blob: 6147f623ab5d6bc72cde23fd342497c920f97518 [file] [log] [blame]
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile/;
use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
use IO::Uncompress::Unzip;
use FindBin;
unshift @INC, "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
our %ENV;
# default: remove temp. file created by func. tempfile
# to keep temp. files use e.g. 'KORAPXMLTEI_DONTUNLINK=1 prove -lr t/script.t'
my $data;
my ($fh, $outzip) = tempfile("KorAP-XML-TEI_zipper_XXXXXXXXXX", SUFFIX => ".tmp", TMPDIR => 1, UNLINK => $_UNLINK);
my $zip = KorAP::XML::TEI::Zipper->new($outzip);
ok($zip, 'Zipper initialized');
ok($zip->new_stream('data/file1.txt')->print('hello'), 'Write to initial stream');
ok($zip->new_stream('data/file2.txt')->print('world'), 'Write to appended stream');
ok(-e $outzip, 'Zip exists');
# Uncompress GOE/header.xml from zip file
my $unzip = IO::Uncompress::Unzip->new($outzip, Name => 'data/file1.txt');
$data .= $unzip->getline while !$unzip->eof;
ok($unzip->close, 'Closed');
is($data, 'hello', 'Data correct');
# Uncompress GOE/header.xml from zip file
$unzip = IO::Uncompress::Unzip->new($outzip, Name => 'data/file2.txt');
$data = '';
$data .= $unzip->getline while !$unzip->eof;
ok($unzip->close, 'Closed');
is($data, 'world', 'Data correct');