blob: b6592c38314de8ce3198c3a07449b0656501ecb9 [file] [log] [blame]
setGeneric("collocationAnalysis", function(kco, ...) standardGeneric("collocationAnalysis") )
#' Collocation analysis
#' @aliases collocationAnalysis
#' @description
#' \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{lifecycle::badge("experimental")}
#' Performs a collocation analysis for the given node (or query)
#' in the given virtual corpus.
#' @details
#' The collocation analysis is currently implemented on the client side, as some of the
#' functionality is not yet provided by the KorAP backend. Mainly for this reason
#' it is very slow (several minutes, up to hours), but on the other hand very flexible.
#' You can, for example, perform the analysis in arbitrary virtual corpora, use complex node queries,
#' and look for expression-internal collocates using the focus function (see examples and demo).
#' To increase speed at the cost of accuracy and possible false negatives,
#' you can decrease searchHitsSampleLimit and/or topCollocatesLimit and/or set exactFrequencies to FALSE.
#' Note that currently not the tokenization provided by the backend, i.e. the corpus itself, is used, but a tinkered one.
#' This can also lead to false negatives and to frequencies that differ from corresponding ones acquired via the web
#' user interface.
#' @family collocation analysis functions
#' @param lemmatizeNodeQuery if TRUE, node query will be lemmatized, i.e. x -> [tt/l=x]
#' @param minOccur minimum absolute number of observed co-occurrences to consider a collocate candidate
#' @param topCollocatesLimit limit analysis to the n most frequent collocates in the search hits sample
#' @param searchHitsSampleLimit limit the size of the search hits sample
#' @param stopwords vector of stopwords not to be considered as collocates
#' @param exactFrequencies if FALSE, extrapolate observed co-occurrence frequencies from frequencies in search hits sample, otherwise retrieve exact co-occurrence frequencies
#' @param seed seed for random page collecting order
#' @param expand if TRUE, \code{node} and \code{vc} parameters are expanded to all of their combinations
#' @param ... more arguments will be passed to \code{\link{collocationScoreQuery}}
#' @inheritParams collocationScoreQuery,KorAPConnection-method
#' @return Tibble with top collocates, association scores, corresponding URLs for web user interface queries, etc.
#' @importFrom stringr str_match str_split str_detect
#' @importFrom dplyr anti_join arrange desc slice_head bind_rows
#' @importFrom purrr pmap
#' @importFrom tidyr expand_grid
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Find top collocates of "Packung" inside and outside the sports domain.
#' new("KorAPConnection", verbose = TRUE) %>%
#' collocationAnalysis("Packung", vc=c("textClass=sport", "textClass!=sport"),
#' leftContextSize=1, rightContextSize=1, topCollocatesLimit=20) %>%
#' dplyr::filter(logDice >= 5)
#' }
#' \donttest{
#' # Identify the most prominent light verb construction with "in ... setzen".
#' # Note that, currently, the use of focus function disallows exactFrequencies.
#' new("KorAPConnection", verbose = TRUE) %>%
#' collocationAnalysis("focus(in [tt/p=NN] {[tt/l=setzen]})",
#' leftContextSize=1, rightContextSize=0, exactFrequencies=FALSE, topCollocatesLimit=20)
#' }
#' @export
setMethod("collocationAnalysis", "KorAPConnection",
vc = "",
lemmatizeNodeQuery = FALSE,
minOccur = 5,
leftContextSize = 5,
rightContextSize = 5,
topCollocatesLimit = 200,
searchHitsSampleLimit = 20000,
ignoreCollocateCase = FALSE,
withinSpan = ifelse(exactFrequencies, "base/s=s", ""),
exactFrequencies = TRUE,
stopwords = RKorAPClient::synsemanticStopwords(),
seed = 7,
expand = length(vc) != length(node),
...) {
word <- frequency <- NULL
if(!exactFrequencies && (! && !is.null(withinSpan) && nchar(withinSpan)>0 )) {
stop(sprintf("Not empty withinSpan (='%s') requires exactFrequencies=TRUE", withinSpan), call. = FALSE)
if (lemmatizeNodeQuery) {
node <- lemmatizeWordQuery(node)
if (length(node) > 1 || length(vc) > 1) {
grid <- if (expand) expand_grid(node=node, vc=vc) else tibble(node=node, vc=vc)
purrr::pmap(grid, function(node, vc, ...)
