blob: 44aa92c52a1954a50215147fd9df11c9aa309879 [file] [log] [blame]
matheusfillipeabd513e2021-05-11 03:29:11 -03001<?php
2require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
3include_once 'config.php';
4include_once 'redis.php';
5include_once 'utils.php';
7if (!$DEBUG) error_reporting(0);
11use Gregwar\Captcha\PhraseBuilder;
14function register_page($error=false){
15 include 'config.php';
16 if ($error)
17 include 'html/error.htm';
18 $_SESSION["captcha_token"] = generateRandomString(12);
19 include "html/register.htm";
20 echo '
21 <script>
22 const reload_captcha = async (e) => {
23 var cont = document.getElementById("reload_captcha");
24 cont.innerHTML = "<div class=\'spinner-border text-info\' role=\'status\'><span class=\'sr-only\'>Loading...</span></div>";
25 var img = document.getElementById("captcha")
26 var url = "'.$BASE_URL.'/captcha.php?token='.$_SESSION["captcha_token"].'"
27 await fetch(url, { cache: "reload", mode: "no-cors" })
28 .then(() => {
29 img.src = url+"&t=" + new Date().getTime();
30 setTimeout( () => {
31 cont.innerHTML = "<button id=\'reload\' class=\'btn btn-outline-info\' type=\'button\'> <span class=\'glyphicon glyphicon-refresh\' aria-hidden=\'true\'></span></button>";
32 bindButton()
33 }, 500);
34 })
35 }
36 function bindButton(){
37 var button = document.getElementById("reload");
38 button.addEventListener("click", reload_captcha)
39 }
40 bindButton()
41 </script>
42 ';
46function verify_request($user){
47 unset($_SESSION['captcha_token']);
48 include "config.php";
49 $error = "";
50 if (ldap_user_count($user->user_name)) {
51 $error = $error."This username is already in use! Please choose another username<br>";
52 unset($_POST["username"]);
53 }
54 if (preg_match("/\s/", $user->user_name)) {
55 $error = $error."Username cannot contain whitespaces<br>";
56 unset($_POST["username"]);
57 }
58 if (strlen($user->user_name) > $VAL_USER->max_username) {
59 $error = $error."Username has to be smaller than ".($VAL_USER->max_username+1)." characters<br>";
60 unset($_POST["username"]);
61 }
62 if (strlen($user->user_name) < $VAL_USER->min_username) {
63 $error = $error."Username has to be bigger than ".($VAL_USER->min_username-1)." characters<br>";
64 unset($_POST["username"]);
65 }
66 if (preg_match('/[\'\/~`\!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)_\-\+=\{\}\[\]\|;:"\<\>,\.\?\\\ 0-9]/',$user->user_name)) {
67 $error = $error."The username cannot contain special characters<br>";
68 unset($_POST["username"]);
69 }
70 if (preg_match('/^\d/',$user->user_name)) {
71 $error = $error."The username cannot begin with a number<br>";
72 unset($_POST["username"]);
73 }
74 include "blacklists/usernames.php";
75 if(in_array($user->user_name, $USERNAME_BLACKLIST)) {
76 $error = $error."That Username is not allowed!<br>";
77 unset($_POST["username"]);
78 }
81 if (preg_match("/\s/", $user->name)) {
82 $error = $error."First Name cannot contain whitespaces<br>";
83 unset($_POST["name"]);
84 }
85 if (strlen($user->name) > $VAL_USER->max_first_name) {
86 $error = $error."First Name has to be smaller than ".($VAL_USER->max_first_name+1)." characters<br>";
87 unset($_POST["name"]);
88 }
89 if (strlen($user->name) < $VAL_USER->min_first_name) {
90 $error = $error."First Name has to be bigger than ".($VAL_USER->min_first_name-1)." characters<br>";
91 unset($_POST["name"]);
92 }
