blob: 7e8e0ebfc9c4ad52c166e793844baf12a5d87a31 [file] [log] [blame]
# version 0.76-SNAPSHOT
- Add institution & landingPage to the resource web-service (#777)
- Make URL mandatory for plugin registration (#573)
- Remove hidden group from test database
- Implemented QueryContextRewrite (#755)
- Replace operation:insertion with operation:injection (#778)
- Update VirtualCorpusRewrite Remove Owner (#779)
- Add source to QueryReferenceRewrite (#783) and VirtualCorpusRewrite (#780)
- Use operation:override in virtual corpus (reference) rewrite (#780)
- Use operation:override in query reference rewrite (#783)
- Fixed availability regex for all access in the config (important to correctly
determine required access of stored VC)
- Rename CollectionRewrite to AvailabilityRewrite
- Improve AvailabilityRewrite and implement operation:override (#781)
- Disabled mysql connector Java due to CVE-2023-22102
- Replace origin with editor in rewrites (#782)
- Update scope and add _comment as discussed in #782
- Changed source to original #782
# version 0.75
- Alter role and remove privilege database tables (#763)
- Update user-group and user-group member web-services (#763)
- Remove edit member role web-service (#763)
- Remove query access table (#763)
- Remove query access admin, merged with user-group admin (#763)
- Update share-query and query-access web-services (#763)
- Add new web-service: delete role by query and group (#763)
- Remove soft delete group and group status deleted (#765)
- Remove soft delete group member and member status deleted (#765)
- Removed SearchResourceFilters and UserGroupJson
- Removed deleted_by from user_group and user_group_member tables (#764)
- Removed created_by, status and status_date from user_group_member table (#764)
- Removed GroupMemberStatus (#764)
- Replace invite and subscribe to add member (#764)
- Remove unsubscribe member (#764)
- Added deprecation messages to deprecated services
- Removed mail configuration (#764)
- Deprecate VC access deletion
- Change default port to 8089
- Disallow scope all for non super clients
- Added config for total result cache and fixed inconsistency (#774)
- Changed memberUsername to member in the new member-role-addition web-service
- Removed user-privileges from user-group list response
- Added role names to user-group list
- Added not-timeExceeded to the totalResult constraints
- Replace EDIT_VC occurrences with CREATE_VC, and removed it
- Fixed administrative user group retrieval to return groups with empty members
# version 0.74.1-SNAPSHOT
- Switch Docker image to temurin (diewald)
- - Introduce filter_by and deprecate authorized_only in OAuth2
client list (close #579)
# version 0.74 hot-fix
- Removed admin & owner restriction on client info access
- Removed registered_by and restrict registration_date to admin/owner-
# version 0.74
- Remove corpusQuery param in the statistics web-service (close #758)
- Moved NamedVCLoader to the init package
- Clean up Spring XML configs
- Fix some logging to write to file instead of stdout
- Change CC RE from CC-BY.* to CC.* (kupietz)
- Unified ResourceFilters and SearchResourceFilters
- Fixed supported versions in the configs & changed delimiter to comma
- Setup log4j2 config (#753)
# version 0.73.2
- Added tests for the DNB scenario with custom max match
and context size (#745)
- Cleaned up named-vc
- Updated tests using the old match info web-services (#757)
- Added deprecation warning for the old matchInfo service (#757)
- Fixed empty named VC path in configuration (solves #754)
- Restrict registration info for plugins (solves #572)
- Removed redirect uri from InstalledPluginDto & updated tests
# version 0.73.1
- Fixed jakarta validation error
- Added openapi doc (#744)
- Moved to src/main/resources/properties
- Moved free-resources.json to src/main/resources/json
- Enables inputting free-resources.json from data folder
- Changed loading external kustvakt.conf and
to use /data folder (#598)
- Added KoralQuery check when updating VC (solved #676)
