| ################################################################################ |
| # Use setClassUnion to define the unholy NULL-data union as a virtual class. |
| ################################################################################ |
| setClassUnion("characterOrNULL", c("character", "NULL")) |
| |
| #' Class KorAPConnection |
| #' |
| #' \code{KorAPConnection} objects represent the connection to a KorAP server. |
| #' New \code{KorAPConnection} objects can be created by \code{new("KorAPConnection")}. |
| #' |
| #' @import R.cache |
| #' @import utils |
| #' @import methods |
| #' @export |
| KorAPConnection <- setClass("KorAPConnection", slots=c(KorAPUrl="character", apiVersion="character", apiUrl="character", apiToken="characterOrNULL", userAgent="character", timeout="numeric", verbose="logical", cache="logical")) |
| |
| #' @param .Object KorAPConnection object |
| #' @param KorAPUrl the URL of the KorAP server instance you want to access. |
| #' @param apiVersion which version of KorAP's API you want to connect to. |
| #' @param apiUrl URL of the KorAP web service. |
| #' @param apiToken OAuth2 API token. To use authorization based on an API token |
| #' in subsequent queries, intialize your KorAP connection with |
| #' \code{kco <- new("KorAPConnection", apiToken="<API Token>")}. |
| #' In order to make the API |
| #' token persistent for the currently used \code{KorAPUrl} (you can have one |
| #' token per KorAPUrl / KorAP server instance), use |
| #' \code{persistApiToken(kco)}. This will store it in your keyring using the |
| #' \code{\link{keyring}} package. Subsequent new("KorAPConnection") calls will |
| #' then automatically retrieve the token from your keying. To stop using a |
| #' persisted token, call \code{clearApiToken(kco)}. Please note that for |
| #' DeReKo, authorized queries will behave differently inside and outside the |
| #' IDS, because of the special license situation. This concerns also cached |
| #' results which do not take into account from where a request was issued. If |
| #' you experience problems or unexpected results, please try \code{kco <- |
| #' new("KorAPConnection", cache=FALSE)} or use |
| #' \code{\link{clearCache}} to clear the cache completely. |
| #' @param userAgent user agent string. |
| #' @param timeout time out in seconds. |
| #' @param verbose logical. Decides whether following operations will default to |
| #' be verbose. |
| #' @param cache logical. Decides if API calls are cached locally. You can clear |
| #' the cache with \code{\link{clearCache}()}. |
| #' @return \code{\link{KorAPConnection}} object that can be used e.g. with |
| #' \code{\link{corpusQuery}} |
| #' |
| #' @examples |
| #' kcon <- new("KorAPConnection", verbose = TRUE) |
| #' kq <- corpusQuery(kcon, "Ameisenplage") |
| #' kq <- fetchAll(kq) |
| #' |
| #' \dontrun{ |
| #' kcon <- new("KorAPConnection", verbose = TRUE, apiToken="e739u6eOzkwADQPdVChxFg") |
| #' kq <- corpusQuery(kcon, "Ameisenplage", metadataOnly=FALSE) |
| #' kq <- fetchAll(kq) |
| #' kq@collectedMatches$snippet |
| #' } |
| #' |
| #' @rdname KorAPConnection-class |
| #' @export |
| setMethod("initialize", "KorAPConnection", |
| function(.Object, KorAPUrl = "https://korap.ids-mannheim.de/", apiVersion = 'v1.0', apiUrl, apiToken = getApiToken(KorAPUrl), userAgent = "R-KorAP-Client", timeout=10, verbose = FALSE, cache = TRUE) { |
| .Object <- callNextMethod() |
| m <- regexpr("https?://[^?]+", KorAPUrl, perl = TRUE) |
| .Object@KorAPUrl <- regmatches(KorAPUrl, m) |
| if (!endsWith(.Object@KorAPUrl, '/')) { |
| .Object@KorAPUrl <- paste0(.Object@KorAPUrl, "/") |
| } |
| if (missing(apiUrl)) { |
| .Object@apiUrl = paste0(.Object@KorAPUrl, 'api/', apiVersion, '/') |
| } else { |
| .Object@apiUrl = apiUrl |
| } |
| .Object@apiToken = apiToken |
| .Object@apiVersion = apiVersion |
| .Object@userAgent = userAgent |
| .Object@timeout = timeout |
| .Object@verbose = verbose |
| .Object@cache = cache |
| .Object |
| }) |
| |
| apiTokenServiceName <- "RKorAPClientAPIToken" |
| |
| setGeneric("persistApiToken", function(kco, apiToken) standardGeneric("persistApiToken") ) |
