| import static org.junit.Assert.*; |
| |
| import org.junit.Test; |
| |
| import de.ids_mannheim.korap.query.serialize.CosmasTree; |
| import de.ids_mannheim.korap.util.QueryException; |
| |
| public class CosmasTreeTest { |
| |
| CosmasTree ct; |
| String map; |
| String query; |
| String expected; |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testContext() throws QueryException { |
| String contextString = "http://ids-mannheim.de/ns/KorAP/json-ld/v0.1/context.jsonld"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree("Test"); |
| assertEquals(contextString.replaceAll(" ", ""), ct.getRequestMap().get("@context").toString().replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testSingleToken() throws QueryException { |
| query="der"; |
| String single1 = |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=der, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(single1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="Mann"; |
| String single2 = |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(single2.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="&Mann"; |
| String single3 = |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=lemma, match=match:eq}}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(single3.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testCaseSensitivityFlag() throws QueryException { |
| query="$deutscher"; |
| String cs1 = |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, caseInsensitive=true, key=deutscher, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(cs1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="$deutscher Bundestag"; |
| String cs2 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, caseInsensitive=true, key=deutscher, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Bundestag, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(cs2.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testMORPH() throws QueryException { |
| query="#MORPH(V)"; |
| String morph1 = |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=V, layer=pos, match=match:eq}}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(morph1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testSequence() throws QueryException { |
| query="der Mann"; |
| String seq1 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=der, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(seq1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="der Mann schläft"; |
| String seq2 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=der, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=schläft, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(seq2.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="der Mann schläft lang"; |
| String seq3 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=der, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=schläft, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=lang, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(seq3.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testOPOR() throws QueryException { |
| query="Sonne oder Mond"; |
| String disj1 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(disj1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="(Sonne scheint) oder Mond"; |
| String disj2 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=scheint, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(disj2.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="(Sonne scheint) oder (Mond scheint)"; |
| String disj3 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=scheint, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=scheint, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(disj3.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testOPORAND() throws QueryException { |
| query="(Sonne oder Mond) und scheint"; |
| String orand1 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=t, min=0, max=0}" + |
| "], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=scheint, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(orand1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="scheint und (Sonne oder Mond)"; |
| String orand2 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=t, min=0, max=0}" + |
| "], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=scheint, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(orand2.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="Regen und scheint und (Sonne oder Mond)"; |
| String orand3 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=t, min=0, max=0}" + |
| "], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Regen, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=t, min=0, max=0}" + |
| "], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=scheint, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(orand3.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testOPPROX() throws QueryException { |
| query="Sonne /+w1:4 Mond"; |
| String prox1 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, " + |
| "operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "], inOrder=true, " + |
| "distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=1, max=4}, min=1, max=4}" + |
| "]" + |
| "}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(prox1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="Sonne /+w1:4,s0,p1:3 Mond"; |
| String prox2 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, " + |
| "operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "], inOrder=true, " + |
| "distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=1, max=4}, min=1, max=4}," + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=s, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=0, max=0}, min=0, max=0}," + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=p, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=1, max=3}, min=1, max=3}" + |
| "]" + |
| "}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(prox2.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="Sonne %+w1:4,s0,p1:3 Mond"; |
| String prox3 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, " + |
| "operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "], inOrder=true, " + |
| "distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=1, max=4}, min=1, max=4, exclude=true}," + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=s, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=0, max=0}, min=0, max=0, exclude=true}," + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=p, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=1, max=3}, min=1, max=3, exclude=true}" + |
| "]" + |
| "}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| // assertEquals(prox3.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="Sonne /+w4 Mond"; |
| String prox4 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:overlaps, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, " + |
| "operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "], inOrder=true, " + |
| "distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=1, max=4}, min=1, max=4}" + |
| "]" + |
| "}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(prox4.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="Sonne /-w4 Mond"; |
| String prox5 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:overlaps, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, " + |
| "operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "], inOrder=true, " + |
| "distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=1, max=4}, min=1, max=4}" + |
| "]" + |
| "}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(prox5.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="Sonne /w4 Mond"; |
| String prox6 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:overlaps, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, " + |
| "operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "], inOrder=false, " + |
| "distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=1, max=4}, min=1, max=4}" + |
| "]" + |
| "}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(prox6.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testOPPROXNested() throws QueryException { |
| query="Sonne /-w4 Mond /+w2 Sterne"; |
| |
| String mondsterne = |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sterne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" ; |
| String mondsterneSeq = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| mondsterne + |
| "], inOrder=true, distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=1, max=2}, min=1, max=2}" + |
| "]}" ; |
| String mondsterneOv = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:overlaps, operands=[" + |
| mondsterne + |
| "]}"; |
| String mondsterneAll = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" + |
| mondsterneOv + "," + mondsterneSeq + |
| "]}"; |
| |
| String prox6 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:overlaps, operands=[" + |
| mondsterneAll + "," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, " + |
| "operands=[" + |
| mondsterneAll + "," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "], inOrder=true, " + |
| "distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=1, max=4}, min=1, max=4}" + |
