| .test_template: &test_definition |
| # Uncomment below (and adjust as needed) to run the tests for specific references |
| # only, such as the default branch, a `development` branch, and so on: |
| # - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "development" |
| # Let's run the tests. Substitute `coverage = false` below, if you do not |
| - julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.build(); Pkg.test(coverage = true)' |
| # Comment out below if you do not want coverage results. |
| # - julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("Coverage"); |
| # import DerekoVecs; cd(joinpath(dirname(pathof(DerekoVecs)), "..")); |
| # using Coverage; cl, tl = get_summary(process_folder()); |
| # println("(", cl/tl*100, "%) covered")' |