node =node,
vc = vc,
minOccur = minOccur,
leftContextSize = leftContextSize,
rightContextSize = rightContextSize,
topCollocatesLimit = topCollocatesLimit,
searchHitsSampleLimit = searchHitsSampleLimit,
ignoreCollocateCase = ignoreCollocateCase,
withinSpan = withinSpan,
exactFrequencies = exactFrequencies,
stopwords = stopwords,
seed = seed,
expand = expand,
...) ) %>%
} else {
candidates <- collocatesQuery(
vc = vc,
minOccur = minOccur,
leftContextSize = leftContextSize,
rightContextSize = rightContextSize,
searchHitsSampleLimit = searchHitsSampleLimit,
ignoreCollocateCase = ignoreCollocateCase,
stopwords = stopwords,
if (nrow(candidates) > 0) {
candidates <- candidates %>%
filter(frequency >= minOccur) %>%
node = node,
collocate = candidates$word,
vc = vc,
leftContextSize = leftContextSize,
rightContextSize = rightContextSize,
observed = if (exactFrequencies) NA else candidates$frequency,
ignoreCollocateCase = ignoreCollocateCase,
withinSpan = withinSpan,
) %>%
filter(.$O >= minOccur) %>%
} else {
#' @importFrom magrittr debug_pipe
#' @importFrom stringr str_match str_split str_detect
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble tibble rename filter anti_join tibble bind_rows case_when
snippet2FreqTable <- function(snippet,
minOccur = 5,
leftContextSize = 5,
rightContextSize = 5,
ignoreCollocateCase = FALSE,
stopwords = c(),
tokenizeRegex = "([! )(\uc2\uab,.:?\u201e\u201c\'\"]+|&quot;)",
oldTable = data.frame(word = rep(NA, 1), frequency = rep(NA, 1)),
verbose = TRUE) {
word <- NULL #
frequency <- NULL
if (length(snippet) < 1) {
dplyr::tibble(word=c(), frequency=c())
} else if (length(snippet) > 1) {, paste("Joinging", length(snippet), "kwics\n"))
for (s in snippet) {
oldTable <- snippet2FreqTable(
leftContextSize = leftContextSize,
rightContextSize = rightContextSize,
oldTable = oldTable,
stopwords = stopwords
}, paste("Aggregating", length(oldTable$word), "tokens\n"))
oldTable %>%
group_by(word) %>%
mutate(word = dplyr::case_when(ignoreCollocateCase ~ tolower(word), TRUE ~ word)) %>%
summarise(frequency=sum(frequency), .groups = "drop") %>%
} else {
stopwordsTable <- dplyr::tibble(word=stopwords)
match <-
'<span class="context-left">(<span class="more"></span>)?(.*[^ ]) *</span><span class="match"><mark>.*</mark></span><span class="context-right"> *([^<]*)'
left <- if(leftContextSize > 0)
tail(unlist(str_split(match[1, 3], tokenizeRegex)), leftContextSize)
# cat(paste("left:", left, "\n", collapse=" "))
right <- if(rightContextSize > 0)
head(unlist(str_split(match[1, 4], tokenizeRegex)), rightContextSize)
# cat(paste("right:", right, "\n", collapse=" "))
if( || || length(left) + length(right) == 0) {
} else {
table(c(left, right)) %>%
dplyr::as_tibble(.name_repair = "minimal") %>%
dplyr::rename(word = 1, frequency = 2) %>%
dplyr::filter(str_detect(word, '^[:alnum:]+-?[:alnum:]*$')) %>%
dplyr::anti_join(stopwordsTable, by="word") %>%
#' Preliminary synsemantic stopwords function
#' @description
#' \Sexpr[results=rd, stage=render]{lifecycle::badge("experimental")}
#' Preliminary synsemantic stopwords function to be used in collocation analysis.
#' @details
#' Currently only suitable for German. See stopwords package for other languages.
#' @param ... future arguments for language detection
#' @family collocation analysis functions
#' @return Vector of synsemantic stopwords.
#' @export
synsemanticStopwords <- function(...) {
res <- c(
collocatesQuery <-
vc = "",
minOccur = 5,
leftContextSize = 5,
rightContextSize = 5,
searchHitsSampleLimit = 20000,
ignoreCollocateCase = FALSE,
stopwords = c(),
...) {
frequency <- NULL
q <- corpusQuery(kco, query, vc, metadataOnly = F, ...)
if(q@totalResults == 0) {
tibble(word=c(), frequency=c())
} else {
q <- fetchNext(q, maxFetch=searchHitsSampleLimit, randomizePageOrder=TRUE)
minOccur = minOccur,
leftContextSize = leftContextSize,
rightContextSize = rightContextSize,
ignoreCollocateCase = ignoreCollocateCase,
stopwords = stopwords,
verbose = kco@verbose) %>%
mutate(frequency = frequency * q@totalResults / min(q@totalResults, searchHitsSampleLimit)) %>%
filter(frequency >= minOccur)