| ################################################################################ |
| # Use setClassUnion to define the unholy NULL-data union as a virtual class. |
| ################################################################################ |
| setClassUnion("characterOrNULL", c("character", "NULL")) |
| setClassUnion("listOrNULL", c("list", "NULL")) |
| # setOldClass("httr2_oauth_client") |
| |
| #' Class KorAPConnection |
| #' |
| #' `KorAPConnection` objects represent the connection to a KorAP server. |
| #' New `KorAPConnection` objects can be created by `KorAPConnection()`. |
| #' |
| #' @import R.cache |
| #' @import utils |
| #' @import methods |
| #' @slot KorAPUrl URL of the web user interface of the KorAP server used in the connection. |
| #' @slot apiVersion requested KorAP API version. |
| #' @slot indexRevision indexRevision code as reported from API via `X-Index-Revision` HTTP header. |
| #' @slot apiUrl full URL of API including version. |
| #' @slot accessToken OAuth2 access token. |
| #' @slot oauthClient OAuth2 client object. |
| #' @slot oauthScope OAuth2 scope. |
| #' @slot authorizationSupported logical that indicates if authorization is supported/necessary for the current KorAP instance. Automatically set during initialization. |
| #' @slot userAgent user agent string used for connection the API. |
| #' @slot timeout timeout in seconds for API requests (this does not influence server internal timeouts) |
| #' @slot verbose logical that decides whether operations will default to be verbose. |
| #' @slot cache logical that decides if API calls are cached locally. |
| #' @slot welcome list containing HTTP response received from KorAP server welcome function. |
| |
| #' @export |
| KorAPConnection <- setClass("KorAPConnection", slots=c(KorAPUrl="character", apiVersion="character", indexRevision="characterOrNULL", apiUrl="character", accessToken="characterOrNULL", oauthClient="ANY", oauthScope="characterOrNULL", authorizationSupported="logical", userAgent="character", timeout="numeric", verbose="logical", cache="logical", welcome="listOrNULL")) |
| |
| generic_kor_app_id = "99FbPHH7RrN36hbndF7b6f" |
| |
| kustvakt_redirect_uri = "http://localhost:1410/" |
| kustvakt_auth_path = "settings/oauth/authorize" |
| |
| |
| #' @param .Object KorAPConnection object |
| #' @param KorAPUrl URL of the web user interface of the KorAP server instance you want to access. |
| #' @param apiVersion which version of KorAP's API you want to connect to. |
| #' @param apiUrl URL of the KorAP web service. |
| #' @param accessToken OAuth2 access token. For queries on corpus parts with restricted |
| #' access (e.g. textual queries on IPR protected data), you need to authorize |
| #' your application with an access token. |
| #' You can obtain an access token in the OAuth settings of your KorAP web interface. |
| #' |
| #' More details are explained in the |
| #' [authorization section](https://github.com/KorAP/RKorAPClient#authorization) |
| #' of the RKorAPClient Readme on GitHub. |
| #' |
| #' To use authorization based on an access token |
| #' in subsequent queries, initialize your KorAP connection with: |
| #' |
| #' ``` |
| #' kco <- KorAPConnection(accessToken="<access token>") |
| #' ``` |
| #' |
| #' In order to make the API |
| #' token persistent for the currently used `KorAPUrl` (you can have one |
| #' token per KorAPUrl / KorAP server instance), use: |
| #' |
| #' ``` |
| #' persistAccessToken(kco) |
| #' ``` |
| #' |
| #' This will store it in your keyring using the |
| #' [keyring::keyring-package]. Subsequent KorAPConnection() calls will |
| #' then automatically retrieve the token from your keying. To stop using a |