- Setup vc-cache in the data folder (#598)
- Changed generating adminToken in the data folder (#598)
- Moved disk store path cache_store into the data folder (#598)
- Fixed invalid signature of the uber jar
- Updated configurations of the lite version to use the
data folder (#598)
- Setup logs files to be generated inside the data folder (#598)
# version 0.73
- Moved the content of the full folder to the root folder
- Removed Piwik
- Removed unused libraries
- Cleaned up spring configs
- Updated Krill and Koral with new groupIds
- Updated Github workflow
- Updated search Krill and removed Lucene
- Updated readme
# version 0.72
- Replaced to namespace (#648)
- Upgrading Jersey 2.40 to 3.x (#646)
- Updated Spring 5.x to 6.x and jetty 9.x to 11.x (#645)
- Replaced javax.persistence with jakarta.persistence (#648)
- Migrate Hibernate 5 to 6 (#649)
- Fix missing placeholders
- Fixed conflicting jackson-jarxrs
- Fixed conflicting commons-logging and spring jcl
- Replaced javax.servlet with jakarta.servlet (#648)
- Updated authorization services using Nimbus (#650)
- Fixed BlockingFilter by replacing javax.annotation.Priority
with jakarta.annotation.Priority (#659, #648)
- Replaced javax.annotation with jakarta.annotation
- Enabled legacy support for authorization POST request
- Changed OAuth2 token request using Nimbus (#650)
- Removed Apache Oltu API from token requests (#650)
- Removed OpenID
- Fixed clearing cache
- Fix JettyServerTest, init package, and some java docs
- Make scope extraction more flexible
- Updated token response using Nimbus (#650)
- Remove Oltu request and validator implementations (#650)
- Updated OAuth2 response handler (#650)
- Fixed ShutdownHandler (fixed #708)
- Fixed issues with multi-release jar (#706, #708)
# version 0.71.1
- Removed auditing (#611)
- Removed old database configurations (#612)
- Removed old tests
- Removed unnecessary caches and methods in the authentication interface
- Added total result cache (#599)
- Fixed missing project.version in info web-service
- Make sure totalResults and other numeric results are numbers (Kupietz)
- Introduce CQP query language in Koral 0.41
- Changed DB connection (fixed #670)
- Resolved duplicate libraries
- Fixed testing expiry access token
- Fix lombok compile warning
- Ensure the order of clean token tests
# version 0.71
- Renamed entity and service packages in core
- Renamed web.controller package in core
- Moved SearchNetworkEndpoint to core.service package
- Merged lite into full
- Merged core into full
# version 0.70.1
- Added data folder containing super_client_info and database
for mounting into docker
- Added an error for missing redirect uri in a token request
when it has been included in the authorization request.
- Added tests for VC sharing and for OAuth2 client using VC services
- Added and updated VC controller tests
- Moved
- Added maximum number of user persistent virtual corpora and queries
# version 0.70
- Support token array in matchinfo (fixes #570; diewald)
- Updated VC list API and deprecated owner VC list (addressed #580)
- Added user info web-service (solved #566)
- Implemented configurable resource filters for search and match
info APIs (#539)
- Added getting username from LDAP (#568)
- Disabled LDAP auth provider and token API in the auth filter (#587)
- Added LDAP log for users without idsC2Profile
- Fixed log4j2 properties
# version 0.69.3
- Moved the service path of VC admin services to admin/vc (closed #543)
- Added an admin service to load and cache system vc (solved #268)
- Move oauth2 admin service path (closed #544)
- Excluded admin service to load-cache VC from the test suite
- Fixed refresh token expiry test
- Fixed scope check in OAuth2 token request with refresh token
# version 0.69.2
- Upgrade version for E2E-simplified Docker images (diewald)
- Updated client info API (replaced user authorization requirement with super
client authentication)
- Made scope param required in authorization request (solved #508)
- Allowed OAuth2 clients to use localhost as redirect URIs.
