blob: ab9ba01f28bcf77dd866db8484159989acc8f78e [file] [log] [blame]
test_that("textMetadata works", {
m <- KorAPConnection(accessToken = NULL) %>% textMetadata(c("WUD17/B96/57558", "WUD17/A97/08541"))
expect("textType" %in% names(m), "textMetadata value should contain a textType column")
test_that("textMetadata works for unknown text sigles", {
m <- KorAPConnection(accessToken = NULL) %>% textMetadata(c("WUD17/B96/57558", "unknownsigle"))
expect("errors" %in% names(m), "textMetadata should return an errors column if a text does not exist")
test_that("textMetadata works with list valued fields", {
m <- KorAPConnection(accessToken = NULL) %>% textMetadata("WUD17/B96/57558")
expect("staat-gesellschaft\\tbiographien-interviews" == m$textClass[1], "multiple text classes / domnains should be tab separated")