blob: 401d76bd6d43c9913b17fdb1fc1d570fd755162b [file] [log] [blame]
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename 'dirname';
use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile/;
use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
use IO::Uncompress::Unzip qw(unzip $UnzipError);
use Test::More;
use Test::Output;
use Test::XML::Loy;
our %ENV;
# default: remove temp. file created by func. tempfile
# to keep temp. files use e.g. 'KORAPXMLTEI_DONTUNLINK=1 prove -lr t/script.t'
my $f = dirname(__FILE__);
my $script = catfile($f, '..', 'script', 'tei2korapxml');
ok(-f $script, 'Script found');
sub { system('perl', $script, '--help') },
sub { system('perl', $script, '--version') },
qr!tei2korapxml - v\d+?\.\d+?!,
# Load example file
my $file = catfile($f, 'data', 'goe_sample.i5.xml');
my ($fh, $outzip) = tempfile("KorAP-XML-TEI_script_XXXXXXXXXX", SUFFIX => ".tmp", TMPDIR => 1, UNLINK => $_UNLINK);
# Generate zip file (unportable!)
sub { `cat '$file' | perl '$script' -ti > '$outzip'` },
# approaches for working with $fh (also better use OO interface then)
# sub { open STDOUT, '>&', $fh; system("cat '$file' | perl '$script'") },
# sub { open(my $pipe, "cat '$file' | perl '$script'|"); while(<$pipe>){$fh->print($_)}; $fh->close },
# sub {
# defined(my $pid = fork) or die "fork: $!";
# if (!$pid) {
# open STDOUT, '>&', $fh;
# exec "cat '$file' | perl '$script'"
# }
# waitpid $pid, 0;
# $fh->close;
# },
qr!tei2korapxml: .*? text_id=GOE_AGA\.00000!,
ok(-e $outzip, "File $outzip exists");
# Uncompress GOE/header.xml from zip file
my $zip = IO::Uncompress::Unzip->new($outzip, Name => 'GOE/header.xml');
ok($zip, 'Zip-File is created');
# TODO: check wrong encoding in header-files (compare with input document)!
# Read GOE/header.xml
my $header_xml = '';
$header_xml .= $zip->getline while !$zip->eof;
ok($zip->close, 'Closed');
my $t = Test::XML::Loy->new($header_xml);
$t->text_is('korpusSigle', 'GOE', 'korpusSigle')
->text_is('h\.title[type=main]', 'Goethes Werke', 'h.title')
->text_is('h\.author', 'Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von', '')
->text_is('pubDate[type=year]', '1982', 'pubDate');
# Uncompress GOE/AGA/header.xml from zip file
$zip = IO::Uncompress::Unzip->new($outzip, Name => 'GOE/AGA/header.xml');
ok($zip, 'Zip-File is found');
# Read GOE/AGA/header.xml
$header_xml = '';
$header_xml .= $zip->getline while !$zip->eof;
ok($zip->close, 'Closed');
$t = Test::XML::Loy->new($header_xml);
$t->text_is('dokumentSigle', 'GOE/AGA', 'dokumentSigle')
->text_is('d\.title', 'Goethe: Autobiographische Schriften II, (1817-1825, 1832)', 'd.title')
->text_is('creatDate', '1820-1822', 'creatDate');
# Uncompress GOE/AGA/00000/header.xml from zip file
$zip = IO::Uncompress::Unzip->new($outzip, Name => 'GOE/AGA/00000/header.xml');
ok($zip, 'Zip-File is found');
# Read GOE/AGA/00000/header.xml
$header_xml = '';
$header_xml .= $zip->getline while !$zip->eof;
ok($zip->close, 'Closed');
$t = Test::XML::Loy->new($header_xml);
$t->text_is('textSigle', 'GOE/AGA.00000', 'textSigle')
->text_is('analytic > h\.title[type=main]', 'Campagne in Frankreich', 'h.title');
# Uncompress GOE/AGA/00000/data.xml from zip file
$zip = IO::Uncompress::Unzip->new($outzip, Name => 'GOE/AGA/00000/data.xml');
ok($zip, 'Zip-File is found');
# Read GOE/AGA/00000/data.xml
my $data_xml = '';
$data_xml .= $zip->getline while !$zip->eof;
ok($zip->close, 'Closed');
$t = Test::XML::Loy->new($data_xml);
$t->attr_is('raw_text', 'docid', 'GOE_AGA.00000', 'text id')
->text_like('raw_text > text', qr!^Campagne in Frankreich 1792.*?uns allein begl.*cke\.$!, 'text content');
# Uncompress GOE/AGA/00000/struct/structure.xml from zip file
$zip = IO::Uncompress::Unzip->new($outzip, Name => 'GOE/AGA/00000/struct/structure.xml');
ok($zip, 'Zip-File is found');
# Read GOE/AGA/00000/struct/structure.xml
my $struct_xml = '';
$struct_xml .= $zip->getline while !$zip->eof;
ok($zip->close, 'Closed');
$t = Test::XML::Loy->new($struct_xml);
$t->text_is('span[id=s3] *[name=type]', 'Autobiographie', 'text content');
# Uncompress GOE/AGA/00000/base/tokens_aggressive.xml from zip file
$zip = IO::Uncompress::Unzip->new($outzip, Name => 'GOE/AGA/00000/base/tokens_aggressive.xml');
# Read GOE/AGA/00000/base/tok.xml
my $tokens_xml = '';
$tokens_xml .= $zip->getline while !$zip->eof;
ok($zip->close, 'Closed');
$t = Test::XML::Loy->new($tokens_xml);
$t->attr_is('spanList span:nth-child(1)', 'to', 8);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_1', 'from', 9);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_1', 'to', 11);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_67', 'from', 427);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_67', 'to', 430);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_214', 'from', 1209);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_214', 'to', 1212);
$t->element_count_is('spanList span', 227);
# Uncompress GOE/AGA/00000/base/tokens_conservative.xml from zip file
$zip = IO::Uncompress::Unzip->new($outzip, Name => 'GOE/AGA/00000/base/tokens_conservative.xml');
$tokens_xml = '';
$tokens_xml .= $zip->getline while !$zip->eof;