- Fixed content-type in error responses by changing it to application/json
- Allow admin access using admin token for the clean token API
- Use admin filter instead of OAuth2 ADMIN scope
- Added a plugin test
- Moved user-group retrieval API to UserGroupAdminController
and changed the service path URL of UserGroupAdminController
- Deprecate API token (JWT) web-service
- Fixed Slf4J binding
- Exclude junit5 dependencies to keep test runner in Eclipse using JUnit 4
- Fixed testing refresh token expiry
# version 0.69.1
- Upgrade version for docker including indexer (diewald)
# version 0.69
- Migrated to Java 11 and Jersey 2
- Updated dependencies
- Use LDAP authentication in Kustvakt-full oauth2 example config (kupietz)
# version 0.68
- Added a new API: list plugins (e.g for marketplace)
- Added redirect URI validation in authorization request (addressed #374)
- Handled user-defined refresh token expiry (added in client info and
list API response)
- Added installed_plugins table
- Added a new API: install plugin
- Handled redundant plugin installation
- Handled super client id in plugin installation
- Deprecated UserClientDto and uses ClientinfoDto instead
- Updated redirect URI error message for coherence
- Added maximum limit to custom refresh token expiry
- Added new APIs: list user-installed plugins and uninstall plugin
- Moved install and list plugin APIs to PluginController and updated their
service paths under /plugins
- Implemented searching option using a network endpoint
- Implemented initial super client registration for user authentication
- Fixed admin clean token API and restrict plugins to confidential only
# version 0.67.1
- Implemented mapping of LDAP username to email
- Handled null parameters in authorization requests
- Fixed null client_id
- Updated ldap.config path in the kustvakt-test.conf
# version 0.67
- LDAP authentication and authorization is now configurable and supports SSL (LDAPS) connections
- An embedded LDAP server can now be started automatically if configured accordingly
- Changed the SQL script updating oauth2_client table
# version 0.66
- Updated query and user-group name pattern
- Added redirect_uri to client info API
- Added registration_date, refresh_token_expiry, source and is_permitted
to the oauth2_client database table, and updated the OAuth2 client
registration mechanism
- Added authorization request with GET and deprecated that with POST
- Updated OAuth2Client list API (added redirect_uri, registration_date,
permitted, source to OAuth2UserClientDto)
- Updated authorization error response (Included error and error
description in the client redirect URI except for missing or
invalid client id or redirect URI)
# version 0.65.2
- Removed VCLoader
- Added foreign keys to the DB tables of access and refresh token scopes
- Added more parameter checks and OAuth2Client web-service tests
- Updated admin filter by using admin token and role checks
- Added an OAuth2 admin API to delete expired/revoked access and refresh tokens
- Updated admin filter (admintoken as a form param) and uses
it for the closing index reader API
- Removed unused admin API: clear access token cache
- Updated and moved admin API: updateClientPrivilege to OAuth2AdminController
# version 0.65.1
- Restricts the field retrieval web-service to admin only
# version 0.65
!!! includes security updates - please update all Kustvakt libraries
!!! Please also update Krill to version 0.60.2 and Koral to version 0.38
- Updated VC cache
- Enabled listing system vc for authorized users
- Removed koralQuery and statistics from VC list
- Added a web-service to retrieve KoralQuery of a VC
- [security] Updated log4j libs due to CVE-2021-44228
- Fixed broken test suite
- [security] More log4j security updates
- Bumped unboundid-ldapsdk
- Updated tests
- Added show-tokens option to the search API
- Added an API retrieving fields of a virtual corpus
# version 0.64.1
- Bump Kustvakt and Krill versions
# version 0.64
- Updated the change files and made a new version
- Fixed errors due to missing query type and added tests
- Fixed missing request entity
- Updated the query service to enable editing query references
- Fixed creator param when storing query or VC by admins for
the system or other users
