| #Krill |
| krill.indexDir= ../sample-index |
| |
| krill.index.commit.count = 134217000 |
| krill.index.commit.log = log/krill.commit.log |
| krill.index.commit.auto = 500 |
| krill.index.relations.max = 100 |
| ## Directory path of virtual corpora to cache |
| krill.namedVC = vc |
| |
| ## LDAP |
| ldap.config = file-path-to-ldap-config |
| |
| # Kustvakt |
| # multiple versions separated by space |
| supported.api.version = v0.1 v1.0 |
| |
| ## server |
| server.port=8089 |
| server.host=localhost |
| |
| ## mail settings |
| mail.enabled = false |
| mail.receiver = test@localhost |
| mail.sender = noreply@ids-mannheim.de |
| mail.address.retrieval = test |
| |
| ## mail.templates |
| template.group.invitation = notification.vm |
| |
| ## default layers |
| default.layer.partOfSpeech = tt |
| default.layer.lemma = tt |
| default.layer.orthography = opennlp |
| default.layer.dependency = mate |
| default.layer.constituent = corenlp |
| |
| ## delete configuration (default hard) |
| # delete.auto.group = hard |
| delete.group = soft |
| delete.group.member = soft |
| |
| ## availability regex |
| ## only support | |
| availability.regex.free = CC-BY.* |
| availability.regex.public = ACA.* | QAO.NC |
| availability.regex.all = QAO.* |
| |
| ## options referring to the security module! |
| |
| ## OAuth |
| ### (see de.ids_mannheim.korap.constant.AuthenticationMethod for possible |
| ### oauth.password.authentication values) |
| oauth.password.authentication = TEST |
| oauth2.native.client.host = korap.ids-mannheim.de |
| oauth2.max.attempts = 1 |
| # expiry in seconds (S), minutes (M), hours (H), days (D) |
| oauth2.access.token.expiry = 1D |
| oauth2.refresh.token.expiry = 90D |
| oauth2.authorization.code.expiry = 10M |
| # -- scopes separated by space |
| oauth2.default.scopes = search match_info |
| oauth2.client.credentials.scopes = client_info |
| |
| # JWT |
| security.jwt.issuer=korap.ids-mannheim.de |
| |
| ## token expiration |
| security.longTokenTTL=150D |
| security.tokenTTL=72H |
| security.shortTokenTTL=45M |
| |
| ## see SecureRandom Number Generation Algorithms |
| ## default SHA1PRNG |
| security.secure.random.algorithm=SHA1PRNG |
| |
| ## see MessageDigest Algorithms |
| ## default MD5 |
| security.md.algoritm = SHA-256 |
| |
| ### secure hash support: BCRYPT, ESAPICYPHER |
| security.secure.hash.algorithm=BCRYPT |
| security.passcode.salt=salt |
| |
| security.idleTimeoutDuration = 25M |
| security.multipleLogIn = true |
| security.loginAttemptNum = 3 |
| security.authAttemptTTL = 45M |
| |
| security.encryption.loadFactor = 8 |
| security.validation.stringLength = 150 |
| security.validation.emailLength = 50 |
| security.sharedSecret=this-is-shared-secret-code-for-JWT-Signing.It-must-contains-minimum-256-bits |
| security.adminToken=adminToken |
| |
| ## applicable: rewrite, foundry, filter, deny |
| security.rewrite.strategies=filter, foundry, rewrite |