| "]" + |
| "}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(prox6.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testOPIN() throws QueryException { |
| query="wegen #IN <s>"; |
| String opin1 = |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:contains, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=wegen, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(opin1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="wegen #IN(L) <s>"; //wrap an *excluded* matches-position around a startwith-position constraint in order to |
| String opin2 = |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:matches, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:startswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=2, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=wegen, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[2]}" + |
| "], exclude=true}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(opin2.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| |
| query="wegen #IN(F) <s>"; |
| String opin3= |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:contains, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:endswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:startswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=2, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=wegen, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[2]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[2]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| ""; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(opin3.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="wegen #IN(FI) <s>"; |
| String opin4= |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:matches, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:endswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:startswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=2, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=wegen, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[2]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[2]}" + |
| "], exclude=true}" + |
| "]}" + |
| ""; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(opin4.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="wegen #IN(FE) <s>"; |
| String opin5= |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:matches, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=wegen, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| ""; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(opin5.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="wegen #IN(%, L) <s>"; |
| String opin6 = |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:startswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=wegen, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "], exclude=true}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(opin6.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="wegen #IN('FE,ALL,%,MIN') <s>"; |
| String opin7 = |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:matches, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=wegen, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "], range=all, exclude=true, grouping=false}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(opin7.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testOPOV() throws QueryException { |
| query="wegen #OV <s>"; |
| String opov1 = |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:overlaps, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=wegen, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(opov1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="wegen #OV(L) <s>"; |
| String opov2 = |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:overlapsLeft, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=wegen, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(opov2.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="wegen #OV(F) <s>"; |
| String opov3= |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:endswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:startswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=2, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=wegen, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[2]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| ""; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(opov3.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="wegen #OV(FI) <s>"; |
| String opov4= |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:matches, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:endswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:startswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=2, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=wegen, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[2]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[2]}" + |
| "], exclude=true}" + |
| "]}" + |
| ""; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(opov4.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="wegen #OV(FE) <s>"; |
| String opov5= |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:matches, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=wegen, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| ""; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(opov5.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testOPNOT() throws QueryException { |
| query="Sonne nicht Mond"; |
| String opnot1 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=t, min=0, max=0, exclude=true}" + |
| "], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(opnot1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testBEG_END() throws QueryException { |
| // BEG and END operators |
| // http://www.ids-mannheim.de/cosmas2/web-app/hilfe/suchanfrage/eingabe-zeile/syntax/links.html |
| // http://www.ids-mannheim.de/cosmas2/web-app/hilfe/suchanfrage/eingabe-zeile/syntax/rechts.html |
| // http://www.ids-mannheim.de/cosmas2/web-app/hilfe/suchanfrage/eingabe-zeile/thematische-bsp/bsp-satzlaenge.html |
| query="#BEG(der /w3:5 Mann)"; |
| String beg1 = |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, spanRef=[0,1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence," + |
| "operands = [" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=der, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "], inOrder=false, distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=3, max=5}, min=3, max=5}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(beg1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| |
| String dermannSeq = "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence," + |
| "operands = [" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=der, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "], inOrder=false, distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=3, max=5}, min=3, max=5}" + |
| "]}"; |
| String begDermannSeq = "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, spanRef=[0,1], operands=[" + |
| dermannSeq + |
| "]}"; |
| String kommt = "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=kommt, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}"; |
| |
| query="#BEG(der /w3:5 Mann) /+w10 kommt"; // nesting #BEG() in a distance group |
| String beg2 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:overlaps, operands=[" + |
| begDermannSeq + "," + |
| kommt + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| begDermannSeq + "," + |
| kommt + |
| "], inOrder=true, distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=1, max=10}, min=1, max=10}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(beg2.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="kommt /+w10 #BEG(der /w3:5 Mann)"; |
| String beg3 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:overlaps, operands=[" + |
| kommt + "," + |
| begDermannSeq + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| kommt + "," + |
| begDermannSeq + |
| "], inOrder=true, distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=1, max=10}, min=1, max=10}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(beg3.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="#END(der /w3:5 Mann)"; |
| String end1 = |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, spanRef=[-1,1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, " + |
| "operands = [" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=der, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "], inOrder=false, distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=3, max=5}, min=3, max=5}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(end1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * |
| @Test |
| public void testSentenceDistance() throws QueryException { |
| query="Sonne /s0 Mond"; // contains(focus(1:contains({1:<s>},Sonne)),Mond) |
| expected = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:contains, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:contains, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(expected.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="Sonne /s0,w5 Mond"; |
