| # type id name description condition permissions |
| |
| #virtualcollection WPD15-VC Wikipedia Virtual Collection German Wikipedia 2015 public read |
| #corpus WPD15 Wikipedia German Wikipedia 2015 public read |
| #corpus GOE Goethe Goethe corpus public read |
| foundry base base Base foundry public read |
| foundry dereko dereko DeReKo foundry public read |
| foundry corenlp corenlp CoreNLP parser public read |
| foundry opennlp opennlp OpenNLP parser public read |
| foundry malt malt MALT parser public read |
| foundry mdp mdp MD parser public read |
| foundry tt tt Tree Tagger parser public read |
| foundry sgbr sgbr Schreibgebrauch ids read |
| foundry cnx cnx Connexor parser ids read |
| foundry drukola drukola DruKoLa parser drukola read |
| foundry glemm glemm Glemm public read |
| foundry marmot marmot MarMoT parser public read |
| foundry mate mate Mate parser public read |
| foundry xip xip Xerox Incremental Parser ids read |
| layer cnx/c cnx/c Connexor constituency layer ids read |
| layer cnx/syn cnx/syn Connexor syntax ids read |
| layer cnx/p cnx/p Connexor part of speech ids read |
| layer cnx/l cnx/l Connexor lemma ids read |
| layer cnx/m cnx/m Connexor morphology ids read |
| layer corenlp/c corenlp/c CoreNLP constituency public read |
| layer corenlp/p corenlp/p CoreNLP part of speech public read |
| layer corenlp/s corenlp/s CoreNLP structure public read |
| layer corenlp/ne corenlp/ne CoreNLP named entities public read |
| layer dereko/s dereko/s DeReKo structure public read |
| layer drukola/l drukola/l Drukola lemma drukola read |
| layer drukola/p drukola/p Drukola part of speech drukola read |
| layer drukola/m drukola/m Drukola morphology drukola read |
| layer glemm/l glemm/l GLEMM lemma public read |
| layer malt/d malt/d MALT dependency public read |
| layer marmot/p marmot/p Marmot part of speech public read |
| layer marmot/m marmot/m Marmot morphology public read |
| layer mate/d mate/d MATE dependency public read |
| layer mate/l mate/l MATE lemma public read |
| layer mate/p mate/p MATE part of speech public read |
| layer mate/m mate/m MATE morphology public read |
| layer mdp/d mdp/d MDP dependency public read |
| layer opennlp/p opennlp/p OpenNLP part of speech public read |
| layer opennlp/s opennlp/s OpenNLP part of speech public read |
| layer sgbr/p sgbr/p Schreibgebrauchp part of peech ids read |
| layer sgbr/l sgbr/l Schreibgebrauch lemma ids read |
| layer sgbr/lv sgbr/lv Schreibgebrauch lemmav ariant ids read |
| layer tt/p tt/p Tree Tagger part of speech public read |
| layer tt/l tt/l Tree Tagger lemma public read |
| layer tt/s tt/s Tree Tagger structure public read |
| layer xip/c xip/c XIP constituency ids read |
| layer xip/d xip/d XIP dependency ids read |
| layer xip/l xip/l XIP lemma ids read |
| layer xip/p xip/p XIP part of speech ids read |
| layer xip/s xip/s XIP structure ids read |