| |
| #' @aliases persistApiToken |
| #' @rdname KorAPConnection-class |
| #' @import keyring |
| #' @export |
| #' @examples |
| #' \dontrun{ |
| #' kco <- new("KorAPConnection", apiToken="e739u6eOzkwADQPdVChxFg") |
| #' persistApiToken(kco) |
| #' } |
| #' |
| setMethod("persistApiToken", "KorAPConnection", function(kco, apiToken = kco@apiToken) { |
| if (is.null(apiToken)) |
| stop("It seems that you have not supplied any API token that could be persisted.", call. = FALSE) |
| |
| kco@apiToken <- apiToken |
| key_set_with_value(apiTokenServiceName, kco@KorAPUrl, apiToken) |
| }) |
| |
| setGeneric("clearApiToken", function(kco) standardGeneric("clearApiToken") ) |
| |
| #' @aliases clearApiToken |
| #' @rdname KorAPConnection-class |
| #' @import keyring |
| #' @export |
| #' @examples |
| #' \dontrun{ |
| #' kco <- new("KorAPConnection") |
| #' clearApiToken(kco) |
| #' } |
| #' |
| setMethod("clearApiToken", "KorAPConnection", function(kco) { |
| key_delete(apiTokenServiceName, kco@KorAPUrl) |
| }) |
| |
| #' @import keyring |
| getApiToken <- function(KorAPUrl) { |
| if ("keyring" %in% installed.packages()[,1 ]&& has_keyring_support() |
| && KorAPUrl %in% key_list(service = apiTokenServiceName)) |
| key_get(apiTokenServiceName, KorAPUrl) |
| else |
| NULL |
| } |
| |
| KorAPCacheSubDir <- function() { |
| paste0("RKorAPClient_", packageVersion("RKorAPClient")) |
| } |
| |
| setGeneric("apiCall", function(kco, ...) standardGeneric("apiCall") ) |
| |
| ## quiets concerns of R CMD check re: the .'s that appear in pipelines |
| if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c(".")) |
| |
| #' @aliases apiCall |
| #' @rdname KorAPConnection-class |
| #' @param kco KorAPConnection object |
| #' @param url request url |
| #' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON |
| #' @export |
| setMethod("apiCall", "KorAPConnection", function(kco, url) { |
| if (kco@cache) { |
| parsed <- R.cache::loadCache(dir=KorAPCacheSubDir(), key=list(url, kco@apiToken)) |
| if (!is.null(parsed)) { |
| return(parsed) |
| } |
| } |
| if (!is.null(kco@apiToken)) |
| resp <- GET(url, user_agent(kco@userAgent), timeout(kco@timeout), add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", kco@apiToken))) |
| else |
| resp <- GET(url, user_agent(kco@userAgent), timeout(kco@timeout)) |
| if (!http_type(resp) %in% c("application/json", "application/ld+json")) { |
| stop("API did not return json", call. = FALSE) |
| } |
| parsed <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content(resp, "text")) |
| if (!is.null(parsed$warnings)) { |
| message <- ifelse (nrow(parsed$warnings) > 1, |
| sapply(parsed$warnings, function(warning) paste(sprintf("%s: %s", warning[1], warning[2]), sep="\n")), |
| sprintf("%s: %s", parsed$warnings[1], parsed$warnings[2])) |
| warning(message, call. = FALSE) |
| } |
| if (status_code(resp) != 200) { |
| message <- ifelse (!is.null(parsed$errors), |
| sapply(parsed$errors, function(error) paste0(sprintf("\n%s: KorAP API request failed: %s", error[1], error[2]))), |
| message <- sprintf("%s: KorAP API request failed.", status_code(resp))) |
| stop(message, call. = FALSE) |
| } |
| if (kco@cache) { |
| R.cache::saveCache(parsed, key = list(url, kco@apiToken), dir = KorAPCacheSubDir(), compress = TRUE) |
| } |
| parsed |
| }) |
| |
| setGeneric("clearCache", function(kco) standardGeneric("clearCache") ) |
| |
| #' @aliases clearCache |
| #' @rdname KorAPConnection-class |
| #' @export |
| setMethod("clearCache", "KorAPConnection", function(kco) { |
| R.cache::clearCache(dir=KorAPCacheSubDir()) |
| }) |
| |
| #' @rdname KorAPConnection-class |
| #' @param object KorAPConnection object |
| #' @export |
| setMethod("show", "KorAPConnection", function(object) { |
| cat("<KorAPConnection>", "\n") |
| cat("apiUrl: ", object@apiUrl, "\n") |
| }) |
| |
| ##' Funtion KorAPConnection() |
| ##' |
| ##' Wrappper function for new("KorAPConnection") |
| ##' |
| ##' @rdname KorAPConnection-constructor |
| ##' @name KorAPConnection-constructor |
| ##' @export |
| ## XKorAPConnection <- function(...) new("KorAPConnection", ...) |