DeReKo-KorAP-Release 2025-I
As of today, DeReKo-KorAP 2025-I is available to all users.
In addition, the platform has been extended and updated. Also some bugs were fixed.
Improved user interface
More modern look and revised structure: We have updated the user interface and made it clearer.
RKorAPClient 1.0 released on CRAN
With simplified authorization and connection setup. See RKorAPCLient-News.
Client Libraries Updated to v0.9.0
DeReKo-KorAP-Release 2024-I
As of today, DeReKo-KorAP 2024-I is available to all users.
In addition, the platform has been extended and updated. Also some bugs were fixed.
KorAP Update with CQP support
In the query language menu, now also CQP can be selected.
Client Libraries Updated
v0.8.0 of the client libraries for R and Python includes the new method
, for querying text metadata using sigles. See RKorAPCLient-News, or PythonKorAPCLient-Changelog. -
KorAP Update
The KorAP-Backend is now up-to-date (v0.71.1)!
KorAP Update
KorAP is now up-to-date on the production system. The current version of the frontend is v0.50.1, the current version of the backend is v0.71.
DeReKo-KorAP-Release 2023-I
As of today, DeReKo-KorAP 2023-I-beta is available to all users.
In addition, the platform has been extended with several features, such as access to full texts from licensing partners. Also some bugs were fixed.
New RKorAPClient version 0.7.5 published
The new version mainly fixes conflicts with CRAN policies, but also contains new demos and a bug fix for collocation analysis with lemmatized components.
DeReKo-KorAP-Release 2022-I
As of today, DeReKo-KorAP-Release 2022-I is available to all users. In addition to updates to existing corpora, it includes:
- NottDeuYTsch Corpus (NDY; IDS-internal only)
- Twitter-Sample Corpus (TWI21; IDS-internal only)
New corpus: Gingko - Geschriebenes Ingenieurwissenschaftliches Korpus
Even before the publication of DeReKo-2022-I, the corpus of the project "Patterns in the Language of Engineering" is now available in KorAP.
New KorAPClient version for Python published
To upgrade to v0.7.1 on Linux/macOS run
python3 -m pip install -U KoraPClient
and on Windowspy -m pip install -U KoraPClient
. The new version implements the changes of the corresponding R library and also includes a preliminary, still slow but powerful function for collocation analysis.New RKorAPClient version published
To update to v0.7.1 in RStudio, go to Tools -> Check for Package Updates, select RKorAPClient and click Install Updates. The new version includes, among other things, a bug fix for searches with umlauts on Windows and a preliminary, still very slow but very powerful collocation analysis function (see also News).
KorAP has a new logo!
In the course of the relaunch of the IDS web pages KorAP also introduces a new logo - developed by Norbert Cußler-Volz. Just a first step - in the next couple of months the user interface will be modernized step by step and will adapt in parts to other IDS services.
New export feature for search results
Thanks to a newly integrated plugin, it is now possible to export search results directly via KorAP's graphical user interface. For this purpose, an
icon appears above the hit list on the right after a successful search, which leads to a selection of initially three different export formats.In addition, we have expanded the documentation in this version and, for example, introduced a short publication list as a citation aid for using KorAP.
with over 21.3 billion tokens available via KorAPIn addition to the content of theeko-korap-2020-I, the virtual corpus contains new newspaper and journal volumes from 2021. See the detailed breakdown of the composition of
. KorAP client library for Python released
DeReKo or KorAP can now be queried from the programming language Python. More information and installation instructions are available on PyPI or on GitHub.
with over 20.6 billion tokens available via KorAPThe virtual corpus contains W-gesamt of COSMAS II (DeReKo-2020-I), Wikipedia corpora with articles and talk pages, and more corpora from DeReKo-2020-I. See the detailed breakdown of the composition of