blob: 0755b08e8b634c7e07b2a19fbae7c266db08ec4a [file] [log] [blame]
test_that("KorAPConnection fails gracefully on unresolvable host", {
expect_message(new("KorAPConnection", accessToken = NULL, apiUrl=""), "No internet|Could not resolve")
test_that("KorAPConnection fails gracefully on timeout", {
expect_message(new("KorAPConnection", apiUrl="", accessToken = NULL, timeout = 0.2), "No internet|Timeout|json|progress")
test_that("KorAPConnection fails gracefully on Bad Gateway errors", {
expect_message(new("KorAPConnection", apiUrl="", accessToken = NULL, timeout = 0.5), "No internet|Timeout|progress|json|502")
test_that("KorAPConnection is printable", {
kco <- new("KorAPConnection", accessToken = NULL, timeout = 1)
expect_error(print(kco), NA)
test_that("Opening KorAPConnection prints some message.", {
expect_message(new("KorAPConnection", accessToken = NULL), "KorAP")
test_that("Opening KorAPConnection with invalid apiToken fails gracefully", {
expect_message(new("KorAPConnection", accessToken="test token", timeout = 3),
test_that("Persisting null apiToken fails", {
kco <- new("KorAPConnection", accessToken = NULL, timeout = 3)
".*not supplied any access token.*",
perl = TRUE)
test_that("Opening KorAPConnection with KorAPUrl works", {
kco <- new("KorAPConnection", accessToken = NULL, KorAPUrl="", timeout = 1)
expect_equal(kco@apiUrl, paste0("", kco@apiVersion, "/"))
kco <- new("KorAPConnection", accessToken = NULL, KorAPUrl="", timeout = 1)
expect_equal(kco@apiUrl, paste0("", kco@apiVersion, "/"))