| #!/usr/bin/env perl |
| use strict; |
| use warnings; |
| |
| use Log::Any '$log'; |
| use Log::Any::Adapter; |
| use Pod::Usage; |
| use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions :config no_auto_abbrev); |
| |
| use File::Basename qw(dirname); |
| |
| use Encode qw(decode); |
| |
| use FindBin; |
| BEGIN { |
| unshift @INC, "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; |
| }; |
| |
| use KorAP::XML::TEI qw!remove_xml_comments replace_entities!; |
| use KorAP::XML::TEI::Tokenizer::External; |
| use KorAP::XML::TEI::Tokenizer::Conservative; |
| use KorAP::XML::TEI::Tokenizer::Aggressive; |
| use KorAP::XML::TEI::Zipper; |
| use KorAP::XML::TEI::Header; |
| use KorAP::XML::TEI::Inline; |
| |
| our $VERSION = '2.4.3'; |
| |
| our $VERSION_MSG = "\ntei2korapxml - v$VERSION\n"; |
| |
| use constant { |
| # Set to 1 for minimal more debug output (no need to be parametrized) |
| }; |
| |
| warn 'KORAPXMLTEI_INLINE is deprecated in favor of --skip-inline-token-annotations'; |
| }; |
| |
| # Inline tokens won't be stored in the structure file |
| my $inline_tokens_exclusive = 0; |
| |
| # Parse options from the command line |
| GetOptions( |
| 'root|r=s' => \(my $root_dir = '.'), |
| 'input|i=s' => \(my $input_fname = ''), |
| 'tokenizer-call|tc=s' => \(my $tokenizer_call), |
| 'tokenizer-korap|tk' => \(my $tokenizer_korap), |
| 'tokenizer-internal|ti' => \(my $tokenizer_intern), |
| 'no-tokenizer' => \(my $no_tokenizer), |
| 'use-tokenizer-sentence-splits|s' => \(my $use_tokenizer_sentence_splits), |
| 'inline-tokens=s' => \(my $inline_tokens = 'tokens#morpho'), |
| 'inline-structures=s' => \(my $inline_structures = 'struct#structure'), |
| 'skip-inline-tokens' => \(my $skip_inline_tokens = 0), |
| 'skip-inline-token-annotations' => \( |
| my $skip_inline_token_annotations = ($ENV{KORAPXMLTEI_INLINE} ? 0 : 1)), |
| 'skip-inline-tags=s' => \(my $skip_inline_tags_str = ''), |
| 'base-foundry=s' => \(my $base_dir = 'base'), |
| 'data-file=s' => \(my $data_file = 'data'), |
| 'header-file=s' => \(my $header_file = 'header'), |
| 'tokens-file=s' => \(my $tokens_file = 'tokens'), |
| 'xmlid-to-textsigle|x=s'=> \(my $xmlid_to_textsigle = ''), |
| 'log|l=s' => \(my $log_level = 'notice'), |
| 'required-version|rv=s' => \(my $required_version), |
| '' => \(my $stdio), |
| 'help|h' => sub { |
| pod2usage( |
| -verbose => 99, |
| -msg => $VERSION_MSG, |
| -output => '-' |
| ) |
| }, |
| 'version|v' => sub { |
| pod2usage( |
| -verbose => 0, |
| -msg => $VERSION_MSG, |
| -output => '-' |
| ); |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| |
| # Establish logger |
| binmode(STDERR, ':encoding(UTF-8)'); |
| Log::Any::Adapter->set('Stderr', log_level => $log_level); |
| $log->notice('Debugging is activated') if DEBUG; |
| |
| |
| if ($required_version) { |
| $required_version =~ /^\s*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s*$/; |
| if (!$1 || $1 ne $VERSION) { |
| $log->error("Required version $required_version mismatches version $VERSION"); |
| exit(1); |
| }; |
| }; |
| |
| |
| my ($what, $with); |
| if ($xmlid_to_textsigle ne '') { |
| ($what, $with) = split('@', $xmlid_to_textsigle); |
| $what = qr!$what!; |
| }; |
| |
| # tag (without attributes), which contains the primary text |
| my $_TEXT_BODY = 'text'; |
| # optional |
| |
| # Remember to skip certain inline tags |
| my %skip_inline_tags = (); |
| if ($skip_inline_tags_str) { |
| foreach (split /\s*,\s*/, $skip_inline_tags_str) { |
| $skip_inline_tags{$_} = 1; |
| }; |
| }; |
| |
| # External tokenization |
| my $ext_tok; |
| if ($tokenizer_call) { |