| #' persisted token, call `clearAccessToken(kco)`. Please note that for |
| #' DeReKo, authorized queries will behave differently inside and outside the |
| #' IDS, because of the special license situation. This concerns also cached |
| #' results which do not take into account from where a request was issued. If |
| #' you experience problems or unexpected results, please try `kco <- |
| #' KorAPConnection(cache=FALSE)` or use |
| #' [clearCache()] to clear the cache completely. |
| #' |
| #' An alternative to using an access token is to use a browser-based oauth2 workflow |
| #' to obtain an access token. This can be done with the [auth()] method. |
| #' |
| #' @param oauthClient OAuth2 client object. |
| #' @param oauthScope OAuth2 scope. |
| #' @param authorizationSupported logical that indicates if authorization is supported/necessary for the current KorAP instance. Automatically set during initialization. |
| #' @param userAgent user agent string. |
| #' @param timeout tineout in seconds for API requests (this does not influence server internal timeouts). |
| #' @param verbose logical that decides whether following operations will default to |
| #' be verbose. |
| #' @param cache logical that decides if API calls are cached locally. You can clear |
| #' the cache with [clearCache()]. |
| #' @return [KorAPConnection()] object that can be used e.g. with |
| #' [corpusQuery()] |
| #' |
| #' @import httr2 |
| #' @examples |
| #' \dontrun{ |
| #' |
| #' kcon <- KorAPConnection(verbose = TRUE) |
| #' kq <- corpusQuery(kcon, "Ameisenplage") |
| #' kq <- fetchAll(kq) |
| #' } |
| #' |
| #' \dontrun{ |
| #' |
| #' kcon <- KorAPConnection(verbose = TRUE, accessToken="e739u6eOzkwADQPdVChxFg") |
| #' kq <- corpusQuery(kcon, "Ameisenplage", metadataOnly=FALSE) |
| #' kq <- fetchAll(kq) |
| #' kq@collectedMatches$snippet |
| #' } |
| #' |
| #' @rdname KorAPConnection-class |
| #' @export |
| setMethod("initialize", "KorAPConnection", |
| function(.Object, KorAPUrl = "https://korap.ids-mannheim.de/", apiVersion = 'v1.0', apiUrl, accessToken = getAccessToken(KorAPUrl), oauthClient = NULL, oauthScope = "search match_info", authorizationSupported = TRUE, userAgent = "R-KorAP-Client", timeout=240, verbose = FALSE, cache = TRUE) { |
| .Object <- callNextMethod() |
| m <- regexpr("https?://[^?]+", KorAPUrl, perl = TRUE) |
| .Object@KorAPUrl <- regmatches(KorAPUrl, m) |
| if (!endsWith(.Object@KorAPUrl, '/')) { |
| .Object@KorAPUrl <- paste0(.Object@KorAPUrl, "/") |
| } |
| if (missing(apiUrl)) { |
| .Object@apiUrl = paste0(.Object@KorAPUrl, 'api/', apiVersion, '/') |
| } else { |
| .Object@apiUrl = apiUrl |
| } |
| .Object@accessToken = accessToken |
| .Object@oauthClient = oauthClient |
| .Object@apiVersion = apiVersion |
| .Object@userAgent = userAgent |
| .Object@oauthScope = oauthScope |
| .Object@authorizationSupported = authorizationSupported |
| .Object@timeout = timeout |
| .Object@verbose = verbose |
| .Object@cache = cache |
| .Object@welcome = apiCall(.Object, .Object@apiUrl, json = FALSE, cache = FALSE, getHeaders = TRUE) |
| if (!is.null(.Object@welcome)) { |
| message(.Object@welcome[[2]]) |
| resp <- httr2::request(.Object@KorAPUrl) |> |
| httr2::req_url_path_append(kustvakt_auth_path) |> |
| httr2::req_error(is_error = \(resp) FALSE) |> |
| httr2::req_perform() |
| .Object@authorizationSupported = (httr2::resp_status(resp) == 200) |
| |
| .Object@indexRevision <- .Object@welcome[[1]][["x-index-revision"]] |
| } else { |
| if (grepl(.Object@KorAPUrl, .Object@apiUrl)) { |
| message("Could not connect to KorAP instance ", .Object@KorAPUrl) |
| } else { |
| message("Could not connect to KorAP API at ", .Object@apiUrl) |
| } |
| } |
