blob: 51705e0be144192d1f9efbd5298dffb3a5716652 [file] [log] [blame]
# version 0.61.2
- Added various log4j2 configurations (margaretha)
- Implemented VirtualCorpusRewrite (margaretha)
- Fixed SpringJerseyTest ApplicationContext (margaretha)
- Handled VCRef with username in VirtualCorpusRewrite (margaretha)
- Enabled VCReferenceTest in maven test suite (margaretha)
- Handled unique constraints (margaretha)
- Added a controller for editing user group member roles (margaretha)
- Fixed cached-VC ref with username (margaretha)
# version 0.61.1
- Added API URL versioning (margaretha)
- Deactivated IdRewrite (margaretha)
- Fixed kustvakt controller (margaretha)
- Fixed root packages & added api version properties in kustvakt.conf (margaretha)
- Fixed versioning in SearchController (margaretha)
- Added API versioning tests (margaretha)
# version 0.61.0
- Added VC referencing tests (margaretha)
- Implemented loading and caching named VCs (margaretha)
- Implemented OAuth2 revoke token (margaretha)
- Updated OAuth2 refresh token implementation (margaretha)
- Implemented revoke all OAuth2 access tokens and authorization codes of client
users when deregistering/deleting a client (margaretha)
- Fixed update OAuth2 access token (margaretha)
- Implemented reset client secret (margaretha)
- Fixed revoking latest access token when refreshing OAuth2 access token (margaretha)
- Implemented OAuth2 client info controller (margaretha)
- Implemented update OAuth2 client privilege controller for admins (margaretha)
- Implemented unlimited authorization scope for super clients with OAuth2 password grant (margaretha)
- Marked native clients implementation to deprecated in favour of super clients (margaretha)
- Enabled using Bearer tokens as user authentication tokens (Authorization header value) for many
controllers including OAuth2 controllers (margaretha)
- Implemented degrading super clients (margaretha)
- Improved and added OAuth2 tests (margaretha)
- Added VC name pattern check (margaretha)
- Implemented loading VC from gz files (margaretha)
- Updated OAuth2 authorization codes' & access tokens' expiry check (margaretha)
- Updated RefreshToken implementations with separate DB tables (margaretha)
- Allows multiple access tokens per refresh token (margaretha)
- Added statistic with VC reference tests (margaretha)
- Fixed OAuth2 SQL files (margaretha)
- Added c3p0 datasource configuration to Spring default-config-xml (margaretha)
- Added running Kustvakt server with custom spring config in the readme (margaretha)
- Removed old OAuth2 codes (margaretha)
- Moved non-config test codes to misc (margaretha)
# version 0.60.5
- Added service layer to the search controller (margaretha)
- Added OAuth2 scope checking in search and VC controllers (margaretha)
- Added handling OAuth2 bearer token for VC access and User group controllers (margaretha)
- Added default scope to password grant (margaretha)
- Made createBasicAuthorizationHeaderValue static (margaretha)
- Added store access token in openID token service (margaretha)
- Fixed empty scope in openID authorization and token service (margaretha)
- Implemented storing authorization code in cache (margaretha)
- Fixed authentication time in authentication controller (margaretha)
- Added OAuth2 access token tests (margaretha)
- Updated maven surefire setting for faster test suite runtime (margaretha)
- Implemented refreshing OAuth2 access token (margaretha)
- Fixed issue #27 (margaretha)
- Fixed clientId encoding in OAuth2ClientControllerTest (margaretha)
# version 0.60.4
- implemented OAuth2 authorization code request with OpenID Authentication (margaretha)
- enabled OAuth2 authorization without OpenID authentication using Nimbus library (margaretha)
- implemented response handler for OpenID authentication errors in authorization requests (margaretha)
- added tests regarding OpenID authentication in authorization requests (margaretha)
- implemented OAuth2 authorization error response via redirect URI instead of JSON (margaretha)
- added state to OAuth2 authorization error response (margaretha)
- implemented OpenID token service for authorization code flow (margaretha)
- implemented signed OpenID token with default algorithm RSA256 (margaretha)
- implemented JSON Web Key (JWK) set web-controller listing kustvakt public keys (margaretha)