| $ext_tok = KorAP::XML::TEI::Tokenizer::External->new($tokenizer_call); |
| $ext_tok->sentence_splits(1) if $use_tokenizer_sentence_splits; |
| } |
| |
| # KorAP tokenization |
| elsif ($tokenizer_korap) { |
| eval { |
| require KorAP::XML::TEI::Tokenizer::KorAP; |
| 1; |
| }; |
| |
| my $korap_tok_ver = $KorAP::XML::TEI::Tokenizer::KorAP::VERSION; |
| if ($korap_tok_ver ne $VERSION) { |
| $log->error("KorAP-Tokenizer version ($korap_tok_ver) differs from the expected version ($VERSION)"); |
| exit(1); |
| }; |
| |
| $ext_tok = KorAP::XML::TEI::Tokenizer::KorAP->new($use_tokenizer_sentence_splits); |
| } |
| |
| # No internal tokenizer chosen |
| elsif (!$tokenizer_intern && !$no_tokenizer) { |
| $log->error("No tokenizer chosen. If only internal tokens should be used, pass the --no-tokenizer flag"); |
| exit(1); |
| }; |
| |
| if ($use_tokenizer_sentence_splits) { |
| $skip_inline_tags{s} = 1; |
| }; |
| |
| # Internal tokenization |
| my $aggr_tok = KorAP::XML::TEI::Tokenizer::Aggressive->new; |
| my $cons_tok = KorAP::XML::TEI::Tokenizer::Conservative->new; |
| |
| |
| # Name of the directory and the file containing all inline structure informations |
| # except for $_TOKENS_TAG information |
| my ($_structure_dir, $_structure_file) = split '#', $inline_structures . '#structure'; |
| |
| # Name of the directory and the file containing all inline token informations |
| # i.e. tokens of the $_TOKENS_TAG, if $_TOKENS_PROC is set |
| my ($_tokens_dir, $_tokens_file) = split '#', $inline_tokens . '#morpho'; |
| |
| if (index($_tokens_dir, '!') == 0) { |
| $_tokens_dir = substr($_tokens_dir, 1); |
| $inline_tokens_exclusive = 1; |
| }; |
| |
| # Initialize zipper |
| my $zipper = KorAP::XML::TEI::Zipper->new($root_dir); |
| |
| # text directory (below $root_dir) |
| my $dir = ''; |
| |
| # Escaped version of text id |
| my $text_id_esc; |
| |
| # Default encoding of the text |
| my $input_enc = 'UTF-8'; |
| |
| # text line (needed for whitespace handling) |
| my $text_line = 0; |
| |
| |
| # Input file handle (default: stdin) |
| my $input_fh; |
| |
| # Single dash was set |
| if ($stdio) { |
| $input_fh = *STDIN; |
| } |
| |
| # Input flag was passed |
| elsif ($input_fname ne '') { |
| unless (open($input_fh, '<', $input_fname)) { |
| die $log->fatal("File '$input_fname' could not be opened."); |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| # No input to process |
| else { |
| pod2usage( |
| -verbose => 99, |
| -sections => 'NAME|SYNOPSIS', |
| -msg => $VERSION_MSG, |
| -output => '-' |
| ); |
| exit; |
| }; |
| |
| # Prevents segfaulting (see notes on segfault prevention) |
| binmode $input_fh; |
| |
| |
| # Create inline parser object |
| my $inline = KorAP::XML::TEI::Inline->new( |
| $skip_inline_tokens, |
| \%skip_inline_tags, |
| $inline_tokens_exclusive |
| ); |
| |
| |
| # Reading input document |
| MAIN: while (<$input_fh>) { |
| |
| # remove HTML (multi-line) comments (<!--...-->) |
| $_ = remove_xml_comments($input_fh, $_); |
| |
| # Set input encoding |
| if (index($_, '<?xml') == 0 && $_ =~ /\sencoding=(['"])([^\1]+?)\1/) { |
| $input_enc = $2; |
| next; |
| }; |
| |
| $_ = decode($input_enc, $_); |
| $_ = replace_entities($_); |
| |
| # Start of text body |
| if (index($_, $_TEXT_BODY) >= 0 && m#^(.*)<${_TEXT_BODY}(?: [^>]*)?>(.*)$#) { |
| my $suffix = $2; |
| |
| if ($1 !~ /^\s*$/ || $suffix !~ /^\s*$/) { |
| die $log->fatal("input line number $.: " . |
| "line with opening text-body tag '${_TEXT_BODY}' " . |
| "contains additional information ... => Aborting (line=$_)"); |
| }; |
| |