# version 0.63.2
- Updated OAuth2 token length & secure random algorithm config
- Added character set filter to random code generator, e.g. for client_id
- Updated roleId and super client parameters
- Fixed broken test
- Updated cache settings and some loggings
- Replaced annotation parsing with restoring the annotation tables to the
- Moved cache config to the full config
# version 0.63.1
- Updated libraries (margaretha)
- Renamed virtual corpus to query (margaretha)
- Added query access roles and fixed vc access roles (margaretha)
- Added delete query webservice and tests (margaretha)
- Updated Koral version for Info Controller (margaretha)
- Updated OAuth2 token list with token type and user clientId
parameters (margaretha)
- Added client type in the client list web-service. Resolved #58 (margaretha)
- Updated OAuth2Client JSON definition and controller tests (margaretha)
- Updated OAuth2 Client list (margaretha)
- Updated parameters in the error responses of OAuth2 APIs for coherence (margaretha)
- Updated OAuth2 API responses for coherence (margaretha)
- Updated OAuth2 client dto (margaretha)
# version 0.63
- Updated dependency of nimbus-jose-jwt and oauth2-oidc-sdk (diewald)
- Introduction of a query reference rewrite mechanism (diewald)
- Added database methods for storing query references (diewald)
- Fix hibernate dialect for SQLite (margaretha)
- Fix pipe warning (margaretha)
- Updated Flyway (margaretha)
- Fixed running pipe and updated tests with mockserver (margaretha)
- Updated methods dependent to Antrl4-maven-plugin libraries (margaretha)
- Add query reference web-service (diewald,margaretha)
- Fixed problem with multiple desktop apps (diewald, margaretha)
- Added listing available queries for users (margaretha)
- Removed escaping for KoralQuery in VC and query reference responses (margaretha)
- Added query and query language in virtual corpus table (margaretha)
- Set corpus access public for stored query (margaretha)
- Enabled API info web-service (margaretha)
# version 0.62.4
- Removed salt from config and updated config files (margaretha)
- Added an admin API for clearing access token cache (margaretha)
- Added a config properties for a long-time access token expiry
and excluded refresh tokens for public clients in OAuth2 token
responses (margaretha)
- Removed client authentication from the client deregistration and
client-secret reset APIs (margaretha)
- Updated the sample index (diewald)
# version 0.62.3
- Implemented pipe extension in the search API (margaretha)
- Added errors when requesting VC in caching process (margaretha,
resolved #47)
- Added support for multiple cq parameters (margaretha, resolved #46)
- Handled pipe errors and added tests (margaretha)
- Updated create update user-group API (margaretha)
- Removed transactional annotations from simple select queries (margaretha)
- Updated free resource controller (margaretha)
- Added additional statistic figures to virtual corpus info API
response (margaretha)
# version 0.62.2
- Handled vulnerability CVE-2019-17195 (margaretha)
- Added user-group name pattern (margaretha, issue #33)
- Updated user group service paths and replaced groupId with groupName
(margaretha, resolved #33)
- Removed UserGroupJson & updated listUserGroups and createUserGroup
services (margaretha)
- Added prefixes to username and groupname parameters in service paths
(margaretha, resolved #35)
- Added tests for issue #43 (margaretha)
- Added client description and URL to list-authorized-clients service
(margaretha, close #53)
- Implemented a service to list clients registered by a user (margaretha,
close #52)
- Added a check for OAuth2 client, VC, and group name length (margaretha)
- Merged list authorized client and list registered client services
- Added a service to list active refresh tokens of a user (margaretha)
- Added username filtering to token revocation service via super client
- Added a service to revoke a single refresh token via super client
# version 0.62.1
- Added tests for public metadata response in search api (margaretha,
issue #43)
- Disabled some tests of unused/disabled web-services (margaretha)
- Fixed missing scopes after requesting access token with refresh token
- Fixed post requests with status OK and empty body (margaretha)
