| % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand |
| % Please edit documentation in R/KorAPQuery.R |
| \docType{class} |
| \name{KorAPQuery-class} |
| \alias{KorAPQuery-class} |
| \alias{KorAPQuery} |
| \alias{initialize,KorAPQuery-method} |
| \alias{corpusQuery,KorAPConnection-method} |
| \alias{corpusQuery} |
| \alias{fetchNext,KorAPQuery-method} |
| \alias{fetchNext} |
| \alias{fetchAll,KorAPQuery-method} |
| \alias{fetchAll} |
| \alias{fetchRest,KorAPQuery-method} |
| \alias{fetchRest} |
| \alias{frequencyQuery,KorAPConnection-method} |
| \alias{frequencyQuery} |
| \alias{buildWebUIRequestUrlFromString} |
| \alias{buildWebUIRequestUrl} |
| \alias{format.KorAPQuery} |
| \alias{show,KorAPQuery-method} |
| \title{Class KorAPQuery} |
| \usage{ |
| \S4method{initialize}{KorAPQuery}( |
| .Object, |
| korapConnection = NULL, |
| request = NULL, |
| vc = "", |
| totalResults = 0, |
| nextStartIndex = 0, |
| fields = c("corpusSigle", "textSigle", "pubDate", "pubPlace", "availability", |
| "textClass", "snippet", "tokens"), |
| requestUrl = "", |
| webUIRequestUrl = "", |
| apiResponse = NULL, |
| hasMoreMatches = FALSE, |
| collectedMatches = NULL |
| ) |
| |
| \S4method{corpusQuery}{KorAPConnection}( |
| kco, |
| query = if (missing(KorAPUrl)) |
| stop("At least one of the parameters query and KorAPUrl must be specified.", call. = |
| FALSE) else httr2::url_parse(KorAPUrl)$query$q, |
| vc = if (missing(KorAPUrl)) "" else httr2::url_parse(KorAPUrl)$query$cq, |
| KorAPUrl, |
| metadataOnly = TRUE, |
| ql = if (missing(KorAPUrl)) "poliqarp" else httr2::url_parse(KorAPUrl)$query$ql, |
| fields = c("corpusSigle", "textSigle", "pubDate", "pubPlace", "availability", |
| "textClass", "snippet", "tokens"), |
| accessRewriteFatal = TRUE, |
| verbose = kco@verbose, |
| expand = length(vc) != length(query), |
| as.df = FALSE, |
| context = NULL |
| ) |
| |
| \S4method{fetchNext}{KorAPQuery}( |
| kqo, |
| offset = kqo@nextStartIndex, |
| maxFetch = maxResultsPerPage, |
| verbose = kqo@korapConnection@verbose, |
| randomizePageOrder = FALSE |
| ) |
| |
| \S4method{fetchAll}{KorAPQuery}(kqo, verbose = kqo@korapConnection@verbose, ...) |
| |
| \S4method{fetchRest}{KorAPQuery}(kqo, verbose = kqo@korapConnection@verbose, ...) |
| |
| \S4method{frequencyQuery}{KorAPConnection}( |
| kco, |
| query, |
| vc = "", |
| conf.level = 0.95, |
| as.alternatives = FALSE, |
| ... |
| ) |
| |
| buildWebUIRequestUrlFromString(KorAPUrl, query, vc = "", ql = "poliqarp") |
| |
| buildWebUIRequestUrl( |
| kco, |
| query = if (missing(KorAPUrl)) |
| stop("At least one of the parameters query and KorAPUrl must be specified.", call. = |
| FALSE) else httr2::url_parse(KorAPUrl)$query$q, |
| vc = if (missing(KorAPUrl)) "" else httr2::url_parse(KorAPUrl)$query$cq, |
| KorAPUrl, |
| ql = if (missing(KorAPUrl)) "poliqarp" else httr2::url_parse(KorAPUrl)$query$ql |
| ) |
| |
| \method{format}{KorAPQuery}(x, ...) |
| |
| \S4method{show}{KorAPQuery}(object) |
| } |
| \arguments{ |
| \item{.Object}{…} |
| |
| \item{korapConnection}{KorAPConnection object} |
| |
| \item{request}{query part of the request URL} |
| |
| \item{vc}{string describing the virtual corpus in which the query should be performed. An empty string (default) means the whole corpus, as far as it is license-wise accessible.} |
| |
| \item{totalResults}{number of hits the query has yielded} |
| |
| \item{nextStartIndex}{at what index to start the next fetch of query results} |
| |
| \item{fields}{(meta)data fields that will be fetched for every match.} |
| |
| \item{requestUrl}{complete URL of the API request} |
| |
| \item{webUIRequestUrl}{URL of a web frontend request corresponding to the API request} |
| |