| # Text body data extracted from input document ($input_fh), |
| # further processed by XML::LibXML::Reader |
| my $text_buffer = ''; |
| |
| # Iterate over all lines in the text body |
| while (<$input_fh>) { |
| |
| $_ = remove_xml_comments($input_fh, $_); |
| $_ = decode($input_enc, $_); |
| $_ = replace_entities($_); |
| |
| # End of text body |
| if ((my $pos = index($_, "</$_TEXT_BODY>")) >= 0) { |
| |
| # write data.xml, structure.xml and evtl. morpho.xml and/or tokenization files |
| |
| if ((substr($_, 0, $pos) . substr($_, length("</$_TEXT_BODY>") + $pos)) !~ /^\s*$/) { |
| die $log->fatal("input line number $.: " . |
| "line with closing text-body tag '${_TEXT_BODY}'". |
| " contains additional information ... => Aborting (line=$_)"); |
| }; |
| |
| if ($dir eq '') { |
| $log->warn( |
| "Maybe empty textSigle => skipping this text ...\n" . |
| 'data=' . substr($inline->data->data, 0, 200) |
| ); |
| next MAIN; |
| }; |
| |
| # Parse inline structure |
| $inline->parse($text_id_esc, \$text_buffer); |
| |
| if (DEBUG) { |
| $log->debug("Writing (utf8-formatted) xml file $dir/${data_file}.xml"); |
| }; |
| |
| my $data = $inline->data; |
| |
| # Write data.xml |
| $data->to_zip( |
| $zipper->new_stream("$dir/${data_file}.xml"), |
| $text_id_esc |
| ); |
| |
| # Tokenize with external tokenizer |
| if ($ext_tok) { |
| |
| # Tokenize and output |
| $ext_tok->tokenize($data->data)->to_zip( |
| $zipper->new_stream("$dir/$base_dir/${tokens_file}.xml"), |
| $text_id_esc |
| ); |
| |
| if ($use_tokenizer_sentence_splits) { |
| $ext_tok->sentencize_from_previous_input($inline->structures); |
| }; |
| }; |
| |
| # Tokenize with internal tokenizer |
| if ($tokenizer_intern) { |
| |
| # Tokenize and output |
| $cons_tok->tokenize($data->data)->to_zip( |
| $zipper->new_stream("$dir/$base_dir/" . $cons_tok->name . '.xml'), |
| $text_id_esc |
| )->reset; |
| |
| $aggr_tok->tokenize($data->data)->to_zip( |
| $zipper->new_stream("$dir/$base_dir/" . $aggr_tok->name . '.xml'), |
| $text_id_esc |
| )->reset; |
| }; |
| |
| # ~ write structures ~ |
| if (!$inline->structures->empty) { |
| $inline->structures->to_zip( |
| $zipper->new_stream("$dir/$_structure_dir/${_structure_file}.xml"), |
| $text_id_esc, |
| 2 # = structure serialization |
| ); |
| }; |
| |
| # ~ write tokens ~ |
| unless ($skip_inline_tokens || $inline->tokens->empty) { |
| $inline->tokens->to_zip( |
| $zipper->new_stream("$dir/$_tokens_dir/${_tokens_file}.xml"), |
| $text_id_esc, |
| # Either 0 = tokens without inline or 1 = tokens with inline |
| !$skip_inline_token_annotations |
| ); |
| }; |
| |
| # reinit. |
| $dir = ''; |
| |
| next MAIN; |
| }; |
| |
| |
| # ~ whitespace handling ~ |
| |
| # Fix whitespaces (see notes on whitespace fixing) |
| |
| # TODO: |
| # Maybe it's best, to keep the stripping of whitespace and |
| # to just remove the if-clause and to insert a blank by default |
| # (with possibly an option on how newlines in primary text should |
| # be handled (stripped or replaced by a whitespace)). |
| |
| # Remove consecutive whitespace at beginning and end (mostly one newline) |
| s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; |
| |
| # NOTE: |
| # this is only relevant, if a text consists of more than one line |
| |
| # TODO: |
| # find a better solution, or create a warning, if a text has more |
| # than one line ($text_line > 1) |
| |
| # TODO: |
| # do testing with 2 different corpora |
| # (one with only one-line texts, the other with several lines per text) |
| |
| # line contains at least one tag with at least one character contents |
| if (m/<[^>]+>[^<]/) { |