- Added users to hidden group when searching in a published VC (margaretha,
resolved #40)
- Updated the response statuses of VC PUT requests (margaretha)
# version 0.62
- Removed old VC controllers and updated tests (margaretha, issue #34)
- Updated VC access controllers (margaretha)
- Added close index controller (margaretha)
- Fixed unknown authentication scheme, missing VC entity, and parameter
checker (margaretha)
- Fixed sharing unknown VC, updating corpusQuery, and handling non-
unique group name and unknown VC access (margaretha)
- Handled LDAP errors, fixed #45 (margaretha)
- Added re-caching VC at closing-index service, resolved #44 (margaretha)
- Changed the response media-type of authentication controllers (margaretha)
- Fixed bugs: allow guest to retrieve system VC,
remove VC from cache when it is deleted (margaretha)
- Updated VC name pattern and tests (margaretha)
# version 0.61.6
- Fixed SQL data and merged oauth2_client_url and oauth2_client (margaretha)
- Updated client deregistration behavior (margaretha)
- Added delete-group-by-name controller (margaretha)
- Added unique index to group name (margaretha)
- Updated a user setting test using array for multiple values (margaretha)
- Added metadata controller tests (margaretha)
- Fixed tests (margaretha)
- Updated handling errors from Koral (margaretha)
- Added fields to metadata controller (margaretha, issue #39)
# version 0.61.5
- Added a search timeout test (margaretha)
- Updated tests using BeanConfigTest to use SpringJerseyTest (margaretha)
- Improved predefined vc caching (issue #28, margaretha)
- Added comments (margaretha)
- Updated code structure (margaretha)
- Degraded API version to 1.0 (margaretha)
- Added OAuth2 client info tests (margaretha)
- Added retrieveVCByName and deleteVCByName controllers (margaretha)
- Added a PUT request for both creating and editing vc (margaretha)
- Added aliases to some VC controllers (margaretha)
- Merged VC access list controllers (margaretha)
- Removed codes related to user registration & password management (margaretha)
- Added create, edit, retrieve user default setting controllers (margaretha)
- Updated default setting controllers & added tests (margaretha)
- Added delete key in setting controllers (margaretha)
- Added default setting key validation (margaretha)
- Fixed UserdataTest (margaretha)
- Added default setting key validation & fixed UserdataTest (margaretha)
- Added VC reference and MapUtil tests (margaretha)
- Fixed username verification in DefaultSettingService (margaretha)
- Added foundry rewrite with user default setting (margaretha)
- Added default foundry for morphology layer (margaretha)
- Fixed share VC type (margaretha)
- Added delete setting controller (margaretha)
- Handled "no resource found" cases (margaretha, issue #37)
- Added server shutdown description in readme (margaretha)
# version 0.61.4
- Integrated lite and full services and controllers in core (margaretha)
- Updated OAuth2 refresh token request to create a new refresh token and
revoke the old one per request (margaretha)
- Updated NamedVCLoader to delete existing VC in DB (margaretha)
- Handled storing cached VC with VC reference (margaretha)
- Added a controller for listing user clients having active refresh tokens
- Added debug flags to mitigate log4j debugging performance (margaretha)
- Fixed KoralNode at() method (margaretha)
- Implemented revoking all tokens of a user client via a super client
- Removed document controllers and KustvaktResource (margaretha)
- Fixed rewrite bugs (updated rewriteQuery & KoralNode) (margaretha)
# version 0.61.3
- Updated NamedVCLoader to be optional (margaretha)
- Updated annotation tables & implemented key-value structure (margaretha)
- Added annotation parser for annotation data from kalamar (margaretha)
- Implemented parsing free resource info from json (margaretha)
- Updated jetty, spring and hibernate versions (margaretha)
- Fixed the order of annotation keys and values, and added tests (margaretha)
- Fixed resource DAO & added tests (margaretha)
- Fixed query serialization service (margaretha)
- Added "highlights" parameter to matchInfo controller (margaretha)
- Added "fields" parameter to search controllers (margaretha)
- Integrated lite controllers, services and tests in full version (margaretha)