| \item{apiResponse}{data-frame representation of the JSON response of the API request} |
| |
| \item{hasMoreMatches}{logical that signals if more query results can be fetched} |
| |
| \item{collectedMatches}{matches already fetched from the KorAP-API-server} |
| |
| \item{kco}{\code{\link[=KorAPConnection]{KorAPConnection()}} object (obtained e.g. from \code{KorAPConnection()}} |
| |
| \item{query}{string that contains the corpus query. The query language depends on the \code{ql} parameter. Either \code{query} must be provided or \code{KorAPUrl}.} |
| |
| \item{KorAPUrl}{instead of providing the query and vc string parameters, you can also simply copy a KorAP query URL from your browser and use it here (and in \code{KorAPConnection}) to provide all necessary information for the query.} |
| |
| \item{metadataOnly}{logical that determines whether queries should return only metadata without any snippets. This can also be useful to prevent access rewrites. Note that the default value is TRUE. |
| If you want your corpus queries to return not only metadata, but also KWICS, you need to authorize |
| your RKorAPClient application as explained in the |
| \href{https://github.com/KorAP/RKorAPClient#authorization}{authorization section} |
| of the RKorAPClient Readme on GitHub and set the \code{metadataOnly} parameter to |
| \code{FALSE}.} |
| |
| \item{ql}{string to choose the query language (see \href{https://github.com/KorAP/Kustvakt/wiki/Service:-Search-GET#user-content-parameters}{section on Query Parameters} in the Kustvakt-Wiki for possible values.} |
| |
| \item{accessRewriteFatal}{abort if query or given vc had to be rewritten due to insufficient rights (not yet implemented).} |
| |
| \item{verbose}{print progress information if true} |
| |
| \item{expand}{logical that decides if \code{query} and \code{vc} parameters are expanded to all of their combinations} |
| |
| \item{as.df}{return result as data frame instead of as S4 object?} |
| |
| \item{context}{string that specifies the size of the left and the right context returned in \code{snippet} |
| (provided that \code{metadataOnly} is set to \code{false} and that the necessary access right are met). |
| The format of the context size specifcation (e.g. \verb{3-token,3-token}) is described in the \href{https://github.com/KorAP/Kustvakt/wiki/Service:-Search-GET}{Service: Search GET documentation of the Kustvakt Wiki}. |
| If the parameter is not set, the default context size secification of the KorAP server instance will be used. |
| Note that you cannot overrule the maximum context size set in the KorAP server instance, |
| as this is typically legally motivated.} |
| |
| \item{kqo}{object obtained from \code{\link[=corpusQuery]{corpusQuery()}}} |
| |
| \item{offset}{start offset for query results to fetch} |
| |
| \item{maxFetch}{maximum number of query results to fetch} |
| |
| \item{randomizePageOrder}{fetch result pages in pseudo random order if true. Use \code{\link[=set.seed]{set.seed()}} to set seed for reproducible results.} |
| |
| \item{...}{further arguments passed to or from other methods} |
| |
| \item{conf.level}{confidence level of the returned confidence interval (passed through \code{\link[=ci]{ci()}} to \code{\link[=prop.test]{prop.test()}}).} |
| |
| \item{as.alternatives}{LOGICAL that specifies if the query terms should be treated as alternatives. If \code{as.alternatives} is TRUE, the sum over all query hits, instead of the respective vc token sizes is used as total for the calculation of relative frequencies.} |
| |
| \item{x}{KorAPQuery object} |
| |
| \item{object}{KorAPQuery object} |
| } |
| \value{ |