| .Object |
| }) |
| |
| |
| accessTokenServiceName <- "RKorAPClientAccessToken" |
| |
| setGeneric("persistAccessToken", function(kco, ...) standardGeneric("persistAccessToken") ) |
| |
| #' Persist current access token in keyring |
| #' |
| #' @param kco KorAPConnection object |
| #' @param accessToken access token to be persisted. If not supplied, the current access token of the KorAPConnection object will be used. |
| #' @return KorAPConnection object. |
| #' |
| #' @aliases persistAccessToken |
| #' |
| #' @import keyring |
| #' @export |
| #' |
| #' @examples |
| #' \dontrun{ |
| #' kco <- KorAPConnection(accessToken="e739u6eOzkwADQPdVChxFg") |
| #' persistAccessToken(kco) |
| #' |
| #' kco <- KorAPConnection() %>% auth(app_id="<my application id>") %>% persistAccessToken() |
| #' } |
| #' |
| #' @seealso [clearAccessToken()], [auth()] |
| #' |
| setMethod("persistAccessToken", "KorAPConnection", function(kco, accessToken = kco@accessToken) { |
| if (! is.null(kco@oauthClient)) { |
| warning("Short lived access tokens from a confidential application cannot be persisted.") |
| return(kco) |
| } |
| if (is.null(accessToken)) |
| stop("It seems that you have not supplied any access token that could be persisted.", call. = FALSE) |
| |
| kco@accessToken <- accessToken |
| key_set_with_value(accessTokenServiceName, kco@KorAPUrl, accessToken) |
| return(kco) |
| }) |
| |
| setGeneric("clearAccessToken", function(kco) standardGeneric("clearAccessToken") ) |
| |
| #' Clear access token from keyring and KorAPConnection object |
| #' |
| #' @aliases clearAccessToken |
| #' @import keyring |
| #' @param kco KorAPConnection object |
| #' @return KorAPConnection object with access token set to `NULL`. |
| #' @export |
| #' @examples |
| #' |
| #' \dontrun{ |
| #' kco <- KorAPConnection() |
| #' kco <- clearAccessToken(kco) |
| #' } |
| #' |
| #' @seealso [persistAccessToken()] |
| #' |
| setMethod("clearAccessToken", "KorAPConnection", function(kco) { |
| key_delete(accessTokenServiceName, kco@KorAPUrl) |
| kco@accessToken <- NULL |
| kco |
| }) |
| |
| |
| oauthRefresh <- function(req, client, scope, kco) { |
| httr2::req_oauth_auth_code(req, client, scope = scope, |
| auth_url = paste0(kco@KorAPUrl, kustvakt_auth_path), |
| redirect_uri = kustvakt_redirect_uri, |
| cache_key = kco@KorAPUrl) |
| } |
| |
| setGeneric("auth", function(kco, app_id = generic_kor_app_id, app_secret = NULL, scope = kco@oauthScope) standardGeneric("auth") ) |
| |
| #' Authorize RKorAPClient |
| #' |
| #' @aliases auth |
| #' |
| #' @description |
| #' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")` |
| #' |
| #' Authorize RKorAPClient to make KorAP queries and download results on behalf of the user. |
| #' |
| #' @param kco KorAPConnection object |
| #' @param app_id OAuth2 application id. Defaults to the generic KorAP client application id. |
| #' @param app_secret OAuth2 application secret. Used with confidential client applications. Defaults to `NULL`. |
| #' @param scope OAuth2 scope. Defaults to "search match_info". |
| #' @return KorAPConnection object with access token set in `@accessToken`. |
| #' |
| #' @importFrom httr2 oauth_client oauth_flow_auth_code |
| #' @examples |
| #' \dontrun{ |
| #' kco <- KorAPConnection(verbose = TRUE) %>% auth() |
| #' df <- collocationAnalysis(kco, "focus([marmot/p=ADJA] {Ameisenplage})", |
| #' leftContextSize=1, rightContextSize=0) |
| #' } |
| #' |
| #' @seealso [persistAccessToken()], [clearAccessToken()] |
| #' |
| #' @export |
| setMethod("auth", "KorAPConnection", function(kco, app_id = generic_kor_app_id, app_secret = NULL, scope = kco@oauthScope) { |
| if (kco@authorizationSupported == FALSE) { |