- Moved javax.servlet-api to core (margaretha)
- OpenJDK8u181-workaround (see Debian Bug report #911925; diewald)
- Added Shutdown handler to Jetty server (margaretha)
- Fixed storing VC order in NamedVCLoader (margaretha)
# version 0.61.2
- Added various log4j2 configurations (margaretha)
- Implemented VirtualCorpusRewrite (margaretha)
- Fixed SpringJerseyTest ApplicationContext (margaretha)
- Handled VCRef with username in VirtualCorpusRewrite (margaretha)
- Enabled VCReferenceTest in maven test suite (margaretha)
- Handled unique constraints / inserting duplicate items to DB (margaretha)
- Added a controller for editing user group member roles (margaretha)
- Fixed cached-VC ref with username (margaretha)
# version 0.61.1
- Added API URL versioning (margaretha)
- Deactivated IdRewrite (margaretha)
- Fixed kustvakt controller (margaretha)
- Fixed root packages & added api version properties in kustvakt.conf
- Fixed versioning in SearchController (margaretha)
- Added API versioning tests (margaretha)
# version 0.61.0
- Added VC reference tests (margaretha)
- Implemented loading and caching named VCs (margaretha)
- Implemented OAuth2 revoke token (margaretha)
- Updated OAuth2 refresh token implementation (margaretha)
- Implemented revoke all OAuth2 access tokens and authorization codes of
client users when deregistering/deleting a client (margaretha)
- Fixed update OAuth2 access token (margaretha)
- Implemented reset client secret (margaretha)
- Fixed revoking latest access token when refreshing OAuth2 access token
- Implemented OAuth2 client info controller (margaretha)
- Implemented update OAuth2 client privilege controller for admins
- Implemented unlimited authorization scope for super clients with OAuth2
password grant (margaretha)
- Marked native clients implementation to deprecated in favour of super
clients (margaretha)
- Enabled using Bearer tokens as user authentication tokens (Authorization
header value) for many controllers including OAuth2 controllers (margaretha)
- Implemented degrading super clients (margaretha)
- Improved and added OAuth2 tests (margaretha)
- Added VC name pattern check (margaretha)
- Implemented loading VC from gz files (margaretha)
- Updated OAuth2 authorization codes' & access tokens' expiry check
- Updated RefreshToken implementations with separate DB tables (margaretha)
- Allows multiple access tokens per refresh token (margaretha)
- Added statistic with VC reference tests (margaretha)
- Fixed OAuth2 SQL files (margaretha)
- Added c3p0 datasource configuration to Spring default-config-xml
- Added running Kustvakt server with custom spring config in the readme
- Removed old OAuth2 codes (margaretha)
- Moved non-config test codes to misc (margaretha)
# version 0.60.5
- Added service layer to the search controller (margaretha)
- Added OAuth2 scope checking in search and VC controllers (margaretha)
- Added handling OAuth2 bearer token for VC access and User group
controllers (margaretha)
- Added default scope to password grant (margaretha)
- Made createBasicAuthorizationHeaderValue static (margaretha)
- Added store access token in openID token service (margaretha)
- Fixed empty scope in openID authorization and token service (margaretha)
- Implemented storing authorization code in cache (margaretha)
- Fixed authentication time in authentication controller (margaretha)
- Added OAuth2 access token tests (margaretha)
- Updated maven surefire setting for faster test suite runtime (margaretha)
- Implemented refreshing OAuth2 access token (margaretha)
- Fixed issue #27 (margaretha)
- Fixed clientId encoding in OAuth2ClientControllerTest (margaretha)
# version 0.60.4
- implemented OAuth2 authorization code request with OpenID Authentication
- enabled OAuth2 authorization without OpenID authentication using Nimbus
library (margaretha)
- implemented response handler for OpenID authentication errors in authorization
requests (margaretha)
- added tests regarding OpenID authentication in authorization requests
- implemented OAuth2 authorization error response via redirect URI instead of
JSON (margaretha)
- added state to OAuth2 authorization error response (margaretha)
- implemented OpenID token service for authorization code flow (margaretha)
- implemented signed OpenID token with default algorithm RSA256 (margaretha)