| Depending on the \code{as.df} parameter, a table or a \code{\link[=KorAPQuery]{KorAPQuery()}} object that, among other information, contains the total number of results in \verb{@totalResults}. The resulting object can be used to fetch all query results (with \code{\link[=fetchAll]{fetchAll()}}) or the next page of results (with \code{\link[=fetchNext]{fetchNext()}}). |
| A corresponding URL to be used within a web browser is contained in \verb{@webUIRequestUrl} |
| Please make sure to check \verb{$collection$rewrites} to see if any unforeseen access rewrites of the query's virtual corpus had to be performed. |
| |
| The \code{kqo} input object with updated slots \code{collectedMatches}, \code{apiResponse}, \code{nextStartIndex}, \code{hasMoreMatches} |
| } |
| \description{ |
| This class provides methods to perform different kinds of queries on the KorAP API server. |
| \code{KorAPQuery} objects, which are typically created by the \code{\link[=corpusQuery]{corpusQuery()}} method, |
| represent the current state of a query to a KorAP server. |
| |
| \strong{\code{corpusQuery}} performs a corpus query via a connection to a KorAP-API-server |
| |
| \strong{\code{fetchNext}} fetches the next bunch of results of a KorAP query. |
| |
| \strong{\code{fetchAll}} fetches all results of a KorAP query. |
| |
| \strong{\code{frequencyQuery}} combines \code{\link[=corpusQuery]{corpusQuery()}}, \code{\link[=corpusStats]{corpusStats()}} and |
| \code{\link[=ci]{ci()}} to compute a table with the relative frequencies and |
| confidence intervals of one ore multiple search terms across one or multiple |
| virtual corpora. |
| } |
| \examples{ |
| \dontrun{ |
| |
| # Fetch metadata of every query hit for "Ameisenplage" and show a summary |
| KorAPConnection() \%>\% corpusQuery("Ameisenplage") \%>\% fetchAll() |
| } |
| |
| \dontrun{ |
| |
| # Use the copy of a KorAP-web-frontend URL for an API query of "Ameise" in a virtual corpus |
| # and show the number of query hits (but don't fetch them). |
| |
| KorAPConnection(verbose = TRUE) \%>\% |
| corpusQuery(KorAPUrl = |
| "https://korap.ids-mannheim.de/?q=Ameise&cq=pubDate+since+2017&ql=poliqarp") |
| } |
| |
| \dontrun{ |
| |
| # Plot the time/frequency curve of "Ameisenplage" |
| KorAPConnection(verbose=TRUE) \%>\% |
| { . ->> kco } \%>\% |
| corpusQuery("Ameisenplage") \%>\% |
| fetchAll() \%>\% |
| slot("collectedMatches") \%>\% |
| mutate(year = lubridate::year(pubDate)) \%>\% |
| dplyr::select(year) \%>\% |
| group_by(year) \%>\% |
| summarise(Count = dplyr::n()) \%>\% |
| mutate(Freq = mapply(function(f, y) |
| f / corpusStats(kco, paste("pubDate in", y))@tokens, Count, year)) \%>\% |
| dplyr::select(-Count) \%>\% |
| complete(year = min(year):max(year), fill = list(Freq = 0)) \%>\% |
| plot(type = "l") |
| } |
| \dontrun{ |
| |
| q <- KorAPConnection() \%>\% corpusQuery("Ameisenplage") \%>\% fetchNext() |
| q@collectedMatches |
| } |
| |
| \dontrun{ |
| |
| q <- KorAPConnection() \%>\% corpusQuery("Ameisenplage") \%>\% fetchAll() |
| q@collectedMatches |
| } |
| |
| \dontrun{ |
| |
| q <- KorAPConnection() \%>\% corpusQuery("Ameisenplage") \%>\% fetchRest() |
| q@collectedMatches |
| } |
| |
| \dontrun{ |
| |
| KorAPConnection(verbose = TRUE) \%>\% |
| frequencyQuery(c("Mücke", "Schnake"), paste0("pubDate in ", 2000:2003)) |
| } |
| |
| } |
| \references{ |
| \url{https://ids-pub.bsz-bw.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/9026} |
| |
| \url{https://ids-pub.bsz-bw.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/9026} |
| } |
| \seealso{ |
| \code{\link[=KorAPConnection]{KorAPConnection()}}, \code{\link[=fetchNext]{fetchNext()}}, \code{\link[=fetchRest]{fetchRest()}}, \code{\link[=fetchAll]{fetchAll()}}, \code{\link[=corpusStats]{corpusStats()}} |
| } |