| library(caret) |
| library(tidyverse) |
| library(DMwR) |
| library(randomForest) |
| library(FSelector) |
| # library(randomForestExplainer) |
| # may need to: options(expressions = 5e5) to avoid stackoverflow for installing package |
| |
| setwd(dirname(rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path)) |
| stopwords <- readLines(con = "../data/stopwords.txt",encoding="UTF-8") |
| oringramme <- read.csv("../data/gold03_anno_ml_synfeat_nstopw.csv", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", dec=".", quote="", encoding="UTF-8",stringsAsFactors=FALSE) |
| syfeaturenames <- read.csv("../data/syfeatures.tsv", header = TRUE, sep = "\t", dec=".", quote="", encoding="UTF-8",stringsAsFactors=FALSE) |
| # syfeaturenames$navalue<-sapply(syfeaturenames$navalue,as.numeric) |
| |
| deleteStopwords = function(wl, stopwords = NULL) { |
| wl[!(wl %in% stopwords)] |
| } |
| |
| ngramme <- oringramme %>% |
| add_column(NSTOPW = sapply(oringramme$tokens,function(x) length(deleteStopwords(tolower(unlist(strsplit(x," "))),stopwords)))) %>% |
| # select(-matches("CO_TOKEN.*"), -tokens) %>% |
| select(-matches("CO_TOKEN.*")) %>% # keep tokens for interpretability |
| mutate(across(matches(".rank.*"), ~ replace_na(.x, 1000))) %>% |
| mutate(across(c("dice", "lfmd", "llr", "ld", "pmi"), ~ replace_na(.x, min(.x) - 1))) %>% |
| rename_at(syfeatures$innames, ~ syfeatures[syfeatures$innames==.x,]$synames ) %>% |
| mutate(across(everything(), ~ replace_na(.x, 0))) %>% |
| mutate(CO_IDIOM = as.factor(if_else(CO_IDIOM !=1, 0, 1))) # just two classes: 0 no idiom, 1 idiom |
| |
| covars <- c("CO_LL", "CO_Z", "CO_G", "CO_T", "CO_LOGDICE", "CO_PMI", "CO_MI3", "CO_DEREKO", "CO_SGT", "CO_WIN5_VEC","CO_WIN5_VEC_AUTOSEM") |
| syvars <- c(syfeaturenames$synames,"NSTOPW") |
| vars <- c(covars,syvars) |
| |
| fmla <- as.formula(paste("CO_IDIOM ~ ", paste(vars, collapse= "+"))) |
| fmlaco <- as.formula(paste("CO_IDIOM ~ ", paste(covars, collapse= "+"))) |
| fmlasy <- as.formula(paste("CO_IDIOM ~ ", paste(syvars, collapse= "+"))) |
| |
| # Simple train/test split |
| |
| trainRows <- sample(nrow(ngramme), nrow(ngramme)*0.8, replace = FALSE) |
| train <- ngramme[trainRows,] |
| test <- ngramme[setdiff(1:nrow(ngramme),trainRows),] |
| |
| rf_classifier = randomForest(fmla, train, ntree=100, mtry=10, importance=TRUE) |
| |
| # only SY features |
| # rf_classifier = randomForest(fmlasy, train, ntree=100, mtry=10, importance=TRUE) |
| |
| prediction_for_table <- predict(rf_classifier, test %>% select(-CO_IDIOM)) |
| |
| # different cutoff for prediction |
| # prediction_for_table <- predict(rf_classifier, test %>% select(-CO_IDIOM), cutoff = c(0.8, 0.2)) |
| |
| confusion <- table(observed=test$CO_IDIOM,predicted=prediction_for_table) |
| conf <- confusionMatrix(confusion) |
| print(conf) |
| varImpPlot(rf_classifier) |
| |
| # optional resampling with smote |
| |
| smoted.data <- SMOTE(fmla, subset(train, select = c("CO_IDIOM", vars)), perc.over = 1200, perc.under = 100) |
| rf_classifier = randomForest(fmla, smoted.data, ntree=100, mtry=4, importance=TRUE) |
| prediction_for_table <- predict(rf_classifier,test %>% select(-CO_IDIOM)) |
| confusion <- table(observed=test$CO_IDIOM,predicted=prediction_for_table) |
| confusionMatrix(confusion) |
| |
| # Using estimates by random forest on entire dataset |
| |
| library(randomForest) |
| rf_classifier_full = randomForest(fmla, data=ngramme, ntree=100, mtry=2, importance=TRUE, cutoff=c(0.8,0.2)) |
| rf_classifier_full |
| varImpPlot(rf_classifier_full) |
| |
| # Feature ranking |
| |
| # rf features as table |
| |
| # correlated features seem to split their rankings |
| |
| rfranks<-importance(rf_classifier_full)[,3:4] |
| |
| # ttest |
| |
| idioms<-ngramme %>% filter(CO_IDIOM==1) |
| nonidioms<-ngramme %>% filter(CO_IDIOM!=1) |
| |
| ttestPvalues<-sapply(vars, |
| function(sel) t.test(idioms[sel],nonidioms[sel])$p.value) |
| |
| # information gain |
| # multiply by 1000 to avoid undersized bins |
| # features are ranked individually not matter their correlation |
| igain<-information.gain(fmla, data=ngramme%>%mutate_at(vars, ~ . * 1000),unit="log2") |
| |
| featureRanks<-cbind(rfranks,igain,ttestPvalues) |
| |
| #randomForestExplainer::explain_forest(rf_classifier ) |
| |
| # averate estimates and feature ranks over 10 runs |
| errrate<-0 |
| conf<-matrix(0,2,3) |
| featureRanks<-matrix(0,4,length(vars)) |
| for (i in 1:10) { |
| # rfc =randomForest(fmla, data=ngramme, ntree=100, importance=TRUE) |
| rfc =randomForest(fmla, data=ngramme, ntree=100, importance=TRUE, cutoff=c(0.8,0.2)) |
| errrate<-errrate+rfc$err.rate[100,1] |
| conf<-conf+rfc$confusion |
| featureRanks<-featureRanks+ |
| cbind(importance(rfc)[,3:4], |
| sapply(vars, |
| function(sel) t.test(idioms[sel],nonidioms[sel])$p.value), |
| information.gain(fmla, data=ngramme%>%mutate_at(vars, ~ . * 1000),unit="log2")) |
| print(errrate/i) |
| conf1<-round( |
| rbind( |
| cbind(conf[,1:2]/i,(1-conf[,3]/i)*100), |
| c(100*diag(conf[,1:2])/colSums(conf[,1:2]),NA), |
| c(rowSums(conf[,1:2]/i),NA)),digits=2) |
| colnames(conf1)<-c("0","1","rec") |
| rownames(conf1)<-c("0","1","prec","sum") |
| print(conf1) |
| } |
| featureRanks<-featureRanks/10 |
| |
| |
| |
| |