- implemented JSON Web Key (JWK) set web-controller listing kustvakt public
keys (margaretha)
- implemented OpenId configuration (margaretha)
- added authentication time and support for auth_time in id_token (margaretha)
- implemented support for nonce and max_age parameters in OpenID authentication
- implemented OAuth2 token request with password grant using Nimbus library
- updated redirect URI validator (margaretha)
- updated client registration requirement to allow desktop applications
- fixed RSA key configuration (margaretha)
- merged OAuth2 client deregistration controllers (margaretha)
- fixed OAuth2 client unique URL-hashcode (margaretha)
- migrated logging to log4j 2 and adapted java.util.logging to log4j(margaretha)
- Added support for unrestricted corpus statistics (ndiewald)
- updated paths of user-group deletion-controllers (margaretha)
- Do not pass broken queries to Krill (diewald)
- added OAuth2 token request with client authentication via Authorization
header (margaretha)
- added port checking in test suite (margaretha)
# version 0.60.3
- improved user authentication by using authentication filter for authorization
code request (margaretha)
- limited client authentication to client id checking in authorization code
request (margaretha)
- added user_id in the oauth2_access_token database table (margaretha)
- implemented OAuth2Authentication provider for token context management
- added parameter checking for authorization DAO (margaretha)
- added controller tests using OAuth2 access token (margaretha)
- added database tables for MySQL (margaretha)
- updated JWT library and related codes (margaretha)
# version 0.60.2
- implemented OAuth2 client registration (margaretha)
- implemented OAuth2 client authentication (margaretha)
- changed virtual corpus search to retrieval (margaretha)
- implemented public client deregistration task (margaretha)
- added client registration and deregistration tests (margaretha)
- implemented confidential client deregistration task (margaretha)
- fixed storing client secret (margaretha)
- implemented OAuth2 response handler (margaretha)
- implemented OAuth2 request access token with client credentials grant
- implemented OAuth2 request access token with resource owner password grant
- implemented OAuth2 authorization code request (margaretha)
- added OAuth2 error codes (margaretha)
- added OAuth2 authorization, scope and access token tables for SQLite
- implemented OAuth2 authorization, scope and access token DAO (margaretha)
- implemented OAuth2 request access token with authorization code grant
- added setting default scopes in the config file (margaretha)
- fixed loading spring config multiple times in the test suite (margaretha)
- added SQLite created_date trigger for access token (margaretha)
- added a join table for access token scopes (margaretha)
- added access scopes handling (margaretha)
- added tests about request token with authorization code (margaretha)
# version 0.60.1
- added admin-related SQL codes (margaretha)
- updated AdminDao (margaretha)
- added optional username query parameter to group list controller (margaretha)
- fixed non hierarchical URI of kustvakt conf files (margaretha)
- added delete group member triggers (margaretha)
- added list user-group by username and status for system admin (margaretha)
- added user-group status in user-group DTO (margaretha)
- added check for hidden groups in user-group tests (margaretha)
- added database trigger test on deleting members when deleting group
- renamed VC type PREDEFINED to SYSTEM (margaretha)
- added VC list controller for system admin (margaretha)
- added VC controller tests with for system admin (margaretha)
- added hidden access removal when deleting published VC (margaretha)
- added check for hidden groups in VC controller tests (margaretha)
- added search user-group controller (margaretha)
- removed createdBy from VirtualCorpusJson (margaretha)
- moved member role setting from the invitation phase to the after-subscription
phase (margaretha)
- added member role removal after deleting members (margaretha)
- added add and delete member role controllers (margaretha)
# version 0.60
- set up mail settings using localhost port 25 (margaretha)