| expected = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:contains, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:contains, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}"; |
| // ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| // map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| // assertEquals(expected.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="Sonne /s2:2 Mond"; // contains(<s>,Sonne)<s>contains(<s>,Mond) |
| expected = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:contains, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:contains, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| // assertEquals(expected.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="Sonne /s2:3 Mond"; // contains(<s>,Sonne)<s>contains(<s>,Mond) |
| expected = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:contains, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:repetition, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}" + |
| "], boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=1, max=2}, min=1, max=2}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:contains, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| // assertEquals(expected.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="Sonne /s2 Mond"; // contains(focus(1:contains({1:<s>},Sonne)),Mond) | contains(<s>,Sonne)<s>?contains(<s>,Mond) |
| expected = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:or, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:contains, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:contains, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:contains, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Sonne, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:repetition, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}" + |
| "], boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=0, max=1}, min=0, max=1}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:contains, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mond, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| // assertEquals(expected.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| */ |
| |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testELEM() throws QueryException { |
| // http://www.ids-mannheim.de/cosmas2/web-app/hilfe/suchanfrage/eingabe-zeile/syntax/elem.html |
| query="#ELEM(S)"; |
| String elem1 = "{@type=korap:span, key=s}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(elem1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="#ELEM(W ANA=N)"; |
| String elem2 = |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=w, attr=" + |
| "{@type=korap:termGroup, relation=relation:and, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:term, layer=pos, key=N, match=match:eq}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(elem2.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="#ELEM(W ANA != 'N V')"; |
| String elem3 = |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=w, attr=" + |
| "{@type=korap:termGroup, relation=relation:and, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:term, layer=pos, key=N, match=match:ne}," + |
| "{@type=korap:term, layer=pos, key=V, match=match:ne}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(elem3.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="#ELEM(W ANA != 'N A V' Genre = Sport)"; |
| String elem4 = |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=w, attr=" + |
| "{@type=korap:termGroup, relation=relation:and, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:termGroup, relation=relation:and, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:term, layer=pos, key=N, match=match:ne}," + |
| "{@type=korap:term, layer=pos, key=A, match=match:ne}," + |
| "{@type=korap:term, layer=pos, key=V, match=match:ne}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:term, layer=Genre, key=Sport, match=match:eq}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(elem4.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query="#ELEM(W ANA != 'N V' Genre != 'Sport Politik')"; |
| String elem5 = |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=w, attr=" + |
| "{@type=korap:termGroup, relation=relation:and, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:termGroup, relation=relation:and, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:term, layer=pos, key=N, match=match:ne}," + |
| "{@type=korap:term, layer=pos, key=V, match=match:ne}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:termGroup, relation=relation:and, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:term, layer=Genre, key=Sport, match=match:ne}," + |
| "{@type=korap:term, layer=Genre, key=Politik, match=match:ne}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(elem5.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testOPALL() throws QueryException { |
| query="#ALL(gehen /w1:10 voran)"; |
| String all1 = |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, " + |
| "operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=gehen, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=voran, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "], inOrder=false, " + |
| "distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=1, max=10}, min=1, max=10}" + |
| "]" + |
| "}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(all1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testOPNHIT() throws QueryException { |
| query="#NHIT(gehen /w1:10 voran)"; |
| String nhit1 = |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1,2], classRefOp=classRefOp:intersection, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, " + |
| "operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=gehen, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=2, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=voran, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "], inOrder=false, " + |
| "distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=1, max=10}, min=1, max=10}" + |
| "]" + |
| "}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(nhit1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testOPBED() throws QueryException { |
| query = "#BED(der , sa)"; |
| String bed1 = |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands= [" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:startswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=der, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(bed1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query = "#BED(der Mann , +pe)"; |
| String bed2 = |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands= [" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:endswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=p}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=der, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(bed2.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query = "#BED(der Mann , sa,-pa)"; |
| String bed3 = |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:startswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=der, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:startswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=p}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=2, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=der, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}," + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "], exclude=true}" + |
| "], distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=0, max=0}, min=0, max=0}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(bed3.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testColonSeparatedConditions() throws QueryException { |
| |
| query = "Der:sa"; |
| String col1 = |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:startswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Der, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(col1.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| |
| query = "Mann:sa,-pa,+te)"; |
| String col2 = |
| "{@type=korap:reference, operation=operation:focus, classRef=[1], operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:sequence, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:startswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=s}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=1, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:startswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=p}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=2, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "], exclude=true}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:position, frame=frame:endswith, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:span, key=t}," + |
| "{@type=korap:group, operation=operation:class, class=3, operands=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:token, wrap={@type=korap:term, key=Mann, layer=orth, match=match:eq}}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "], distances=[" + |
| "{@type=korap:distance, key=w, boundary={@type=korap:boundary, min=0, max=0}, min=0, max=0}" + |
| "]}" + |
| "]}"; |
| ct = new CosmasTree(query); |
| map = ct.getRequestMap().get("query").toString(); |
| assertEquals(col2.replaceAll(" ", ""), map.replaceAll(" ", "")); |
| } |
| } |
| |