93 if (preg_match('/[\'\/~`\!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)_\-\+=\{\}\[\]\|;:"\<\>,\.\?\\\ 0-9]/',$user->name)) {
94 $error = $error."The first name cannot contain special characters or numbers<br>";
95 unset($_POST["name"]);
96 }
99 if (preg_match("/\s/", $user->last_name)) {
100 $error = $error."Last Name cannot contain whitespaces<br>";
101 unset($_POST["last_name"]);
102 }
103 if (strlen($user->last_name) > $VAL_USER->max_last_name) {
104 $error = $error."Last Name has to be smaller than ".($VAL_USER->max_last_name+1)." characters<br>";
105 unset($_POST["last_name"]);
106 }
107 if (strlen($user->last_name) < $VAL_USER->min_last_name) {
108 $error = $error."Last Name has to be bigger than ".($VAL_USER->min_last_name-1)." characters<br>";
109 unset($_POST["last_name"]);
110 }
111 if (preg_match('/[\'\/~`\!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)_\-\+=\{\}\[\]\|;:"\<\>,\.\?\\\ 0-9]/',$user->last_name)) {
112 $error = $error."The last name cannot contain special characters or numbers<br>";
113 unset($_POST["last_name"]);
114 }
117 if (ldap_mail_count($user->email)) {
118 $error = $error."This email is already has an account. Did you forget your password?<br>";
119 unset($_POST["email"]);
120 }
121 if (!filter_var($user->email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
122 $error = $error."Invalid email format<br>";
123 unset($_POST["email"]);
124 }elseif(in_array(explode("@", $user->email)[1], $MAIL_HOST_BLACKLIST )){
125 $error = $error."This email service is not allowed<br>";
126 unset($_POST["email"]);
127 }
128 $pending = redis_get("pending");
129 if ($pending){
130 $maillist = $pending->mails;
131 if (in_array($user->email, $maillist)){
132 $error = $error."This email is already pending approval, check your mailbox or try to register with a different email<br>";
133 unset($_POST["email"]);
134 }
135 }
138 if ($_POST["password"] != $_POST["password_confirm"]) {;
139 $error = $error."Passwords do not match!<br>";
140 unset($_POST["password_confirm"]);
141 }
142 $password = $_POST["password"];
143 if (strlen($password) < $VAL_USER->min_password) {
144 $error = $error."Password should have at least ".$VAL_USER->min_password." characters<br>";
145 unset($_POST["password"]);
146 unset($_POST["password_confirm"]);
147 }
148 if (strlen($password) > $VAL_USER->max_password) {
149 $error = $error."Your password is too big!<br>";
150 unset($_POST["password"]);
151 unset($_POST["password_confirm"]);
152 }
153 include "blacklists/password.php";
154 if(in_array($password, $PASSWORD_BLACKLIST)) {
155 $error = $error."That password is not allowed!<br>";
156 unset($_POST["password"]);
157 unset($_POST["password_confirm"]);
158 }
159 foreach (array("username", "name", "last_name", "email") as &$field) {
160 if (!isset($_POST[$field]))
161 continue;
162 $value = strtoupper($_POST[$field]);
163 $PASSWORD = strtoupper($password);
164 if(strpos($value, $PASSWORD) !== false || strpos($PASSWORD, $value) !== false){
165 $error = $error."Your password cannot contain any of your names or email neither the names can contain the password<br>";
166 unset($_POST["password"]);
167 unset($_POST["password_confirm"]);
168 break;
169 }
170 }
172 if (!(isset($_SESSION['captcha']) && PhraseBuilder::comparePhrases($_SESSION['captcha'], $_POST['captcha']))) {
173 $error = $error."Wrong captcha!<br>";
174 }
175 unset($_SESSION["captcha"]);
177 return $error;
180function approve_request($user){
181 include "mail.php";
