 'layerInfos'); |
| is($output->{data}->{stream}->[0]->[4], 's:A', 'data'); |
| |
| $tokens->add('Mate', 'Dependency'); |
| |
| my $stream = $tokens->to_data->{data}->{stream}; |
| |
| # This is not a goot relation example |
| is($stream->[79]->[0], |
| '>:mate/d:CJ$<b>32<i>68', |
| 'term to term'); |
| is($stream->[79]->[1], '<:mate/d:PD$<b>32<i>81', 'term to term'); |
| |
| |
| # These are no longer aligned |
| # is($stream->[77]->[0], |
| # '<:mate/d:--$<b>34<i>498<i>499<i>78<i>78', |
| # 'element to term'); |
| # is($stream->[78]->[0], '>:mate/d:--$<b>33<i>498<i>499<i>77<i>78', 'term to element'); |
| |
| $tokens->add('Base', 'Sentences'); |
| |
| $stream = $tokens->to_data->{data}->{stream}; |
| |
| is($stream->[0]->[2], '<>:base/s:s$<b>64<i>0<i>74<i>13<b>2', 'Text starts with sentence'); |
| |
| |
| # Problematic document |
| $path = catdir(dirname(__FILE__), '../corpus/WPD15/W28/65631'); |
| ok($doc = KorAP::XML::Krill->new( path => $path . '/' ), 'Load Korap::Document'); |
| ok($doc->parse, 'Parse document'); |
| |
| is($doc->text_sigle, 'WPD15/W28/65631', 'Correct text sigle'); |
| is($doc->doc_sigle, 'WPD15/W28', 'Correct document sigle'); |
| is($doc->corpus_sigle, 'WPD15', 'Correct corpus sigle'); |
| |
| $meta = $doc->meta; |
| is($meta->{A_externalLink}, 'data:application/x.korap-link;title=Wikipedia,http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfgang_Krebs_(Schauspieler)', 'link'); |
| |
| # Get tokenization |
| $tokens = KorAP::XML::Tokenizer->new( |
| path => $doc->path, |
| doc => $doc, |
| foundry => 'Base', |
| layer => 'tokens_aggr', |
| name => 'tokens' |
| ); |
| ok($tokens, 'Token Object is fine'); |
| ok($tokens->parse, 'Token parsing is fine'); |
| |
| is($tokens->foundry, 'Base', 'Foundry'); |
| is($tokens->layer, 'tokens_aggr', 'Layer'); |
| |
| ok($tokens->add('CoreNLP', 'Constituency'), 'Add Structure'); |
| |
| $output = $tokens->to_data; |
| |
| is($output->{data}->{foundries}, 'corenlp corenlp/constituency', 'Foundries'); |
| is($output->{data}->{layerInfos}, 'corenlp/c=spans', 'layerInfos'); |
| is($doc->meta->{A_editor}, 'wikipedia.org', 'Editor'); |
| |
| |
| # Check offset problem |
| $path = catdir(dirname(__FILE__), '../corpus/WPD15/U43/34816'); |
| ok($doc = KorAP::XML::Krill->new( path => $path . '/' ), 'Load Korap::Document'); |
| ok($doc->parse, 'Parse document'); |
| |
| is($doc->text_sigle, 'WPD15/U43/34816', 'Correct text sigle'); |
| |
| $meta = $doc->meta; |
| is($meta->{A_externalLink}, 'data:application/x.korap-link;title=Wikipedia,http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universitätsbibliothek_Augsburg', 'link'); |
| |
| # Tokenization |
| use_ok('KorAP::XML::Tokenizer'); |
| |
| $token_base_foundry = 'Base'; |
| |
| # Get tokenization |
| $tokens = KorAP::XML::Tokenizer->new( |
| path => $doc->path, |
| doc => $doc, |
| foundry => $token_base_foundry, |
| layer => $token_base_layer, |
| name => 'tokens' |
| ); |
| ok($tokens, 'Token Object is fine'); |
| ok($tokens->parse, 'Token parsing is fine'); |
| |
| $output = $tokens->to_data; |
| $stream = $tokens->to_data->{data}->{stream}; |
| |
| is($stream->[420]->[-1], 's:online', 'online'); |
| is($stream->[421]->[-1], 's:verfügbar', 'verfügbar'); |
| |
| done_testing; |
| __END__ |
| |
| |
| |
| |