Tool package to convert and annotate KorAP-XML ZIP files.
Up to 200 times faster and more accurate drop-in replacement for the korapxml2conllu part of KorAP-XML-CoNLL-U.
For some conversion tasks, however, you currently need the conllu2korapxml part of KorAP-XML-CoNLL-U.
You can download the latest jar build from the build artifacts here.
./gradlew shadowJar
$ java -jar ./app/build/libs/korapxmltool.jar app/src/test/resources/ | head -10 # foundry = base # filename = WDF19/A0000/13072/base/tokens.xml # text_id = WDF19_A0000.13072 # start_offsets = 0 0 14 17 25 30 35 42 44 52 60 73 # end_offsets = 74 12 16 24 29 34 41 43 51 59 72 74 1 Australasien _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 devrait _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 peut _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 être _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
$ java -jar ./app/build/libs/korapxmltool.jar --word2vec t/data/ Arts visuels Pourquoi toujours vouloir séparer BD et Manga ? Ffx 18:20 fév 25 , 2003 ( CET ) soit on ne sépara pas , soit alors on distingue aussi , le comics , le manwa , le manga .. la bd belge et touts les auteurs européens .. on commence aussi a parlé de la bd africaine et donc ... wikipedia ce prete parfaitement à ce genre de decryptage . …
java -jar ./app/build/libs/korapxmltool.jar -m '<textSigle>([^<]+)' -m '<creatDate>([^<]+)' --word2vec t/data/
WDF19/A0000.10894 2014.08.28 Arts visuels Pourquoi toujours vouloir séparer BD et Manga ? WDF19/A0000.10894 2014.08.28 Ffx 18:20 fév 25 , 2003 ( CET ) soit on ne sépara pas , soit alors on distingue aussi , le comics , le manwa , le manga .. WDF19/A0000.10894 2014.08.28 la bd belge et touts les auteurs européens .. WDF19/A0000.10894 2014.08.28 on commence aussi a parlé de la bd africaine et donc ... WDF19/A0000.10894 2014.08.28 wikipedia ce prete parfaitement à ce genre de decryptage .
You need to download the pre-trained MarMoT models from the here.
$ java -jar ./app/build/libs/korapxmltool.jar -f zip -t marmot:models/de.marmot app/src/test/resources/
You need to download the pre-trained OpenNLP models from here or older models from here.
java -jar ./app/build/libs/korapxmltool.jar -f zip -t opennlp:/usr/local/kl/korap/Ingestion/lib/models/opennlp/de-pos-maxent.bin /tmp/
This requires the TreeTagger Docker Image with CoNLL-U Support. Language models are downloaded automatically.
java -jar app/build/libs/korapxmltool.jar app/src/test/resources/ | docker run --rm -i korap/conllu2treetagger -l french | conllu2korapxml
This requires the spaCy Docker Image with CoNLL-U Support and is only available for German.
java -jar app/build/libs/korapxmltool.jar app/src/test/resources/ | docker run --rm -i korap/conllu2spacy | conllu2korapxml >
You need to download the pre-trained MaltParser models from the here. Note that parsers take POS tagged input.
java -jar ./app/build/libs/korapxmltool.jar -f zip -T2 -P malt:libs/german.mco
Copyright (c) 2024-2025, Leibniz Institute for the German Language, Mannheim, Germany
This package is developed as part of the KorAP Corpus Analysis Platform at the Leibniz Institute for German Language (IDS).
It is published under the GNU General Public License, Version 3, 29 June 2007.
Contributions are very welcome!
Your contributions should ideally be committed via our Gerrit server to facilitate reviewing ( see Gerrit Code Review - A Quick Introduction if you are not familiar with Gerrit). However, we are also happy to accept comments and pull requests via GitHub.