- implemented OpenId configuration (margaretha)
- added authentication time and support for auth_time in id_token (margaretha)
- implemented support for nonce and max_age parameters in OpenID authentication (margaretha)
- implemented OAuth2 token request with password grant using Nimbus library (margaretha)
- updated redirect URI validator (margaretha)
- updated client registration requirement to allow desktop applications (margaretha)
- fixed RSA key configuration (margaretha)
- merged OAuth2 client deregistration controllers (margaretha)
- fixed OAuth2 client unique URL-hashcode (margaretha)
- migrated logging to log4j 2 and adapted java.util.logging to log4j(margaretha)
- Added support for unrestricted corpus statistics (ndiewald)
- updated paths of user-group deletion-controllers (margaretha)
- Do not pass broken queries to Krill (diewald)
- added OAuth2 token request with client authentication via Authorization header (margaretha)
- added port checking in test suite (margaretha)
# version 0.60.3
- improved user authentication by using authentication filter for authorization code request (margaretha)
- limited client authentication to client id checking in authorization code request (margaretha)
- added user_id in the oauth2_access_token database table (margaretha)
- implemented OAuth2Authentication provider for token context management (margaretha)
- added parameter checking for authorization DAO (margaretha)
- added controller tests using OAuth2 access token (margaretha)
- added database tables for MySQL (margaretha)
- updated JWT library and related codes (margaretha)
# version 0.60.2
- implemented OAuth2 client registration (margaretha)
- implemented OAuth2 client authentication (margaretha)
- changed virtual corpus search to retrieval (margaretha)
- implemented public client deregistration task (margaretha)
- added client registration and deregistration tests (margaretha)
- implemented confidential client deregistration task (margaretha)
- fixed storing client secret (margaretha)
- implemented OAuth2 response handler (margaretha)
- implemented OAuth2 request access token with client credentials grant (margaretha)
- implemented OAuth2 request access token with resource owner password grant (margaretha)
- implemented OAuth2 authorization code request (margaretha)
- added OAuth2 error codes (margaretha)
- added OAuth2 authorization, scope and access token tables for SQLite (margaretha)
- implemented OAuth2 authorization, scope and access token DAO (margaretha)
- implemented OAuth2 request access token with authorization code grant (margaretha)
- added setting default scopes in the config file (margaretha)
- fixed loading spring config multiple times in the test suite (margaretha)
- added SQLite created_date trigger for access token (margaretha)
- added a join table for access token scopes (margaretha)
- added access scopes handling (margaretha)
- added tests about request token with authorization code (margaretha)
# version 0.60.1
- added admin-related SQL codes (margaretha)
- updated AdminDao (margaretha)
- added optional username query parameter to group list controller (margaretha)
- fixed non hierarchical URI of kustvakt conf files (margaretha)
- added delete group member triggers (margaretha)
- added list user-group by username and status for system admin (margaretha)
- added user-group status in user-group DTO (margaretha)
- added check for hidden groups in user-group tests (margaretha)
- added database trigger test on deleting members when deleting group (margaretha)
- renamed VC type PREDEFINED to SYSTEM (margaretha)
- added VC list controller for system admin (margaretha)
- added VC controller tests with for system admin (margaretha)
- added hidden access removal when deleting published VC (margaretha)
- added check for hidden groups in VC controller tests (margaretha)
- added search user-group controller (margaretha)
- removed createdBy from VirtualCorpusJson (margaretha)
- moved member role setting from the invitation phase to the after-subscription phase (margaretha)
- added member role removal after deleting members (margaretha)
- added add and delete member role controllers (margaretha)
# version 0.60
- set up mail settings using localhost port 25 (margaretha)
- added mail template in kustvakt configuration (margaretha)