182 echo "<h2>Almost there! Confirm your email</h2>";
183 $token = generateRandomString();
184 redis_set($token, $user, $MAIL_CONFIRMATION_AWAIT_DELAY);
185 $pending = redis_get("pending");
186 if ($pending){
187 $maillist = $pending->mails;
188 array_push($maillist, $user->email);
189 }
190 else
191 $maillist = [$user->email];
192 redis_set("pending", (object)["mails"=>$maillist], $MAIL_CONFIRMATION_AWAIT_DELAY);
194 $url = $BASE_URL."?type=confirmation&token=".$token;
195 if (in_array(explode("@", $user->email)[1], $MAIL_HOST_DIRECT_FALLBACK))
196 $smtp = $FALLBACK_SMTP;
197 else
198 $smtp = $SMTP;
199 send_mail($user->email, $smtp, (object) [
200 "subject" => $MAIL_TEMPLATE->subject,
201 "text" => str_replace("{{url}}", $url, $MAIL_TEMPLATE->text),
202 "html" => str_replace("{{url}}", $url, $MAIL_TEMPLATE->html)
203 ]);
204 $_SESSION['resend'] = generateRandomString(12);
205 $_SESSION['token'] = $token;
206 $_SESSION['email'] = $user->email;
207 echo "<p>Didn't receive anything yet? <a href='".$BASE_URL."/?type=resend&token=".$_SESSION['resend']."'>Click here</a> to resend the confirmation email.</p>";
211// PAGE
212include "html/header.htm";
214if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
215 include 'ldap.php';
216 if (isset($_POST['type'])) {
217 switch ($_POST['type']) {
218 case "register":
219 $user = new User($_POST["username"], $_POST["name"], $_POST["last_name"], $_POST["email"], $_POST["password"]);
220 if (redis_inc_ipdata(getClientIP(), "register", true) > $HOURLY_REGISTRATIONS){
221 include "html/registration_limit.htm";
222 }else{
223 $error = verify_request($user);
224 if ($error)
225 register_page($error);
226 else
227 approve_request($user);
228 }
229 break;
230 }
231 }
232} elseif (isset($_GET['type'])) {
233 switch ($_GET['type']) {
234 case "confirmation":
235 if (!isset($_GET["token"])){
236 echo "INVALID REQUEST!";
237 }else{
238 include "ldap.php";
239 $token = $_GET["token"];
240 $user = redis_get($token);
241 if ($user){
242 echo "<h1>Email Confirmation</h1>";
243 if (ldap_add_user($user)){
244 if ($REDIRECT_TO)
245 header("Location: ".$REDIRECT_TO);
247 $pending = redis_get("pending");
248 if ($pending){
249 $maillist = $pending->mails;
250 if (in_array($user->email, $maillist)){
251 unset($maillist[array_search($user->email, $maillist)]);
252 redis_set("pending", (object)["mails"=>$maillist], $MAIL_CONFIRMATION_AWAIT_DELAY);
253 }
254 }
255 redis_inc_ipdata(getClientIP(), "register");
256 include "html/mail_confirmed.htm";
257 }else{
258 include "html/registration_error.htm";
259 }
260 redis_delete($token);
261 }else{
262 include "html/token_expired.htm";
263 }
264 }
265 break;
266 case "resend":
267 if (isset($_GET['token']) && isset($_SESSION['resend']) && $_GET['token'] == $_SESSION['resend']){
268 include "mail.php";
269 include "html/resend_mail.htm";
270 $token = $_SESSION['token'];
271 $url = $BASE_URL."?type=confirmation&token=".$token;
272 $smtp = $FALLBACK_SMTP;
273 $mail = $_SESSION["email"];
274 send_mail($mail, $smtp, (object) [
275 "subject" => $MAIL_TEMPLATE->subject,
276 "text" => str_replace("{{url}}", $url, $MAIL_TEMPLATE->text),
277 "html" => str_replace("{{url}}", $url, $MAIL_TEMPLATE->html)
278 ]);
279 unset($_SESSION['resend']);
280 unset($_SESSION['token']);
281 unset($_SESSION['email']);
282 }
283 break;
284 }
287} else {
288 unset($_SESSION['captcha_token']);
289 register_page();
292include "html/bottom.htm";