| log_info(kco@verbose, "Authorization is not supported by this KorAP instance.") |
| return(kco) |
| } |
| if ( kco@KorAPUrl != "https://korap.ids-mannheim.de/" & app_id == generic_kor_app_id) { |
| warning(paste("You can use the default app_id only for the IDS Mannheim KorAP main instance for querying DeReKo. Please provide your own app_id for accesing", kco@KorAPUrl)) |
| return(kco) |
| } |
| if (is.null(kco@accessToken) || is.null(kco@welcome)) { # if access token is not set or invalid |
| client <- if (! is.null(kco@oauthClient)) kco@oauthClient else |
| httr2::oauth_client( |
| id = app_id, |
| secret = app_secret, |
| token_url = paste0(kco@apiUrl, "oauth2/token") |
| ) |
| if (is.null(app_secret)) { |
| kco@accessToken <- ( client |> |
| httr2::oauth_flow_auth_code( |
| scope = scope, |
| auth_url = paste0(kco@KorAPUrl, kustvakt_auth_path), |
| redirect_uri = kustvakt_redirect_uri |
| ))$access_token |
| log_info(kco@verbose, "Client authorized. New access token set.") |
| } else { |
| kco@oauthClient <- client |
| kco@oauthScope <- scope |
| req <- request(kco@apiUrl) |> |
| oauthRefresh(client, scope, kco) |> |
| req_perform() |
| log_info(kco@verbose, "Client authorized. Short lived access token will be refreshed automatically.") |
| } |
| } else { |
| log_info(kco@verbose, "Access token already set.") |
| } |
| return(kco) |
| }) |
| |
| |
| |
| #' @import keyring |
| getAccessToken <- function(KorAPUrl) { |
| keyList <- tryCatch(withCallingHandlers(key_list(service = accessTokenServiceName), |
| warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"), |
| error = function(e) return(NULL)), |
| error = function(e) { }) |
| if (KorAPUrl %in% keyList$username) |
| key_get(accessTokenServiceName, KorAPUrl) |
| else |
| NULL |
| } |
| |
| |
| warnIfNotAuthorized <- function(kco) { |
| if (kco@authorizationSupported & is.null(kco@accessToken) & is.null(kco@oauthClient)) { |
| warning( |
| paste0( |
| "In order to receive KWICSs also from corpora with restricted licenses, you may need to\n", |
| "authorize your application with an access token or the auth() method.\n", |
| "To generate an access token, login to KorAP and navigate to KorAP's OAuth settings <", |
| kco@KorAPUrl, |
| "settings/oauth#page-top>" |
| ) |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| KorAPCacheSubDir <- function() { |
| paste0("RKorAPClient_", |
| gsub( |
| "^([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+).*", |
| "\\1", |
| packageVersion("RKorAPClient"), |
| perl = TRUE |
| )) |
| } |
| |
| setGeneric("apiCall", function(kco, ...) standardGeneric("apiCall") ) |
| |
| ## quiets concerns of R CMD check re: the .'s that appear in pipelines |
| utils::globalVariables(c(".")) |
| |
| #' @aliases apiCall |
| #' @rdname KorAPConnection-class |
| #' @param kco KorAPConnection object |
| #' @param url request url |
| #' @param json logical that determines if JSON result is expected |
| #' @param getHeaders logical that determines if headers and content should be returned (as a list) |
| #' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON |
| #' @importFrom curl has_internet |
| #' @import httr2 |
| #' @export |
| setMethod("apiCall", "KorAPConnection", function(kco, url, json = TRUE, getHeaders = FALSE, cache = kco@cache, timeout = kco@timeout) { |
| result <- "" |
| |
| # Handle caching if enabled |
| if (cache) { |
| result <- R.cache::loadCache(dir = KorAPCacheSubDir(), key = list(url, kco@accessToken, kco@indexRevision)) |
| if (!is.null(result)) { |
| if (!is.null(result$meta)) result$meta$cached <- "local" |
| return(result) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Check for internet connection |
| if (!curl::has_internet()) { |