| |
| # Increment counter for text lines |
| $text_line++; |
| |
| # insert blank before 1st character |
| # (for 2nd line and consecutive lines) |
| $_ = ' ' . $_ if $text_line > 1; |
| } |
| |
| # add line to buffer |
| $text_buffer .= $_; |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| elsif (m#^(.*)\<TEI\s+[^>]*?xml:id=(["'])(.+?)\2#) { |
| my $leadin = $1; |
| my $id = $3; |
| my $sigle = $3; |
| |
| if ($what) { |
| $_ = $id; |
| eval "s|$what|$with|"; # s@ICC.German\.([^.]+\.[^.]+)\.(.+)@ICCGER/$1/$2@; |
| $sigle = $_; |
| $log->debug("Converted text id `$id' to sigle `$sigle'"); |
| }; |
| $sigle =~ s/\./-/g; |
| |
| my @parts = split(/[\/_]/, $sigle); |
| if (@parts != 3) { |
| die $log->fatal( |
| "input line number $.: " . |
| "ids must have exactly three parts split by '/', but `$id` only has " . scalar(@parts) . " ". |
| "=> Aborting (line=$_)"); |
| }; |
| |
| $dir = join("/", @parts); |
| $text_id_esc = "$parts[0]/$parts[1].$parts[2]"; |
| $log->notice("$0: text_id=$text_id_esc"); |
| |
| if ($leadin !~ /^\s*$/) { |
| die $log->fatal( |
| "input line number $.: " . |
| 'line with opening header tag is not in expected format ... ' . |
| "=> Aborting (line=$_)"); |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| # Start of header section |
| elsif (m#^(.*)(\<(?:ids|tei)Header.*)$#) { |
| my $content = "$2\n"; |
| |
| if ($1 !~ /^\s*$/) { |
| die $log->fatal( |
| "input line number $.: " . |
| 'line with opening header tag is not in expected format ... ' . |
| "=> Aborting (line=$_)"); |
| }; |
| |
| # Parse header |
| my $header = KorAP::XML::TEI::Header->new($content, $input_enc, $text_id_esc)->parse($input_fh); |
| |
| # Header was parseable |
| if ($header) { |
| |
| # Write header to zip |
| my $file = $header->dir . '/' . $header_file . '.xml'; |
| |
| $log->debug("Writing file $file") if DEBUG; |
| |
| $header->to_zip($zipper->new_stream($file)); |
| |
| # Header is for text level |
| if ($header->type eq 'text') { |
| |
| # Remember dir and sigles |
| $dir = $header->dir; |
| $text_id_esc = $header->id_esc; |
| |
| # log output for seeing progression |
| $log->notice("$0: text_id=$text_id_esc"); |
| |
| # Reset counter for text lines |
| # (needed for whitespace handling) |
| $text_line = 0; |
| }; |
| }; |
| }; |
| }; |
| |
| $zipper->close; |
| |
| $ext_tok->close if $ext_tok; |
| |
| close $input_fh; |
| |
| |
| __END__ |
| |
| =pod |
| |
| =encoding utf8 |
| |
| =head1 NAME |
| |
| tei2korapxml - Conversion of TEI P5 based formats to KorAP-XML |
| |
| =head1 SYNOPSIS |
| |
| cat corpus.i5.xml | tei2korapxml - > corpus.korapxml.zip |
| |
| =head1 DESCRIPTION |
| |
| C<tei2korapxml> is a script to convert TEI P5 and |
| L<I5|https://www.ids-mannheim.de/digspra/kl/projekte/korpora/textmodell> |
| based documents to the |
| L<KorAP-XML format|https://github.com/KorAP/KorAP-XML-Krill#about-korap-xml>. |
| |
| This program is usually called from inside another script. |
| |
| =head1 FORMATS |
| |
| =head2 Input restrictions |
| |
| =over 2 |
| |
| =item |
| |
| TEI P5 formatted input with certain restrictions: |
| |
| =over 4 |
| |
| =item |
| |
| B<mandatory>: text-header with integrated textsigle |
| (or convertable identifier), text-body |
| |
| =item |
| |
| B<optional>: corp-header with integrated corpsigle, |
| doc-header with integrated docsigle |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =item |
| |
| All tokens inside the primary text may not be |
| newline seperated, because newlines are removed |
| (see L<KorAP::XML::TEI::Data>) and a conversion of newlines |
