| % Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand |
| % Please edit documentation in R/RKorAPClient-package.R |
| \docType{package} |
| \name{RKorAPClient-package} |
| \alias{RKorAPClient} |
| \alias{RKorAPClient-package} |
| \title{RKorAPClient: 'KorAP' Web Service Client Package} |
| \description{ |
| |
| A client package that makes the 'KorAP' web service API accessible from R. |
| The corpus analysis platform 'KorAP' has been developed as a scientific tool to make |
| potentially large, stratified and multiply annotated corpora, such as the 'German Reference Corpus DeReKo' |
| or the 'Corpus of the Contemporary Romanian Language CoRoLa', accessible for linguists to let them verify |
| hypotheses and to find interesting patterns in real language use. |
| The 'RKorAPClient' package provides access to 'KorAP' and the corpora behind it for user-created R code, |
| as a programmatic alternative to the 'KorAP' web user-interface. |
| You can learn more about 'KorAP' and use it directly on 'DeReKo' at <https://korap.ids-mannheim.de/>. |
| } |
| \references{ |
| Kupietz, Marc / Diewald, Nils / Margaretha, Eliza (2020): RKorAPClient: An R package for accessing the German Reference Corpus DeReKo via KorAP. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta, Frédéric Béchet, Philippe Blache, Khalid Choukri, Christopher Cieri, Thierry Declerck, Sara Goggi, Hitoshi Isahara, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Hélène Mazo, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, Stelios Piperidis (eds.): [Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020)](http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2020/LREC-2020.pdf). Marseille: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 7017-7023. <http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2020/pdf/2020.lrec-1.867.pdf> |
| } |
| \seealso{ |
| Useful links: |
| \itemize{ |
| \item \url{https://github.com/KorAP/RKorAPClient/} |
| \item \url{https://korap.ids-mannheim.de/} |
| \item \url{https://www1.ids-mannheim.de/kl/projekte/korap.html} |
| \item Report bugs at \url{https://github.com/KorAP/RKorAPClient/issues} |
| } |
| |
| } |
| \author{ |
| \strong{Maintainer}: Marc Kupietz \email{kupietz@ids-mannheim.de} |
| |
| Other contributors: |
| \itemize{ |
| \item Nils Diewald \email{diewald@ids-mannheim.de} [contributor] |
| \item Leibniz Institute for the German Language [copyright holder, funder] |
| } |
| |
| } |
| \keyword{internal} |