| message("No internet connection.") |
| return(invisible(NULL)) |
| } |
| |
| # Create the request |
| req <- httr2::request(url) |> |
| httr2::req_user_agent(kco@userAgent) |> |
| httr2::req_error(is_error = \(resp) FALSE) |> |
| httr2::req_timeout(timeout) |
| |
| if (! is.null(kco@oauthClient)) { |
| req <- req |> oauthRefresh(kco@oauthClient, scope = kco@oauthScope, kco) |
| } else if (!is.null(kco@accessToken)) { |
| req <- req |> httr2::req_auth_bearer_token(kco@accessToken) |
| } |
| |
| resp <- tryCatch(req |> httr2::req_perform(), |
| error = function(e) { |
| message(e$message, if("parent" %in% names(e)) paste0("\n", e$parent$message) else "") |
| return(NULL) |
| } |
| ) |
| |
| if (is.null(resp)) return(invisible(NULL)) |
| |
| if (resp |> httr2::resp_status() != 200) { |
| message("Request failed with status ", resp |> httr2::resp_status(), ": ", resp |> httr2::resp_status_desc()) |
| if (resp |> httr2::resp_content_type() == "application/json") { |
| result <- tryCatch( |
| resp |> httr2::resp_body_json(), |
| error = function(e) { |
| message("Failed to parse json with error details: ", e$message) |
| return(NULL) |
| } |
| ) |
| # Handle errors in the response (if any) |
| if (!is.null(result$errors)) { |
| errors <- result$errors |
| warning_msgs <- if (is.data.frame(errors)) { |
| apply(errors, 1, function(warning) paste(warning[1], ": ", warning[2])) |
| } else { |
| lapply(errors, function(error) paste(error, collapse = " ")) |
| } |
| message(paste(warning_msgs, collapse = "\n")) |
| } |
| } |
| return(invisible(NULL)) |
| } |
| |
| # Process JSON response or raw text based on `json` parameter |
| if (json) { |
| content_type <- resp |> httr2::resp_content_type() |
| if (!content_type %in% c("application/json", "application/ld+json")) { |
| message("API did not return JSON") |
| return(invisible(NULL)) |
| } |
| |
| result <- tryCatch( |
| resp |> httr2::resp_body_string() |> jsonlite::fromJSON(), |
| error = function(e) { |
| message("Failed to parse JSON: ", e$message) |
| return(NULL) |
| } |
| ) |
| |
| # Handle warnings in the response (if any) |
| if (!is.null(result$warnings)) { |
| warnings <- result$warnings |
| warning_msgs <- if (is.data.frame(warnings)) { |
| apply(warnings, 1, function(warning) paste(warning[1], ": ", warning[2])) |
| } else { |
| lapply(warnings, function(warning) paste(warning, collapse = " ")) |
| } |
| message(paste(warning_msgs, collapse = "\n")) |
| } |
| } else { |
| result <- resp |> httr2::resp_body_string() |
| } |
| |
| # Save to cache if enabled |
| if (cache) { |
| R.cache::saveCache(result, key = list(url, kco@accessToken, kco@indexRevision), dir = KorAPCacheSubDir(), compress = TRUE) |
| } |
| |
| # Return headers and content as a list if `getHeaders` is TRUE |
| if (getHeaders) { |
| list(headers = resp |> httr2::resp_headers(), content = result) |
| } else { |
| result |
| } |
| }) |
| |
| setGeneric("clearCache", function(kco) standardGeneric("clearCache") ) |
| |
| #' @aliases clearCache |
| #' @rdname KorAPConnection-class |
| #' @export |
| setMethod("clearCache", "KorAPConnection", function(kco) { |
| R.cache::clearCache(dir=KorAPCacheSubDir()) |
| }) |
| |
| #' @rdname KorAPConnection-class |
| #' @param object KorAPConnection object |
| #' @export |
| setMethod("show", "KorAPConnection", function(object) { |
| cat("<KorAPConnection>", "\n") |
| cat("apiUrl: ", object@apiUrl, "\n") |
| }) |
| |
| ##' Funtion KorAPConnection() |
| ##' |
| ##' Wrappper function for KorAPConnection() |
| ##' |
| ##' @rdname KorAPConnection-constructor |
| ##' @name KorAPConnection-constructor |
| ##' @export |
| ## XKorAPConnection <- function(...) KorAPConnection(...) |