| into blanks between 2 tokens could lead to additional blanks, |
| where there should be none (e.g.: punctuation characters like C<,> or |
| C<.> should not be seperated from their predecessor token). |
| (see also code section C<~ whitespace handling ~> in C<script/tei2korapxml>). |
| |
| =item |
| |
| Header types, like C<E<lt>idsHeader [...] type="document" [...] E<gt>> |
| need to be defined in the same line as the header tag. |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =head2 Notes on the output |
| |
| =over 2 |
| |
| =item |
| |
| zip file output (default on C<stdout>) with utf8 encoded entries |
| (which together form the KorAP-XML format) |
| |
| =back |
| |
| |
| C<tei2korapxml> requires C<libxml2-dev> bindings and L<File::ShareDir::Install> to be installed. |
| When these requirements are met, the preferred way to install the script is |
| to use L<cpanm|App::cpanminus>. |
| |
| $ cpanm https://github.com/KorAP/KorAP-XML-TEI.git |
| |
| In case everything went well, the C<tei2korapxml> tool will |
| be available on your command line immediately. |
| |
| Minimum requirement for L<KorAP::XML::TEI> is Perl 5.16. |
| |
| =head1 OPTIONS |
| |
| =over 2 |
| |
| =item B<--input|-i> |
| |
| The input file to process. If no specific input is defined and a single |
| dash C<-> is passed as an argument, data is read from C<STDIN>. |
| |
| |
| =item B<--root|-r> |
| |
| The root directory for output. Defaults to C<.>. |
| |
| =item B<--help|-h> |
| |
| Print help information. |
| |
| =item B<--version|-v> |
| |
| Print version information. |
| |
| =item B<--tokenizer-korap|-tk> |
| |
| Use the standard KorAP/DeReKo tokenizer. |
| |
| =item B<--tokenizer-internal|-ti> |
| |
| Tokenize the data using two embedded tokenizers, |
| that will take an I<aggressive> and a I<conservative> |
| approach. |
| |
| =item B<--tokenizer-call|-tc> |
| |
| Call an external tokenizer process, that will tokenize |
| from STDIN and outputs the offsets of all tokens. |
| |
| Texts are separated using C<\x04\n>. The external process |
| should add a new line per text. |
| |
| If the L</--use-tokenizer-sentence-splits> option is activated, |
| sentences are marked by offset as well in new lines. |
| |
| To use L<Datok|https://github.com/KorAP/Datok> including sentence |
| splitting, call C<tei2korap> as follows: |
| |
| $ cat corpus.i5.xml | tei2korapxml -s \ |
| $ -tc 'datok tokenize \ |
| $ -t ./tokenizer.matok \ |
| $ -p --newline-after-eot --no-sentences \ |
| $ --no-tokens --sentence-positions -' - \ |
| $ > corpus.korapxml.zip |
| |
| =item B<--no-tokenizer> |
| |
| Boolean flag indicating that no tokenizer should be used. |
| This is meant to ensure that by default a final token layer always |
| exists. |
| If a separate tokenizer is chosen, this flag is ignored. |
| |
| =item B<--skip-inline-tokens> |
| |
| Boolean flag indicating that inline tokens should not |
| be processed. Defaults to false (meaning inline tokens will be processed). |
| |
| =item B<--skip-inline-token-annotations> |
| |
| Boolean flag indicating that inline token annotations should not |
| be processed. Defaults to true (meaning inline token annotations |
| won't be processed). |
| |
| =item B<--skip-inline-tags> <tags> |
| |
| Expects a comma-separated list of tags to be ignored when the structure |
| is parsed. Content of these tags however will be processed. |
| |
| =item B<--xmlid-to-textsigle> <from-regex>@<to-c/to-d/to-t> |
| |
| Expects a regular replacement expression (separated by B<@> between the |
| search and the replacement) to convert text id attributes to text sigles |
