blob: cf06c01934fad27dd6ccc9e64f30414f83bbd3ae [file] [log] [blame]
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/KorAPConnection.R
\title{Authorize RKorAPClient}
app_id = generic_kor_app_id,
app_secret = NULL,
scope = kco@oauthScope
\item{kco}{KorAPConnection object}
\item{app_id}{OAuth2 application id. Defaults to the generic KorAP client application id.}
\item{app_secret}{OAuth2 application secret. Used with confidential client applications. Defaults to \code{NULL}.}
\item{scope}{OAuth2 scope. Defaults to "search match_info".}
KorAPConnection object with access token set in \verb{@accessToken}.
\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
Authorize RKorAPClient to make KorAP queries and download results on behalf of the user.
kco <- new("KorAPConnection", verbose = TRUE) \%>\% auth()
df <- collocationAnalysis(kco, "focus([marmot/p=ADJA] {Ameisenplage})",
leftContextSize=1, rightContextSize=0)
\code{\link[=persistAccessToken]{persistAccessToken()}}, \code{\link[=clearAccessToken]{clearAccessToken()}}