- added mail template in kustvakt configuration (margaretha)
- added mail settings to readme (margaretha)
- disabled email notification for auto group (margaretha)
- added metadata retrieval (diewald)
- enabled custom implementation for email address retrieval (margaretha)
- removed old policy and deprecated code (margaretha)
- moved authentication related code to /full (margaretha)
- added userRoles attribute to UserGroupDto (margaretha)
- fixed sqlite trigger (margaretha)
- fixed member exist error message (margaretha)
- fixed member invitation to join deleted group (margaretha)
- added checking deleted group (margaretha)
# version 0.59.10
- added sort VC by id (margaretha)
- added test cases regarding VC sharing (margaretha)
- implemented withdraw VC from publication (margaretha)
- added Changes file (margaretha)
- implemented add/invite users to group (margaretha)
- implemented delete user-group and member tasks (margaretha)
- added userMemberStatus in group lists (margaretha)
- updated and added SQL test data (margaretha)
- added user group related tests (margaretha)
- implemented custom configuration for deleting user groups and members (margaretha)
- updated library versions and java environment (margaretha)
- added expiration time check for member invitation (margaretha)
- moved .properties files (margaretha)
- merged changelog file to Changes (margaretha)
- updated status codes and error messages to be more detailed (margaretha)
- testing mail implementation using embedded jetty jndi (margaretha)
- fixed collection rewrite regarding OR operation with other fields
- implemented sending mail using spring injection and removed jetty jndi
- fixed unrecognized application/json (margaretha)
- fixed and updated velocity template (margaretha)
# version 0.59.9
- restructured basic authentication (margaretha)
- fixed AuthenticationException to include authentication scheme (margaretha)
- fixed rewrite redundancy in collection rewrite (margaretha)
- fixed foundry rewrite for constituents (margaretha)
- introduced authentication methods, schemes and tokens (margaretha)
- implemented collection rewrite with multiple licenses (margaretha)
- fixed foundry rewrite for korap span without wrap node (margaretha)
- implemented list user group (margaretha)
- implemented delete VC task (margaretha)
- implemented create user-group, subscribe to user-groups, unsubscribe to
user-groups tasks(margaretha)
- fixed handling JSON mapping exception for missing enums (margaretha)
- implemented list VC task (margaretha)
- added KoralQuery in VC lists (margaretha)
- implemented edit VC task (margaretha)
- implemented publish VC task (margaretha)
- implemented share VC task (margaretha)
- implemented list only owned VC task (margaretha)
- implemented list VC access task (margaretha)
- implemented search VC by id task (margaretha)
- implemented delete VC access (margaretha)
- implemented search for project VC (margaretha)
- added search VC related tests (margaretha)
- removed PredefinedUserGroup.ALL and related codes (margaretha)
- implemented search for published VC (margaretha)
# version 0.59.8
- restructured statistics service (margaretha)
- removed deprecated loader codes and tests (margaretha)
- removed old Spring java configurations (margaretha)
- implemented entity classes for the new database (margaretha)
- added MySQL codes regarding VC and for testing (margaretha)
- added dao methods regarding VC (margaretha)
- added similar SQL codes (to MySQL) for sqlite (margaretha)
- added dao methods regarding user groups (margaretha)
- restructured web-service codes into controller and logic/business-service
- implemented user role and privilege, and added tests (margaretha)
- prepared test suite using new database (margaretha)
- implemented UserGroupDao and tests (margaretha)
- fixed missing exceptions in JsonUtils (margaretha)
- restructured web filters and authentication codes (margaretha)
- implemented create/store VC (margaretha)
- fixed collection rewrite bug regarding availability with operation or
# version 0.59.7
- MOD: updated search to use new siglen (diewald)
- MOD: fixed matchinfo retrieval in light service (diewald)
- ADD: rest test suite for user service (hanl)
- MOD: setup parameter modification (hanl)
- ADD: oauth2 client unique constraint (hanl)