| with three parts (separated by B</>). |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| tei2korapxml \ |
| --xmlid-to-textsigle 'ICC.German\.([^.]+\.[^.]+)\.(.+)@ICCGER/$1/$2' \ |
| -tk - < t/data/icc_german_sample.p5.xml |
| |
| Converts text id C<ICC.German.DeReKo.WPD17.G11.00238> to |
| sigle C<ICCGER/DeReKo.WPD17/G11.00238>. |
| |
| =item B<--inline-tokens> <foundry>#[<file>] |
| |
| Define the foundry and file (without extension) |
| to store inline token information in. |
| Unless C<--skip-inline-token-annotations> is set, |
| this will contain annotations as well. |
| Defaults to C<tokens> and C<morpho>. |
| |
| The inline token data will also be stored in the |
| inline structures file (see I<--inline-structures>), |
| unless the inline token foundry is prepended |
| by an B<!> exclamation mark, indicating that inline |
| tokens are stored exclusively in the inline tokens |
| file. |
| |
| Example: |
| |
| tei2korapxml --inline-tokens '!gingko#morpho' < data.i5.xml > korapxml.zip |
| |
| =item B<--inline-structures> <foundry>#[<file>] |
| |
| Define the foundry and file (without extension) |
| to store inline structure information in. |
| Defaults to C<struct> and C<structures>. |
| |
| =item B<--base-foundry> <foundry> |
| |
| Define the base foundry to store newly generated |
| token information in. |
| Defaults to C<base>. |
| |
| =item B<--data-file> <file> |
| |
| Define the file (without extension) |
| to store primary data information in. |
| Defaults to C<data>. |
| |
| =item B<--header-file> <file> |
| |
| Define the file name (without extension) |
| to store header information on |
| the corpus, document, and text level in. |
| Defaults to C<header>. |
| |
| =item B<--use-tokenizer-sentence-splits|-s> |
| |
| Replace existing with, or add new, sentence boundary information |
| provided by the tokenizer. |
| Currently KorAP-tokenizer and certain external tokenizers support |
| these boundaries. |
| |
| =item B<--tokens-file> <file> |
| |
| Define the file (without extension) |
| to store generated token information in |
| (either from the KorAP tokenizer or an externally called tokenizer). |
| Defaults to C<tokens>. |
| |
| =item B<--log|-l> |
| |
| Loglevel for I<Log::Any>. Defaults to C<notice>. |
| |
| =back |
| |
| |
| =over 2 |
| |
| |
| Activate minimal debugging. |
| Defaults to C<false>. |
| |
| =back |
| |
| |
| Copyright (C) 2021-2023, L<IDS Mannheim|https://www.ids-mannheim.de/> |
| |
| Author: Peter Harders |
| |
| Contributors: Nils Diewald, Marc Kupietz, Carsten Schnober |
| |
| L<KorAP::XML::TEI> is developed as part of the L<KorAP|https://korap.ids-mannheim.de/> |
| Corpus Analysis Platform at the |
| L<Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS)|https://www.ids-mannheim.de/>, |
| member of the |
| L<Leibniz-Gemeinschaft|http://www.leibniz-gemeinschaft.de/>. |
| |
| This program is free software published under the |
| L<BSD-2 License|https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause>. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| # NOTES |
| |
| ## Notes on segfault prevention |
| |
| binmode on the input handler prevents segfaulting of 'XML::LibXML::Reader' inside the main loop |
| (see notes on 'PerlIO layers' in 'man XML::LibXML'), |
| removing 'use open qw(:std :utf8)' would fix this problem too, but using binmode on input is more granular |
| see in perluniintro: You can switch encodings on an already opened stream by using "binmode() |
| see in perlfunc: If LAYER is omitted or specified as ":raw" the filehandle is made suitable for passing binary data. |