ok($zip->close, 'Closed');
$t = Test::XML::Loy->new($tokens_xml);
$t->attr_is('spanList span:nth-child(1)', 'to', 8);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_1', 'from', 9);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_1', 'to', 11);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_67', 'from', 427);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_67', 'to', 430);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_214', 'from', 1209);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_214', 'to', 1212);
$t->element_count_is('spanList span', 227);
# Tokenize with external tokenizer
my $cmd = catfile($f, 'cmd', '');
my ($fh2, $outzip2) = tempfile("KorAP-XML-TEI_script_XXXXXXXXXX", SUFFIX => ".tmp", TMPDIR => 1, UNLINK => $_UNLINK);
sub { `cat '$file' | perl '$script' --tc='perl $cmd' > '$outzip2'` },
qr!tei2korapxml: .*? text_id=GOE_AGA\.00000!,
# Uncompress GOE/AGA/00000/base/tokens.xml from zip file
$zip = IO::Uncompress::Unzip->new($outzip2, Name => 'GOE/AGA/00000/base/tokens.xml');
# Read GOE/AGA/00000/base/tokens.xml
$tokens_xml = '';
$tokens_xml .= $zip->getline while !$zip->eof;
ok($zip->close, 'Closed');
$t = Test::XML::Loy->new($tokens_xml);
$t->attr_is('spanList span:nth-child(1)', 'to', 8);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_1', 'from', 9);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_1', 'to', 11);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_67', 'from', 427);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_67', 'to', 430);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_214', 'from', 1209);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_214', 'to', 1212);
$t->element_count_is('spanList span', 227);
# TODO: call $script with approp. parameter for internal tokenization (actual: '$_GEN_TOK_INT = 1' hardcoded)
my ($fh3, $outzip3) = tempfile("KorAP-XML-TEI_script_XXXXXXXXXX", SUFFIX => ".tmp", TMPDIR => 1, UNLINK => $_UNLINK);
# ~ test conservative tokenization ~
$file = catfile($f, 'data', 'text_with_blanks.i5.xml');
sub { `cat '$file' | perl '$script' --ti > '$outzip3'` },
qr!tei2korapxml: .*? text_id=CORP_DOC.00001!,
ok(-e $outzip3, "File $outzip3 exists");
$zip = IO::Uncompress::Unzip->new($outzip3, Name => 'CORP/DOC/00001/base/tokens_conservative.xml');
ok($zip, 'Zip-File is created');
my $cons = '';
$cons .= $zip->getline while !$zip->eof;
ok($zip->close, 'Closed');
$t = Test::XML::Loy->new($cons);
$t->attr_is('spanList span:nth-child(1)', 'to', 6);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_1', 'from', 7);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_1', 'to', 9);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_3', 'from', 12);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_3', 'to', 16);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_9', 'from', 36);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_9', 'to', 37);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_13', 'from', 44);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_13', 'to', 45); # "
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_14', 'from', 45); # twenty-two
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_14', 'to', 55);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_15', 'from', 55); # "
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_15', 'to', 56);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_19', 'from', 66);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_19', 'to', 67);
$t->element_count_is('spanList span', 20);
# ~ test aggressive tokenization ~
$zip = IO::Uncompress::Unzip->new($outzip3, Name => 'CORP/DOC/00001/base/tokens_aggressive.xml');
ok($zip, 'Zip-File is created');
my $aggr = '';
$aggr .= $zip->getline while !$zip->eof;
ok($zip->close, 'Closed');
$t = Test::XML::Loy->new($aggr);
$t->attr_is('spanList span:nth-child(1)', 'to', 6);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_1', 'from', 7);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_1', 'to', 9);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_3', 'from', 12);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_3', 'to', 16);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_9', 'from', 36);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_9', 'to', 37);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_13', 'from', 44);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_13', 'to', 45); # "
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_14', 'from', 45); # twenty
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_14', 'to', 51);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_15', 'from', 51); # -
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_15', 'to', 52);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_16', 'from', 52); # two
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_16', 'to', 55);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_17', 'from', 55); # "
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_17', 'to', 56);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_21', 'from', 66);
$t->attr_is('spanList span#t_21', 'to', 67);
$t->element_count_is('spanList span', 22);