- added mail settings to readme (margaretha)
- disabled email notification for auto group (margaretha)
- added metadata retrieval (diewald)
- enabled custom implementation for email address retrieval (margaretha)
- removed old policy and deprecated code (margaretha)
- moved authentication related code to /full (margaretha)
- added userRoles attribute to UserGroupDto. (margaretha)
- fixed sqlite trigger (margaretha)
- fixed member exist error message (margaretha)
- fixed member invitation to join deleted group (margaretha)
- added checking deleted group (margaretha)
# version 0.59.10
- added sort VC by id (margaretha)
- added test cases regarding VC sharing (margaretha)
- implemented withdraw VC from publication (margaretha)
- added Changes file (margaretha)
- implemented add/invite users to group (margaretha)
- implemented delete user-group and member tasks (margaretha)
- added userMemberStatus in group lists (margaretha)
- updated and added SQL test data (margaretha)
- added user group related tests (margaretha)
- implemented custom configuration for deleting user groups and members (margaretha)
- updated library versions and java environment (margaretha)
- added expiration time check for member invitation (margaretha)
- moved .properties files (margaretha)
- merged changelog file to Changes (margaretha)
- updated status codes and error messages to be more detailed (margaretha)
- testing mail implementation using embedded jetty jndi (margaretha)
- fixed collection rewrite regarding OR operation with other fields (margaretha)
- implemented sending mail using spring injection and removed jetty jndi (margaretha)
- fixed unrecognized application/json (margaretha)
- fixed and updated velocity template (margaretha)
# version 0.59.9
- restructured basic authentication (margaretha)
- fixed AuthenticationException to include authentication scheme (margaretha)
- fixed rewrite redundancy in collection rewrite (margaretha)
- fixed foundry rewrite for constituents (margaretha)
- introduced authentication methods, schemes and tokens (margaretha)
- implemented collection rewrite with multiple licenses (margaretha)
- fixed foundry rewrite for korap span without wrap node (margaretha)
- implemented list user group (margaretha)
- implemented delete VC task (margaretha)
- implemented create user-group, subscribe to user-groups, unsubscribe to user-groups tasks(margaretha)
- fixed handling JSON mapping exception for missing enums (margaretha)
- implemented list VC task (margaretha)
- added KoralQuery in VC lists (margaretha)
- implemented edit VC task (margaretha)
- implemented publish VC task (margaretha)
- implemented share VC task (margaretha)
- implemented list only owned VC task (margaretha)
- implemented list VC access task (margaretha)
- implemented search VC by id task (margaretha)
- implemented delete VC access (margaretha)
- implemented search for project VC (margaretha)
- added search VC related tests (margaretha)
- removed PredefinedUserGroup.ALL and related codes (margaretha)
- implemented search for published VC (margaretha)
# version 0.59.8
- restructured statistics service (margaretha)
- removed deprecated loader codes and tests (margaretha)
- removed old Spring java configurations (margaretha)
- implemented entity classes for the new database (margaretha)
- added MySQL codes regarding VC and for testing (margaretha)
- added dao methods regarding VC (margaretha)
- added similar SQL codes (to MySQL) for sqlite (margaretha)
- added dao methods regarding user groups (margaretha)
- restructured web-service codes into controller and logic/business-service(margaretha)
- implemented user role and privilege, and added tests (margaretha)
- prepared test suite using new database (margaretha)
- implemented UserGroupDao and tests (margaretha)
- fixed missing exceptions in JsonUtils (margaretha)
- restructured web filters and authentication codes (margaretha)
- implemented create/store VC (margaretha)
- fixed collection rewrite bug regarding availability with operation or (margaretha)
# version 0.59.7
- MOD: updated search to use new siglen (diewald)
- MOD: fixed matchinfo retrieval in light service (diewald)
- ADD: rest test suite for user service (hanl)
- MOD: setup parameter modification (hanl)
- ADD: oauth2 client unique constraint (hanl)